Posted by Lou Pilder on February 25, 2014, at 11:54:27
In reply to Anybody died because of psychobabble?, posted by LostBoyinNC45 on February 25, 2014, at 0:15:10
> I have over the years, read many many posts by laypersons, by "armchair psychopharmacologists" whom I would describe as obsessed with drugs. And much of the "advice" Ive read is very poor. I have privately wondered if anybody has ever died or been hospitalized as a result of acting upon psychopharmacology "advice" they got off of this forum? Or gotten into legal trouble offline as a result of "ideas" they originally got from perceived "experts" on psychobabble?
> This is not a dig, its an honest concern. I realize many on this forum are TRD and therefore, desperate individuals. As a concrete example, I know discussion of opiate narcotics for mood and anxiety disorders is very much tolerated here. Although there is not a single opiod narcotic that is FDA approved for mood or anxiety disorders. And thats just one example of "iffy" psychopharmacology "advice" Ive read here over the years.
> Even if such event(s) have occurred, I strongly doubt it would be admitted here.
> EricEric ,
You wrote,[..."armchair psychopharmacologists"...I...wondered if anyone had died...advise they got off this forum...]
The ones that could be the most vulnerable to the advice here could be the children that peek through the portals of this website after school or the children that their parents look in here that are drugging their child in collaboration with a psychiatrist/doctor. Then there are the adults that could have died from these drugs also.
There are statistics that could be accurate pertaining to the members that have died here as to if or if not their deaths could be attributed to the drugs being allowed to be promoted here. The aspect that these drugs could increase suicidal thinking could mean that there could be members here that have committed suicide as a result of following the advice of the "armchair psychopharmacologists" that you describe. This is all because the advice is considered to be supportive on the grounds that whatever is posted in a post that is not sanctioned, Mr Hsiung considers those statements in the post to be supportive. Supportive of what, I ask.
So readers could be led to believe that by reading from others to take mind-altering drugs that have chemicals in them that have been used to commit mass-murder, and kill rats and insects and parasitic worms, is supportive here. And worse, if the drugs do not kill them, they could become addicted to them and get a life-ruining condition or go into a mind-altered state to kill others.
But it is much more than that. For readers do come here in a depressed state looking to be freed from addiction and depression. And what is worse, the drugs could be in a class of mind-altering drugs that increase depression and lead the taker of the drug to kill themselves, all the while thinking that the drugs that the other members promote to them, will stop the depression, which a subset of readers could see through that as being a great deception.
The children, whose parents come here to get advice to drug their child that is in depression, could kill themselves as a result of the parent thinking that these drugs promoted here will somehow remedy the child's depression. The child could not know that the drugs could increase suicidal thinking, nor does the child usually have an understanding that they could become addicted to the drug that the parent is giving them. And when the drug is stopped, the child could be in a mind-altered state that is so awful, that the child could go out and kill themselves and others with them. This is happening on the news over and over, yet today, the drug companies and the psychiatrists that collaborate with parents to drug children, (redacted by respondent). You see, taking these mind-altering drugs could have effects way beyond after the drug is stopped. And are the parents advised of that when those here are advising parents to give their advice on how to drug their child? How many deaths will it take before (redacted by respondent)
poster:Lou Pilder