Posted by linkadge on June 30, 2005, at 23:54:18
In reply to Re: Best treatment for schizophrenia? HELP!, posted by magee on June 30, 2005, at 7:12:18
Well, first I would get a nutritional anaylsis done. Like a hair analysis. Anything really, to determine her current state of nutrition, levels of vitamins and minerals
The main alternative supplements used for schistophrenia are high dose vitamin C (3 gram/day approx)
I recomend time release vitamin C.Niacinamide 100-300mg.
The omega 3 fatty acids are also showing some promise in treating certain aspects of the disorder.
Taurine 1000mg-2000mg might also be useful.
Esp if anxiety is a promanant feature.Magnesium 50-200mg/day is good if she appears to
be in a manic/elated state.
-----------------------------------------Take the omega 3 in the morning.
Take the vitamin C spread out through day,
and the magnesium, taurine, and Niacin at night,
as they are calming supplements.
Don't abandon medical treatment as schitsophrenia can be a serious disorder. But, make sure you get a nutritional analysis. There have been many people on high dose antipsychotic meds for years who turned out to be deficiant in niacin (which can produce all the symtpoms of schitsophrenia)Linkadge