Posted by Michael83 on May 28, 2007, at 2:24:54
I have spoken with my eye doctor and for years she did not know what I have.
Searching Wikipedia I found this:
I have had it since I was a small kid. I just thought everyone had a thin blanket of static covering their vision, until I asked my eye doctor. She said she didn't and saw things in pure color. I was shocked and felt like I was missing out on something. I didn't know most people saw perfectly clear color.
From what I've read, there's no treatment and really no research even going on to cure it. But also from forums and sites I've read, it rarely causes any serious eye problems (blindness, etc).
I also have what many other symptoms visual snow sufferers typically have, including "increased afterimages, floaters, trails, palinopsia."
I shouldn't take it as such a big deal. I can still see fine.
I remember back in high school, there was this blind girl who walked up to me and asked me where her locker was (she told me what number he locker was) and I had just spoken with a girl I really liked and my mind was going 100mph and I unknowingly replied "just a bit further, you're almost there." I then walked away thinking nothing of it, until I got around the corner and realized what I had said, and that she couldn't read the locker numbers. It was a complete accident and I would have never said it in a right state of mind. I turned around and was going to go back and apologize to her and help her find her locker, but someone else was already helping her. I walked away feeling really guilty. I SWEAR it was an accident. I think about that girl every once in a while and about what she goes through. I feel so bad for her. I wish I had apologized and explained that I wasn't thinking when I said that. It's been about 6 years since that happened and I still feel guilty, although it was an accident.
But thinking of her, my little bit of "static vision" isn't so bad. I shouldn't dwell on things I cannot fix, but be thankful for the uncontrollable positive aspects of my life that I do have.