Psycho-Babble Administration Thread 646675

Shown: posts 150 to 174 of 275. Go back in thread:


Re: Dr. Bob? 3rd request. Re: blocked for 4 weeks » Jakeman

Posted by teejay on June 4, 2006, at 17:57:59

In reply to Dr. Bob? 3rd request. Re: blocked for 4 weeks, posted by Jakeman on June 4, 2006, at 1:05:55

I'm afraid you appear to be wasting your breath jakeman as have all of us who have put together this monster length thread! Its clear that the overwhelming majority think Dr Bob should reconsider his position but as a true american who believes in democracy he appears deaf to the wishes of the majority. (seems to be a symptom of power in the US)

Whats more, I've noticed how Dr Bob allows his OWN thoughts and opinions to influence his judgements on here. For example, one or two people got blocked for suggesting GWB did bad things, yet when I said Saddams sons were blood thirsty monsters not a thing was said!! So I understand its ok to say one person is bad but not another?!

How about the latest religion issue? I was actually brought up as a STRICT christian but now find the whole concept of religion to be highly offensive. I believe its arguably the biggest contributor to death and suffering in the world today. Dr Bob will of course say that such statements may make other feel hurt or put down, but if someone was to say I should 'find God' or they would pray for me etc etc I would place a large bet that he would not chastise them for potentially upsetting me!

On the basis of all that, I've decided that until such bigotry stops, I will merely confine my postings and discussion to the alternative board and wont get involved in discussions on any other boards due to what I consider unfair and biased moderation of the content along with the inevitable hurtful blocks. People come here for help, support and sense of belonging and continually feeling as though they are walking on egg shells sure isnt going to help too many people.

Regards all



Zazenduck is a wise and compassionate

Posted by henrietta on June 4, 2006, at 19:54:46

In reply to Re: How about changing the » NikkiT2, posted by zazenduck on June 4, 2006, at 10:45:34

Thanks zzd. And you're right: Estella is not just another Babbler! She's very very special.


Sorry GG it's probably uncivil » NikkiT2

Posted by Damos on June 4, 2006, at 21:32:31

In reply to Re: How about changing the » alexandra_k, posted by NikkiT2 on June 4, 2006, at 1:32:23


Firstly let me say that I'm sorry to read about your chronic severe pain, I cannot begin to imagine what it is like to live with that. And yes I admit to having been completely ignorant of it until just now - it's rare that I go to 'Health', I'm sorry.

We've never posted much beyond 'Books' and I've always enjoyed those conversations, but I have to admit to being appalled by your posts on this thread.

To me they smack of a deliberate malice which is both inexcusable and unforgivable.

Your use of Estella's name amongst other things, to make as you say 'a point' in the first was bad enough.

But then there are your comments in your reply to Larry. Very specific. Very deliberate.

And I will not dignify your remarks to A_K by repeating them.

But still, you did say; "You *know* it wasn't to hurt you." But surely you *knew* it would. How could it not? And not once, not twice, but three times did you do it. If that was not bad enough, then to have the temerity, gall, hide, I don't know what to call it to say in another post that you knew you'd only get a PBC and not a block for your comments. So what precisely are you saying? That there was premeditation. That you saw the chance to take a free swing and slipped in a kick or two while you were at it, and are now standing over her poking your tongue out. Nice.

I had chosen to remain silent on this thread because I didn't feel I could add anything that hadn't been said more intelligently and eloquently by others. And because the only person who could really help the community and the poster to understand and move forward (Bob) has remained largely silent as well. Apart from a suggested rephrase, that was not a rephrase but an entirely different statement.

Yet you chose to add nothing but insult and injury. To be deliberately uncivil, cruel and needlessly unkind to someone with no real right/way of reply. I can only ask why?

What's becoming of this place? Of all of us? If this is what being a 'Babbler' means, then that is not something I choose to be.

All of this leaves me frustrated, disappointed and deeply saddened.

