Posted by Ellie on December 7, 2000, at 20:46:21
My sister takes Clozaril and fish oil for her severe rapid cycle bi-polar disorder, and it works great! She is back to her normal self, when previously she was extremely sick. Nothing else helped her in the past. I read an article on the internet that Clozaril raises the levels of fatty acids in the blood streams of those who take it, similarly to what happens to those who take fish oil (EPA). They were discussing the membrane phospholipid theory. They believe that the mechanism behind Clozaril is that it does the same thing as fish oil. Clozaril doesn't have a high effinity to the dopamine receptors like Haldol. Then why does Clozaril work so well? Because it acts like fish oil (EPA). It inhibits the overactive PLA2 enzyme that is causing the depletion of fatty acids in the brains of people with serious mental disorders. I personally adhere to the membrane phospholipid theory, because I have seen what Clozaril and fish oil (EPA) has done for my sister, and others like her who were not helped by other conventional psychiactic medications. I wouldn't have believed it if I didn't witness it with my own eyes! And I have!