Posted by Ignatz on March 2, 2001, at 17:03:12
I am really worried that I'm becoming depressed again. After a bad depression 9 years ago, I've been basically fine for 8 years on Zoloft (first) and then Effexor, with a couple of dips into depression that went away within a month. Now I'm about to get married. The first time I got depressed, I was also about to get married (to someone else), plunged into the depths, and ended up breaking up with the person (after about a year of being sick). I'm terrified it's going to happen again. In the past couple of days I had a couple bad things happen at work, too... anyhow, I feel like my head is stuffed with worry, keep runimating, I feel tired, about to cry, can't concentrate, just plain freaked. I cranked my meds this AM...Any ideas about how to stave this thing off? I'd like to think I'm just worried and not actually plunging back into hell, but I feel pretty nasty. Help!