Please take good care of yourself Estella



Re: Sorry GG it's probably uncivil

Posted by Gabbi~G on June 4, 2006, at 22:15:26

In reply to Sorry GG it's probably uncivil » NikkiT2, posted by Damos on June 4, 2006, at 21:32:31

I felt stung when I read Nikki's post.
I can't comprehend comparing an instution to a person as a point in the first place.

If I said I think the world would be a better place without higher education, would that be the same as saying
I think the world would be better off without
a certain person? No.

It wouldn't even be comparable to saying I think the world would be a better place without students.

I like you NIkki and I *am* sorry about the chronic pain. I didn't know.

But I was surprised by this particular post, especially because you wrote it.



Posted by muffled on June 4, 2006, at 22:54:08

In reply to Re: Sorry GG it's probably uncivil, posted by Gabbi~G on June 4, 2006, at 22:15:26

We all ARE human after all aren't we?
I have found that when someone lashes out at another, its often not so much about the other, than about the person doing the lashing.
I think Nikki is proly hurting in ways other than physical as well as physical pain (I didn't know bout it either :-(
And so is Alex.
And so are so many of us, which is why we are here.
I'm sorry there's so much pain.
I guess we just have to do the best we are able to at the time, and give others the benefit of the doubt when we can.
Let he/she who is without sin cast the first stone.....
I love that passage in the bible, its so cool.
Anyhow, I got multiple trailer truck loads of sin. So I best keep quiet !!!!
Love you guys.
You're so human.
Makes me feel better bout myself. Thanks.


please be kind to each other

Posted by agent858 on June 4, 2006, at 23:11:32

In reply to Well.....babblers......, posted by muffled on June 4, 2006, at 22:54:08

Deep breaths people…
I did feel hurt in response to what Nikki wrote. Mostly because that was the main message my mother used to tell me when I was a kid. But then I guess Nikki doesn’t read my writing posts (and I didn’t read her health post) so she wasn’t to know that. And I wasn’t to know about her pain.

I’ve sent her an apology for what I said. I shouldn’t have done that. Should have known better. I know now that she didn’t mean to hurt me and I over-reacted.

Please don’t turn on each other. Please. If that happens it will result in a lot of hurting people. Then people will beg for Bob to come back and hand out blocks in the name of consistency or fairness or somesuch. And then people will be so pleased at his return they will be all nice and supportive of his preserving the status quo.


That is an important point.

He is idiosyncratic. Some of his decisions are unfair. Some people not even being warned while another person is blocked for one year FOR EXACTLY THE SAME THING. That is not fair. A certain degree of unfairness is inherent because he is not perfect he is a human being.

My bone of contention is that GIVEN THAT A CERTAIN AMOUNT OF UNFAIRNESS IS ALWAYS GOING TO BE PRESENT MEASURES NEED TO BE TAKEN TO REDUCE THE DETRIMENTAL CONSEQUENCES OF THAT. What does that mean? That means reduced sentences for blockings ESPECIALLY when there are infractions OF THE SAME KIND that have gone unremarked. If we see something we want to make sure he sees, then we can email him a link or post something to admin. If nobody notices when x says ‘sh*t’ while y gets blocked for saying ‘sh*t’ then IMO the appropriate response is ‘sorry that there was an unfairness here’ and the block should max at one or two weeks. It is still an unfairness. It is still an injustice. But it is about minimising the negative impact of the injustice.

But Bob doesn’t do that. His attitude is ‘tough’ and if anything Babblers start to say that other people should be blocked to remedy the injustice. But we don’t want this to become a police state – do we?

Please don’t turn on each other. I didn’t mean for that to happen. Please don’t do it. If you do… Bob will say it is inevitable and this only happened because he was busy or something… And because more people should have been blocked already.

IMO save the blockings for people who deserve them. Save them for the people who come to flame and troll.

