Posted by Jr. on April 25, 1999, at 14:56:50
Hi everyone i suffer from GAD/PAD. I am a 36 yr. old male.I have tried several of
the tricyclics and the ssri's to mention a few:
Imprimine, desprimine, elavil, pamelor, anafranil,doxepin
the side effects from the tricyclic's made it difficult to
work and function.
Prozac, zoloft, paxil, deseryl,and currently trying Celexa
at 5 mg.
Effexor helped some. Serzone at 50mg had side effects extreme
dry mouth and confusion but a little calmer.
MOAI's: Parnate caused extreme hypotension.
ativan extreme depressed, klonopin helped but lost effect and
had dizziness after a couple months. xanax helped some but had
to keep increasing dosage. currently on tranxene that has helped
for the most part but worried about addiction.As you can see i've tried quite a few med's over the course of
10 yrs. i was wondering if anyone else has had this condition
and if they have found anything that has worked without the
harsh side effects. I know side effects can be a trade off
for feeling better but i need to find something that i can
take and still function well on due to work and family.
Plus the GAD/PAD has caused other health problems such as mild
hypertension which i am treated for and elevated cholesterol levels
my regular physican has said that when my anxiety is under control
that i would probably not need the b.p. med. so i'd like to
find something. Well thanks for listening and any replies will
be greatly appreciated.Thanks,