Posted by geno on February 18, 2002, at 16:48:07
Hello all, just to give you a quick backround, i wanna find out if this is withdrawls from gaba drugs, or siezure like symptoms. For the past couple months, iv been using around 15-20ml of gbl, along with .5mg of xanax split in am and pm to counteract some negative ghb effects. main stay is, im sick of using ghb and xanax, so im weaning instead of upping dosages, yesterday i did 10ml and xanax stayed the same. i started withdawls. Then today i did the same, and only took one whole .5mg of xanax and no ghb , an i feel this tighting of my jaw, very sensitive teeth, and sensitive to screeching noises. Also bit panicy and my left fingers feel tachtical and numb, esp in cold weather.
NOTE: last week i was taking klonipin .5mg 2x a day, then ran out, and started xanax up to .75 a day iin the last 4 days. need advise.