Most babblers don’t do that. If it is pointed out to them that they hurt someone most babblers are willing to talk it through. End the police state. Be kind to each other. Good luck.


blocked » agent858

Posted by agent858 on June 4, 2006, at 23:30:03

In reply to please be kind to each other, posted by agent858 on June 4, 2006, at 23:11:32

yeah i know
enough already...

ps if you are going to block people...
you really should do it properly


i don't hate you bob
but you hurt me a great deal
and your saying
'i know you are hurt'
'i'm sorry you are hurt'
doesn't do anything to remidy the injustice

i learned in dbt that sorry means...
that one is going to take steps to fix the problem / situation

if you are sorry about the injustice...
how about doing something about it?
how about taking it seriously?
how about doing something about it?


is a virtue.
a virtue that can go a long way.

i know you say this site isn't suited to everyone...
and people might have a hard time fitting in
this place might not be the right place
but then you go on to say especially people who are
sounds like a slur to those who won't accept your police state to me.

is a virtue.

you don't want people to think you are god anyways - do you?
the fall will only be harder.

a little of that might go a long way.

you can't remidy past injustices
but you can do something toward minimising the detrimental affect of future ones.

learn something from the past
and move foward

how about modelling that for us?


that is a virtue too...


I have been asked to come here and apologise

Posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2006, at 0:56:50

In reply to please be kind to each other, posted by agent858 on June 4, 2006, at 23:11:32

But I am sorry.

I stand by what I said. Yes, some feel I said it wrongly, and I did do wrong to use Estella's name where I should have used my own as an example, but her name was forefront in my mind at the time.

I still believe that my points stand though. And nasty, bullying babble mails will NOT change that. It has just reminded me what a basically nasty place PB can be. And that has NOTHING to do with the rules, but the people.

Oh, and yes.. I am pure evil aren't I? And NO ONEs suicide will ever be on my head, as it is a decision one person makes and no one else.


Re: I have been asked to come here and apologise » NikkiT2

Posted by agent858 on June 5, 2006, at 1:17:38

In reply to I have been asked to come here and apologise, posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2006, at 0:56:50


i'm sorry i said what i did because it hurt you and i'm sorry i hurt you. i didn't mean to hurt you.

are you sorry you hurt me?

i think you are.

i could be wrong... but you said you *knew* it didn't hurt me... which seems to entail that you thought it wouldn't hurt me. so i figure that you didn't mean to hurt me.

> I still believe that my points stand though.

okay. i think there is a difference between stating a preference for an ideology / institution not be around and stating a preference for a person to not be around.

but maybe we can agree to disagree on that?

(i can't believe i'm saying that)


i'm sorry to hear about babblemails...

i want you to know i had no part in that.

that is something that happens sometimes on babble. people turn on alleged / perceived persecutors. that doesn't mean you are persecuting anyone. just means people perceive it to be the case.

and people turn.

they don't see it as turning.
they see it as supporting the person that the alleged persecutor is harassing...


drama triangle...

i have been known to do that.
lashed out at dinah before 'cause i thought she was trying to hurt me.
lash out at bob sometimes 'cause i think he is trying to hurt me too.
lashed out at you 'cause i thought you were trying to hurt me.

then the trouble is that it can become a cycle.

dinah or bob or you could then lash out at me for hurting you

and then there is a cycle.


supporting someone is one thing...
lashing out at someone in the name of 'support' is another.
i'm sorry nikki.
i'm sorry that you are hurting.
i'm sorry i lashed out at you.

this doesn't excuse it...

but it goes some way toward making it understandable...

my mother used to lock me in my room and tell me i wasn't fit for human company. she would tell me that she wished i wasn't around.

blocks hurt me so much because they take me back.
and saying you wish i wasn't around...
(even if you don't mean it)
but the words on the page
the words on the page
is the most hurtful thing anyone could ever say to me.
and saying it to me when i'm blocked...
even to prove a point...
and i lost it and i'm sorry.

