Posted by TJ22 on May 2, 2003, at 19:20:59
I have been taking ambien for only 2 weeks. I didn't realize that i was supposed to go to bed right after i take it, so i stayed up and was on my computer for awhile after i took it. after about 20 minutes, the computer screen started to swivel and the keyboard felt like it was on a slant, and i started seeing double vision. now to an 18 y/o man who just recently went cold turkey on smoking weed and drinking, this was quite the trip. so about a week later, i got the idea to take it to school the next day. so that night i didnt take it, and i was up till 2 am. i went to school, and about 2nd hour i popped one. i went off grounds to smoke a cig then as i was walking back it hit me. i had double vision and just felt like i was goin on a little trip. i was dissapointed when it only lasted about 20 minutes, but since then i've been taking them to school and taking them there just for the trip.
MY QUESTION IS is this a really bad thing to do? not taking ambien at night and taking it in the day? i dont drive my car or do anything that would endanger me or anyone else while i'm on it. if anyone is doin the same, please respond. or if you are a 40 y/o mother who thinks i am a bad news druggie, please respond. i want to hear everyones comments. THANK YOU