Posted by Kath on June 16, 2006, at 15:56:58
Every June I go camping by myself up North at Killbear Provincial Park for about a week & a half. I leave Monday. WOOHOO. Just hope the mosquitoes aren't too bad! I've had a throat infection, so haven't got everything ready yet, but am not doing too bad.
Finally son & girlfriend's landlord tried to cash the May & June cheques, & they bounced.
Landlord phoned & said they needed to talk & figure things out & that even if they figure things out he still might give them their notice.
Little money; no job; etcetera.BUT the good thing is that I AM FEELING pretty detached!!!!!!!!!! This is nothing short of a miracle!!!!!!!!! I HOPE it lasts!!!!!!!!
My 'self-talk' is - 'well, they brought this on themselves...what can they expect...they'll deal with it'. THIS is VERY different self-talk from what I usually have.I'm wondering if it's partly a result of some 'energy work' I did about my son's situation from age 13 to now, & its emotional impact on me. I wrote a post on Alternative Board June 15 about a treatment or method called TAT.
This method seems to be helping me amazingly.The website is
Normally, knowing that I'm going away for almost 2 weeks & then back a few days & then my husband & I gone for a week - normally having this son-thing happen with that schedule would be making a nervous wreck of me. Normally I'd be frantic & my stomach would be feeling sick but NOPE. I'm also feeling 'way more detached about my daughter's serious environmental illness.
I am sooooooooo thankful, but also sort of SCARED that the detachment won't last! Yikes
:-)) Kath