and i'm not trying with the 'pity me' stuff...
it isn't about that.
i'm trying to explain so it seems a bit more comprehensible.
it doesn't undo what i said.
but i hope it goes some way towards making it understandable.

like how you told us that you are in a lot of pain at the moment. i don't think a lot of people read the health board. i go there fairly rarely. i didn't know you were in a lot of pain.

but knowing that you are makes it more understandable that you could be feeling a lot irratible... knowing that you didn't get many responses makes it understandable that you could be feeling like people don't care.

but yeah sometimes you have to make a bit of noise so people notice you are hurting. fact. learning to ask for help / support appropriately is hard... it is.

i'm sorry you are hurting.

i'm sorry about the babblemails.


Please be civil » NikkiT2

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 2:45:25

In reply to I have been asked to come here and apologise, posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2006, at 0:56:50

> It has just reminded me what a basically nasty place PB can be. And that has NOTHING to do with the rules, but the people.

Nikki, you aren't pure evil, and I'm sorry you got babblemails that upset you. If they aren't in keeping with the civility guidelines, please report them to Dr. Bob.

I'm also sorry that I haven't been more support to you about the pain. I'm wrapped around my own pain so much right now that I'm not as supportive as I should be. I was looking the other day for a post of yours about work that I had meant to respond to, but couldn't find it.

That being said, as Dr. Bob says, two wrongs don't make a right. By all means, report any Babblemails that don't meet civility guidelines. By all means vent off board, and I am certainly available to you to do that, but please don't be sarcastic, jump to conclusions about other posters, or post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down.

If you or others have questions about this or about posting policies in general, or are interested in alternative ways of expressing yourself, please see the FAQ:

Follow-ups regarding these issues, as well as replies to the above posts, should of course themselves be civil

Dr. Bob is always free to override deputy decisions, and also as you know to upgrade them. His email is on the bottom of each page. Please feel free to email him if you believe this decision was made in error.

Dinah, acting as deputy for Dr. Bob


Re: blocked » agent858

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 2:48:47

In reply to blocked » agent858, posted by agent858 on June 4, 2006, at 23:30:03

I'm sorry, but I really am going to have to block you. As you know, you aren't supposed to be posting while blocked.

However, I think you posted some lovely things and I appreciate your trying to promote harmony here. I really do admire you for that.

I'll let Dr. Bob set the length.

If you or others have questions about this or about posting policies in general, or are interested in alternative ways of expressing yourself, please see the FAQ:

Follow-ups regarding these issues, as well as replies to the above posts, should of course themselves be civil.

Dinah, acting as deputy for Dr. Bob


And from me as poster » agent858

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 2:52:35

In reply to blocked » agent858, posted by agent858 on June 4, 2006, at 23:30:03

Please keep in touch. I may be gone a bit, because it looks like we're moving after all and I'm planning to behave very badly, but I'll respond, I promise.

And while there might be other poster names out there unblocked, I'm asking you as a friend not to use them. I don't think it's in anyone's best interests, including yours, to see your blocks go up exponentially.

With respect,

Dinah, acting solely on my own behalf


Thanks :) (nm) » muffled

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 2:53:21

In reply to Well.....babblers......, posted by muffled on June 4, 2006, at 22:54:08


Please be civil » Damos

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 2:58:23

In reply to Sorry GG it's probably uncivil » NikkiT2, posted by Damos on June 4, 2006, at 21:32:31

> Yet you chose to add nothing but insult and injury. To be deliberately uncivil, cruel and needlessly unkind to someone with no real right/way of reply.

Damos, I understand your strong friendship with Alexandra, and I think loyalty is a wonderful trait, but I'm going to have to ask you to please be civil. Please don't post anything that could lead others to feel accused or put down.

I know it's a challenge to follow the civility guidelines sometimes, and if you need a civility buddy to vent with at those times, I'm sure many Babblers will step up to the plate, and you can Babblemail me as well.

