Posted by GregCo on March 31, 2003, at 12:30:51
Hi everybody. This site looks very informative. I was wondering if a few of you could help me out with some of my problems. Plus I just started taking Adrafinil and have a few questions about it.
I seem to need a lot of sleep to feel well rested, around 9 and 9 1/2 hrs at least. Even with that much I often feel tired. I know I'm a light sleeper which could contribute to my excessive sleep needs, and I grind my teeth when I sleep which may be another reason I need so much. I decided to take Adrafinil after reading a very interesting article on the MSN/NBC, Internet Explorer default page, about Modifinil. If any of you want to read it the link to it is It's the most interesting article I've read on Modafinil yet. I've decided to go with Adrafinil for its cheaper price.
The writer tried Modafinil for just three days at half a dosage and just on the first day he was having great results which seemed to contradict what many of you are saying about the time it takes for Modafinil/Adrafinil to work so I thinking the artical may be exagerated. He said it was the best thing he ever tried.
I've been taking Adrafinil for a couple days and I think I'm already feeling some of the affects. I was wondering if Modafinil would be better for less need of sleep though. I could get Modafinil in MexiCali for $50 which really isn't much more than Adrafinil. It would be kind of a hassle to go get it though (I live in Arizona, about a four hr drive away)
I do seem to have a brigher mood already (which is an added benefit, so I like it so far. I'm also interest in increasing my memory and concentration.
One last question I have is, do you think a one pill dosage twice a day would get decent results or do most of you feel it is best to go with four pills a day total? This stuff can really add up!! I'd hate to wait the entire month for results and realize I've been taking too little. I think I'm fairly sensitive to medications. I used to take Ephedra for my working out and one third of a dosage could keep we wired all day and night. Although the negative affect and fatigue afterwords outweighed the positives of that product...
He are some of my stats just in case it may help you to ascertain what I may need,.... I'm 25, 5'8, light frame, pretty good shape, I try to workout and eat right. Weigh about 155.
Thanks for your help! Sorry my Message was so long. The only suggestion I can think of to improve this site is to maybe allow the subject line to be a little longer, it would make it easier for members to describe their questions and make it easier for people who may know the answers to pin point which questions they can answer and which ones they can not. Thanks Again.