Psycho-Babble Social Thread 1119370

Shown: posts 1 to 6 of 6. This is the beginning of the thread.


genocide intent

Posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 4:02:12

it's incredibly easy to prove genocide intent.

they knowingly hire (and cover for) people they know to be sexual offenders and wrong-ful death bringers and torturers and the like.

the courts know that they are guilty of things -- but the courts choose to impose 'home detention' only so that they are able to be re-employed or re-deployed to continue their crimes against the maaori and the disabled and new zealand people, generally.

the teachers they know to be sexual offenders who they enable to keep on offending. knowingly hiring them above and ahead of other candidates who have demonstrated no such tendancies.

refusing to process applications from people who they believe will speak out about wrongful death bringers and so on... in order to select people they believe will be the next dr leeks or dr green...

the intent is clear for all to see.

the australiain guy who was let go from his job looking after teenagers because of the torture etc. who was then hired by new zealand. the intentionally hired him because of his history and demonstrated reputation tortuing teenagers.

the intent is clear.

it is clear by their repeated refusal to work with people to improve things.

it is clear by their continued persecution and ignoring the people who are speaking out about these thigns.

it is clear by their repeated refusal to engage meaningfully with me. for example.

it is clear.


it manifests in their persistence

Posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 12:06:38

In reply to genocide intent, posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 4:02:12

they manifest their intent all by themselves...

in every court judgment where they choose to further victimise the victim. where they choose to make the victim pay make the victim pay make the victim pay while they close ranks around and protect the wrongdoer. the law violator. the criminal.

they manifest their intent all by themselves.

nobody needs to work to 'prove' anything.

you can simply point to facts...

there is a fact about whether the nz government hired that australian guy who was removed from his australian position because it was made public about torturing teenagers... whether the nz government in knowledge of the reason for his removal... attempted to quietly quietly quietly employ him to work with teenagers in new zealand.

if they hired him in knowledge of the reason for his removal without documenting how they intended to ensure he would not continue on in his behavior here...

well.. how can he be the best person for the job unless the job is to torture teenagers here?

it shows their intent.

when the schools hire known sexual abusers... it shows their intent.

when the judges refuse to uphold the law and they punish the person who brought the law violation to their attention (e.g. ,by ordering costs against) they manifest their intent.

nobody needs to prove anything at all.

they are resolutely determined down the course or path of 'and who is going to make us (follow domestic law, follow international law,do the right thing, be fair etc etc). who is going to make us? you and whose army?

they are resolutely down the path of...

so it's on them. their behavior. what it is that they are choosing to do.

every day that they fail to work towards putting things right.


not putting things right for everybody other than me or other than the victims or not keeping on gloating about how everything is amazing for them and their chosen few...

but for me.


their social darwinism.

they never moved on from the ideology of WWII

the ideology of the happy few and an exterminated everyone else.


Re: it manifests in their persistence

Posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 12:26:52

In reply to it manifests in their persistence, posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 12:06:38

they say there is a 'brain drain' where the 'best and brightest leave'.

that they aren't happy with the lack of training and job and money opportunities in new zealand so they leave in the hope of a better life.

and the ideology expressed above...

creates a divide or a 'us vs them' sort of mentality. where the people who stayed think that the people who left think they are better than them. that they left because anything here wasn't good enough for them.

so people aren't exactly welcomed back with open arms.

or employment. or even training. certainly not money opportunities.

they say that they do want icu nurses who trained in nz who are now living overseas to come back and be icu nurses...

only they won't employ them. they won't. they won't do it. nope. they left. nope. no employment for them. they will keep the positions vacant and spend the money that was supposed to be spent on icu clinicians on something else. something management or administration, i suppose.

will not hire icu nurses.



we have progressed to the point of spending $300,000 on advertising (more than a few icu nurses salaries for a year worth of advertising)...

then acknowledging that we have close to 100 applications from people who (apparently) trained in nz.

but most of them haven't been passed on to their preferred dhb yet. I suppose because the dbbs' want to say nononononoonono nobody will apply for that position. there isn't anybody with any training we acknowledge who has applied for that position.




i guess it is because their training was completed more than 3 years ago and the training was designed by us to be something that would be useless in 3 years time.

that is what they want to say abotu ALL the qualifications for entry to medicine. ALL of NZ university qualifications are so useless that they are deemed expired 3 years post-graduation.

of course, they aren't actually graduating anybody anymore by the seems of it...

but that's where the supposed 'progress' is at.

nz has developed to the point (and only because of covid) where it acknowledges that the reason why the icu nurse positions aren't filled is not because there aren't enough icu nurses wanting employment.

it is because we prefer our icu nurses to be kept unemployed.

then they will give the actual work to people who will do the work without the salary associated with being an icu nurse.

i mean... i'm the cheapest lawyer ever -- right? every case i file it's tens of thousands of dollars i am supposed to payt he courts for the government's refusal for the public universities to follow their own published regulations insofar as they involve them following the statutes of nz insofar as they involve them upholding their international obligations.

they won't do it.

will not do it.

they manifeset that they will not do it.