If you or others have questions about this or about posting policies in general, or are interested in alternative ways of expressing yourself, please see the FAQ:

Follow-ups regarding these issues, as well as replies to the above posts, should of course themselves be civil.

Dr. Bob is always free to override deputy decisions. His email is on the bottom of each page. Please feel free to email him if you believe this decision was made in error.

Dinah, acting as deputy for Dr. Bob


Please be civil » teejay

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 3:02:16

In reply to Re: Dr. Bob? 3rd request. Re: blocked for 4 weeks » Jakeman, posted by teejay on June 4, 2006, at 17:57:59

> How about the latest religion issue? I was actually brought up as a STRICT christian but now find the whole concept of religion to be highly offensive. I believe its arguably the biggest contributor to death and suffering in the world today.

I think given Estella's block it is reasonable to assume that this statement would be against the civility guidelines of this site, which I must ask you to please follow.

The civility guidelines also apply on the Admin board.

If you or others have questions about this or about posting policies in general, or are interested in alternative ways of expressing yourself, please see the FAQ:

Follow-ups regarding these issues, as well as replies to the above posts, should of course themselves be civil.

Dr. Bob is always free to override or upgrade deputy decisions. His email is on the bottom of each page. Please feel free to email him if you believe this decision was made in error.

Dinah, acting as deputy for Dr. Bob


Reiterating Gardenergirl's request

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 3:13:38

In reply to Please be civil » teejay, posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 3:02:16

Yes, Dr. Bob has been away from the boards for a while, and things tend to escalate, even with deputies present. But until he comes back, I'm going to have to ask everyone to review their posts for compliance with the civility guidelines.

I understand emotions are running high, but please remember that two wrongs don't make a right, that if you perceive something to be uncivil, you can report it by email or Babblemail to the deputies or Dr. Bob, answer civilly yourself, or answer with compassion and kindness above and beyond the call of duty.

And if deputies don't flag something that you think should be flagged, please have patience and wait for Dr. Bob. Sometimes deputies might individually or collectively read things differently than Dr. Bob might. It is undoable. Dr. Bob has the final authority.

The FAQ has several suggestions on what to do when you feel angry.

Dinah, acting as deputy for Dr. Bob


Re: I have been asked to come here and apologise » NikkiT2

Posted by Damos on June 5, 2006, at 4:58:56

In reply to I have been asked to come here and apologise, posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2006, at 0:56:50


I've apologised to you privately and I do so again here. Nothing can excuse or change what was said and it was poorly done and unkind and I am sorry.

It upsets me greatly that you have received nasty and bullying babblemails. I'm sorry you've been subject to that as I know how hard you have tried to help some babblers.



Re: Please be civil » Dinah

Posted by Damos on June 5, 2006, at 5:05:30

In reply to Please be civil » Damos, posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 2:58:23

Thanks Dinah,

My behaviour was/is unacceptable to me regardless of contributing factors, motivation or intent. If I cannot trust myself to post I think it's best for all if I just stay away.

Thank you for all you do for the boards. I have so much respect and admiration for you.

Best wishes to all,


United We Stand, Divided We Fall

Posted by Sobriquet Style on June 5, 2006, at 7:21:37

In reply to Re: Please be civil » Dinah, posted by Damos on June 5, 2006, at 5:05:30

Sometimes, its visa - versa.



Damos » Damos

Posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 8:03:50

In reply to Re: Please be civil » Dinah, posted by Damos on June 5, 2006, at 5:05:30

It's mutual of course. And everyone has their moments of regret. Take a break if you need to, but I hope to see you when you feel ready.


Re: I have been asked to come here and apologise » NikkiT2

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 5, 2006, at 8:21:53

In reply to I have been asked to come here and apologise, posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2006, at 0:56:50

> But I am sorry.

> I stand by what I said. Yes, some feel I said it wrongly, and I did do wrong to use Estella's name where I should have used my own as an example, but her name was forefront in my mind at the time.

