Posted by MB on July 11, 2000, at 15:42:31
So, here I am...taking 150mg Wellbutrin in
the morning, 7.5mg BuSpar twice a day, and
15mg Remeron at night. Mood's great durring
the day, sleep well at night, and I'm not
anxious or fatigued. It's like a godsend. Only
thing is this f***ing headache. Kinda feels all the blood's going to my brain
and there's too much pressure. I don't know.If I close off my windpipe, and push up on my
diaphram (like you do when you lift something
heavy, or take a poop), I feel like my head's
going to explode. I want to go ride my mtn.
bike or go to the gym, but am afraid I'm going
to stoke out or something. The problem with starting three meds at once is that I don't know which one is causing it.Why these headaches? Vascular dialation in the brain?
Will it go away? I mean, I don't care, I'll trade misery for a headache any day. Just wondering what's up.