Posted by utopizen on November 15, 2002, at 8:57:01
I can't take Benadryl, it causes me horrid psychosis-like thoughts running rampant in my brain while I try to sleep.
Since Benadryl is the only OTC sleep aid (yeah, what's up with that, FDA?) besides chlomipramazine or whatever that yellow 12 hr pill is that doesn't do anything, I'll need to ask for a sleep aid.
I have anxiety and ADD. Anxiety keeps me from sleeping when I want to as it is, but then ADD requires me to take Adderall or Dex (I switch back and forth) which causes me to be up when I want to sleep. Problem is that I'm in college and have 9-12n classes and afternoon community service everyday, so my only studying time is during the last few hours of the day.
So I don't have the luxury of taking my last dose before 6pm. I need to dose my Adderall at 9am, then 5PM.
Is Ambien a good call to take for me? The military uses it on Air Force pilots-- all the pilots are required to take Dexedrine 10mg during flights over Afganistan-Iraq patrols, and then they take Ambien to come down to sleep at the base. Yeah, by required, I mean the consent form says "I understand that by not taking this I can be denied flight missions."
So is Ambien okay to take on a regular basis? What about others, like Sonata? Will I get addicted to it? I just want to be able to sleep normally so I'm not tired the next day. My circadian rythms aren't helping either, since they energize me between 7pm-1am since I'm 19 and it doesn't get normalized until around 23 years of age.