Posted by maria on March 9, 1999, at 15:02:52
In reply to Klonopin, Pamolar, and PREGNANCY, posted by Amanda on March 8, 1999, at 12:41:18
I went through this meds/pregnancy nightmare
recently. I had been on lithium for almost 10
years and had to stop overnight bcuz its definitely
dangerous to the fetus. I also was an occasional
klonopin user (panic attacks), and my doctor told
me NOT to take it- especially in the 1st trimester.
I think you'll find a lot of conflicting opinions
about the meds/pregtopic in general. It's SO frustrating.
I know a lot of anti-depressants are considered
"safe" to the baby, but dangerous to the mother if
she is potentially manic and can't take something
for the mania, although my doctor did tell me about
the drug limictl(sp.?) and said he felt that would be
safe to take in the 3rd trimester if necessary.
Let me tell you what I did. I decided to take NOTHING
for the entire 9 mos. Scary, right! I considered
all of the options and decided I just didn't want
to take the chance with my child. It was rough, but
I did it. I got back on the meds immediately after
she was born. I have an extremely supportive and
present husband which enabled me to make the choices
that I did. I don't know what your situation is or
the severity of your illness so I can't really say
what would be best for you. Do you think you could
go 9 mos. without meds? My daughter will be a year
old on March 24th. She's healthy, beautiful- amazing!
So my ordeal was WAY worth it. As for specific meds-
talk to your doctors, (pych and ob/gyn), come up with
a game plan and get your husband(?), friends, and
family on board bcuz you are going to need all the
support you can get. I wish you the best of luck.
Try to believe that the outcome will be beautiful
despite the difficulties, and try to believe that
you can handle it. On a practical note... I think
making myself excercise throughout my pregnancy
helped a lot both mentally and physically.
wishing you peace and strength...