Posted by bleauberry on January 5, 2012, at 11:10:38
In reply to Dr Visit., posted by Lamdage22 on December 29, 2011, at 21:17:30
Glad the visit went ok for you.
So it looks like you've got a good arsenal of weapons to begin bringing down the population of pathogens, but nonoe of them really do a whole lot to modulate or support the immune system, which is where the problem really is. What is happening here is we are using some deadly herbs to try to kill things that our immune system should have had no problem with. The immune system is the problem, not the candida.
Lyme and heavy metals are notorious for causing both immune system dysfunction as well as candida overgrowth. So you would be wise to take a real close look into both of those areas, even if you think they don't apply to you, they very well could.
I didn't see any mention of diflucan. I gotta tell ya, my own experience and reading many other posts on the net, I can't understand why you were not given this drug. Even a single dose could move you forward in a single day more than 2 weeks of all the herbs.
Without question the herbs are by far the superior long term plan. But for immediate acute action, diflucan is good at that. I killed more candida in 2 days with that drug than in a month on herbs. The herbs are far better, but diflucan has the immediate results the herbs don't have.
To rebalance, modulate and support the immune system, I would look at two herbs. The first is called Resveratrol, but it is actually the Japanese Knotweed the resveratrol was extracted from that we want. You get all that from a product called Resveratrol by Source Naturals. It is Japanese knotweed. Other brands are made from grapes and would be useless to you. If you order some, get the version that is 40mg tabs or caps and be sure it is from japanese knotweed not grapes. The other herb is rhodiola rosea.
I guess what I am saying is, you can kill kill kill all you want forever, but without doing something to revive and support the immune system, progress is going to be slow and/or partial. It looks like candida is the problem but it really isn't.....the immune system is the problem. What got it so weak? How was it defeated so profoundly? What opened the door for immune weakness? In my experience the causes are either stealth unsuspected infections or stealth unsuspected accumulation of lead/mercury....some people just have poor genes at removing toxins and so they tend to accumulate toxic levels over time from seemingly miniscule exposure.
So anyway, I am completely behind you in what you are doing and I am happy to see your list of supps. I just think you need to take it to the next step....begin immune system repair in addition to the ongoing pathogen killing.