'it is costly to punish' was the mechanism that kim sterelny suggested for preventing and prohibiting people from calling out the psychopaths and so on.

because the aim or goal isn't to explain how it is that there is anything... the aim is to infiltrate with psychopaths and destroy.

and when that is the aim or goal then you prevent people from calling out the psychopaths and bullies by ensuring it is costly to call them out.

ensuring it is costly to punish.

like awarding tens of thousands of dollars against people who follow the complaints resolution until they get justice... and find themselves getting judgments that still refuse to uphold justice at the level of the high court and court of appeal and supreme court...

like that.

the main demonstration, i would suppose, would be bullying people to death. we have the death rates...

the people murdered and suicided in nz, in particular. it's hard to distinguish because tehy won't hire people to do proper autopsy, i would imagine. they don't want a court case so suicide, it is.

but bullied to death. for sure.

bullied into a depression coma stupor. of course.

and so on


the last supper

Posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 12:28:56

In reply to Re: it manifests in their persistence, posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 12:26:52

the uni of auckland thinks it's clever, i suppose, there's a copy or imitation or whatever painting of the last supper hanging in the university staff club. where people go to eat etc. where they go to hang out after seminars or talks or whatever on campus.

i guess because they think that that's the situation. they want to draw people's attention to it.

the ideology of betraying your 'frienemies'.

the actual work that goes into undermining and stabotaging and so on...


what the treaty means (banned)

Posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 13:14:06

In reply to it manifests in their persistence, posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 12:06:38

the nz government used to say that we didn't need to sign up for the un declaration on the rights of indigenous people because we had a treaty.

and then that we didn't need to ratify the rights of indigenous people because we had a treaty.

so i guess the maaori gave up their human rights (of themselves and their children and childrens children etc) when some of them signed the treaty.

that's the nz government's idea.

and australia doesn't need to honor it's constitution (whereby nz is a state of australia which, i would think, would mean that new zealanders would be entitlted to the rights and duties of citizenship -- including voting. and access to social services like the australian funded medications and the australian supreme court) because nz has a treaty.

is the australian and nz government's idea.

so the nz government is starved, rather, that it doesn't get access to federal funding. on the other hand it has a very very very bloated public service where ashley bloomfield earns more than fauci (i guess ashley was a better person for hte job or may fauci didn't have his application acknowledged as received).

but ashley bloomfield is gone, now, after having motivated and inspired a generation to study medicine so as to appear on tv for an hour everyday...

i wonder if he is related to angela... bloomfield. wasn't it?

time to focus on una jagose and david parker and the legal people who think the job of the courts and crown law is to punish anybody who points out that the nz government is not upholding either international law or domestic statute or local by-law.

it really isn't doing any of the things it's supposed to do, at all.


so, recently, one of the labor politicians called out that the labor party wasn't following their procedural documents on nomination of candidates.

they chose to break the rules in order to get someone else nominated.

a bit like how the national party, before the last election, did something funny with tehir nomination practices for auckland central. not putting something to a vote when it should have been or similar. to stabotage the electorate. insofar as i could see.. that was the effect. to create a one horse race tehre really isn't a viable alternative to chloe swarbrick. who was going to be the next nikki kaye for auckland central.


so, the parties are corrupt when it comes to their selection of candidates. no surprises, there.

why would you think there was anything less corrupt in how they go about nominating or appointing judges?


i mean... recently they hauled a couple judges out of retirement... apparently there was a rule that they retire at a certain age... they never bothered to uphold the incapacity issue. they had an age of retirement.

but, you know... when young kids are dying for no apparentlyy good reason in the university residential halls and when someone is filing about the university refusing to enrol, refusing to get work to external examiners, refusing to examine for the correct degree, refusing to allow qualification completion...

then you have to get the big guns with nothing to lose out of retirement to write judgments absolving the government of any wrong-doing.


i mean you couldn't possibly go 'alright.. these things aren't acceptable. how can we ensure that they don't happen again"

But they want them to happen again.

over and over and over.

they are only interested in protecting tehir ability to murder or bully into suicide.

to keep studnets paying the university and slaving as slaves.

and so on.

they demonstrate that to the world.

nobody needs to prove anything.

their actions demonstrate.

even if they murder me tomorrow the proof is still apparent in everything they have done so far and in their complete and utter refusal to put things right.

where is my degree?

wehre is my place in medical school?


Re: what the treaty means (banned)

Posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 13:25:25

In reply to what the treaty means (banned), posted by alexandra_k on April 16, 2022, at 13:14:06

so there was a politician...

and apparently the labor party screwed her out of standing for an electorate seat for the party because someone decided to try and screw her out of it by choosing to nominate a rival to her (late) and then, after a vote, they chose to get the other person to stand.

she goes on to get into parliament for the party, anyway, from the list. but she's not elected candidate of that region.

she's involved in a couple bills going through... and she's done a lot of work on human rights kind of stuff...

but they tell her she will never have a portfolio (minister of everyting gets all the portfolios and there aren't any left for her).. and she'll never be in cabnet...

then they... what was it... werent' going to have a labor person at some human rights sort of thing...

they chose to give natioanl all of the opportunities for that, or whatever. but of cousre national doesn't have anybody actually working on that or in that... so they volunteered her one of their speaking places. or similar. something like that.

and now... apparently they are making up some... portfolio? no.. position? just for her. minister of or representative of or something like that... gender equity for pacific people.

this is new zealand government.

so now that's her new job. or something. gender equity for pacific people.

they made up the job for her. so they didn't publcally advertise it or anytyhihng. they didn't collect up applications from people who wante dthe job.

they decided it would be good to force her to do that job. else she could have... nothign? i don't nkow...

that's how we end up with...

well. the prevention and prohibition of developmetn. by ensuring that everybody is working the jobs they don't really want. in order to prevent and prohibit the people who would love that job from having the job they want. and so on.

it doesn't many any sense at all.

oh.. do you love the job i have? the job where my mission in life is to proooooooooooooooove beyond all reasonable doubt in a civil suit that the nz government isn't following its own regulations, its own statutes, or the international conventions etc that it signed up to.

the nz government seems to be declaring war...

i think harbored by the australian government who only seems to want to 'help' the sitaution by pretending to be too stupid to read it's own f*ck*ng constitution (else organise to change it if you want to do that then do it proeprly)

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