Posted by Ric on February 14, 2001, at 16:50:36
well I am new to the board
first post
my problem is I suffer from obsessive compulsive
disorder - major depression and very bad anxiety- this
is my diagnosis
I am disabled
25 years old and have been having serious problems for
six years -
I have tried at least 20 different meds ( no exaggeration)
with no relief
well I believe that bipolar disorder is acually my
problem specifically bipolar 2 acually I am positive of
it -
I am looking for someone with this disorder to help me
out - I have done research but there is a difference
between researching and talking to a person so what I
am looking for is someone who knows about this illness
who I can talk with about med issues and other coping
so if anyone would like to leave me their email address
it would be great -
thank you
peace"It is not the critic who counts - the credit belongs
to the one who is in the arena - whos face is marred
by blood sweat and tears - who at best knows the
triumphs of high achievement- and who at worst - if he
fails at least fails while daring greatly so that his
place is never with those cold timid souls who know
neither victory nor defeat."