There are innocent explanations for almost anything we might do. Naive innocent explanations. But everyone seems willing to believe the most noxious and malevolent explanation. The first thing one should do is ask, though, don't you think?

> I still believe that my points stand though. And nasty, bullying babble mails will NOT change that. It has just reminded me what a basically nasty place PB can be. And that has NOTHING to do with the rules, but the people.

When I was experiencing the biggest psychological crisis of my entire life, just a few short weeks ago, here, on this board, you would not believe the emails I received. They would shock you. More than mere schadenfreude, I was shocked by other elements in these purportedly helpful messages. Shocked.

I'm sorry our paths have come parallel. In the physical pain that envelopes us, perhaps it limits cognition as well. Senselessness? Sensory burnout?

I'm not seeking excuses.... but to have you go through so many similar confluences, leads me to wonder if there isn't a very human tragic process. If that's the case, Nikki, I can also promise you that it will end. I got through it, Nik. I am truly looking at it from the other side now.

> Oh, and yes.. I am pure evil aren't I? And NO ONEs suicide will ever be on my head, as it is a decision one person makes and no one else.

Oh, Nik. Oh dear. So helpful, these people. So very helpful and supportive.



Re: blocked » Dinah

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 5, 2006, at 8:34:41

In reply to Re: blocked » agent858, posted by Dinah on June 5, 2006, at 2:48:47

> However, I think you posted some lovely things and I appreciate your trying to promote harmony here. I really do admire you for that.

The status quo does precisely this, every time it is employed. It prevents the very thing that would have solved everything in a simpler gentler fashion.

It prevents civility.



Re: Please be civil » Damos

Posted by Larry Hoover on June 5, 2006, at 8:37:43

In reply to Re: Please be civil » Dinah, posted by Damos on June 5, 2006, at 5:05:30

> Thanks Dinah,
> My behaviour was/is unacceptable to me regardless of contributing factors, motivation or intent. If I cannot trust myself to post I think it's best for all if I just stay away.
> Thank you for all you do for the boards. I have so much respect and admiration for you.
> Best wishes to all,
> Damos

Damos, forgive yourself, please. My world is far better when I can see you in it, than the one where I know you are there, but I can't find you in the crowd.



Re: I have been asked to come here and apologise » Damos

Posted by NikkiT2 on June 5, 2006, at 8:45:41

In reply to Re: I have been asked to come here and apologise » NikkiT2, posted by Damos on June 5, 2006, at 4:58:56


There is nothing to apologise for.

I read your babble mail before coming to PB, and as such, I decided that your message would probably upset me more than I could handle right now (ie, rushing to get ready for work at stupid o'clock, or sitting in my office at work).. So, I've not actually read it.

I will, this evening, if you would like me to. Or I won't, if you would prefer that.

The call is yours



BOB said that?????????????

Posted by zazenduck on June 5, 2006, at 9:42:49

In reply to blocked » agent858, posted by agent858 on June 4, 2006, at 23:30:03

I am surprised that Bob would say such a thing. I still find the civility rules confusing.

I believe certain narcissistic traits would hamper the effective moderation of this site..

a lack of empathy,

the inability to see others as separate individuals

the need for absolute control/domination of the relationship

the need for constant admiration

inability to admit mistakes or flaws

a sense of entitlement...the expectation that others should do what he wants because he wants it

I wonder if conflict with administrative needs might be at the root of the unsuitability rather than some personality disorder within the poster.......


well just musing.

> i know you say this site isn't suited to everyone...
> and people might have a hard time fitting in
> this place might not be the right place
> but then you go on to say especially people who are
> borderline
> narcissistic
> etc
> sounds like a slur to those who won't accept your ****** state to me.

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[dr. bob] Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,

Script revised: February 4, 2008
Copyright 2006-17 Robert Hsiung.
Owned and operated by Dr. Bob LLC and not the University of Chicago.