Posted by djmmm on March 28, 2003, at 21:47:29
Has anyone had an experience where Omega-3 and or Omega-6 has caused a mania or hypomania?, the same question applys to those who have NOT been diagnosed with a bipolar disorder.
After my first dose of a mixed Omega 3,6 supplement, I noticed a profound change in my mood indicitive of a hypomanic episode...insomnia, feeling like Im "on top of the world," contacting and setting up 6 different volunteer activities, excessive cleaning, rearanging furnature, and starting a digitial art project and a mosaic tile art project, new gardening designs and plans, some racing thoughts...inability to finish or decide which "project" to do, a strange witty sense of humor, talking too much, overly confidant, lack of appetite
any help, insight, experiences would be greatly appreciated.
I Can't find adequate info on eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid CAUSING hypo/mania, all of my research texts suggest the opposite effect.