Posted by nita on December 27, 2002, at 13:58:44
I read some messages from earlier posting about others having noises in their head or brain. I have not been able to describe these noises to my Dr. or anyone else. They remind me of an electrical current shutting off and on inside my head. I have been given antibiotics (sp) and other such medicine. I take paxil, been diagnosed as having cyclothymia. I have dyslexia, can't spell worth darn, but have been gifted as an artist with a degree in fine arts. my mood swings several times a day, but all this does not interrupt my ability to work, it infact enhances it. I try to stay in the field of art, or at least be able to use my ability in a work place. I am also very emotional. Had polio as an infant. So happy to find you all. Thought I was alone.