Posted by winter on June 21, 2002, at 18:04:34
I started taking Dexedrine Last Sunday(16th) for idiopathic hypersomnia and possible ADD. Possible because I have suspicions that I may have ADD or ADHD, however its isn't as if I show it when I see my doctor because I am half-asleep and in a daze. However I know how I am when I finally get energy and I remember before I began sleeping and I feel some things may be indicative. So, since I need to take the Dexedrine for the hypersomnia, it is almost a bonus sort of test. If it makes me feel more focused etc... then more of a possibility.
Anyway, So I started on 10 mg spansules for three days and they didn't do anything execpt make me feel sick. That I believe is also partly because I drug myself out of bed expecting them to work.
WendsdayI added a 5 mg regular in addition to the 10mg spansule. Not quite what I was hoping for but better. I took it at 9 in the morning instantly fell asleep and woke at 12:30. (I rarely wake that early on my own. Some improvement. Usually after I wake up without stimulants (I wake between 2-5 getting 12-16 hours of sleep) It takes me between 2-4 hours to get any energy move around. So I usually just sit on the couch and watch tv still slighty asleep. My own natural energy kicks in around 6:30 and tapers off starting at 10. So Wed. took at 9 slept till 12:30, ended up sitting around till about 2. Then I got energy till 5. Nine pm I was sleepy. 11 pm passing out.Thursday 10 mg spansule added addition 5mg on top of other 5 mg reg one . Total 10 mg spansule 10 mg regular. 20mg total. Took at 9:30 , woke up and got out of bed right away! Loads of energy focused and determined. Felt better than I had in a very long time. 3 pm felt hazy little tired. 5 perked up a litte. 7 pm eyes wouldn't focus like when your tired. Felt a little tired. Nine, didn't feel like moving. Sleep at 12.
Friday. 10 mg spansule 10 mg reg. 9:00. fell back asleep till 10:30! Struggled to get out of bed. Using all energy to move. Feel like sitting in front of tv and not moving, no energy.I understood the first three days, dose wasn't high enough. I understand that thursday(10span10reg) my energy levels dropped around 3 probably because thats when the 10 mg of reg wore off and I was just sustaining on the spansule. However why did on Wed. (10span.5reg) did I fall back asleep for a few hours, then have no energy whilst the reg one was active then get energy later on whilst I only had the span. in my system?
Finally, why did what I took thursday(10span10reg) which seemed to be perfect, not seem to work at all today?Has anyone else experienced anything like this. I am being paranoid and thinking that perhaps my body is becoming accostomed to the dexedrine at a rapid pace, far too fast that would makeme need to increase constantly inorder for it to work. That seems impossible. This s just my hypochondria/paranoia tha I always get when ever I start a new drug.
I know most people take Dexedrine for ADD/ADHD. Any input would help. After such a positive result yesterday(thur) I was expecting it to bethe same today. When I ended up falling back asleep and lacking energy like usual it made me feel quite depressed. There were things I wanted to do today and now its 4 pm and I have wasted so much time just sitting in one spot feeling tired. I always knew that being tired was awful but it wasn't till wed afternoon and yesterday that it bothered me like this. It reminded me, let me feel normal again, like I could function and I had hope. I was sad and depressed about sleeping so much, now I am pissed off.