Posted by muffled on August 10, 2012, at 10:33:05
This place is reaching its end.
The experiment is pretty much over.
I wonder if we were manipulated quite purposefully or was it all innocent? Never will know.
The not knowing is why I left, I could not trust Bob, he was keeping too much to0 close to his chest, he talked in riddles, claimed we had freedom when we did not, then would dissappear etc......and so on and so on. I do not dislike Bob, just I am unable to deal with him and his ways. Obviously i was not alone in this :(.
Tho Bob did a great job in working out the computer details of the site! Runs fantastically, the chat was great, the speed zippy! He certainly excells in computer language!!! :)
Interesting that its hasn't grown despite all Bobs efforts to make it more 'noticable'. To advertise its presence. He shoulda listened to us....oh well.
Now the bandwidth shrinketh I see.
It WAS rather fascinating in some ways-the whole experiment.
In other ways ever so sad.
But rarely actually dull!
I don't mind a fair debate, but can't abide by personal attacks :( I don't like to be hurtful. There is enuf hurt in this world without me adding more.
I post in a different place. It is not as colorful as this place once was. Its certainly not as technically well designed. But people there are very careful. Rarely are there more personal hurtful comments.
And the rare time it happens that things get out of hand, a site owner steps in and says 'thread closed!'. And that is respected.
Rare time that a poster has had problems interacting, generally people try to help them out, and if there are ongoing problems, then I suspect that something behind the scenes goes on.
The owners rarely come on the board. The rare times they respond to a question etc-the answer is generally very terse. They treat us as adults and to behave accordingly. Interestingly there are many there with dissociative disorders, and maybe people would think it hectic-but its not.
People there are ever so careful to not hurt each other, cuz they have experienced so much pain themselves. They are amazing people.
Just to encourge people that there ARE other boards out there that can be safe places(within the bounds of common internet safety rules of course).
So, was just peeping in here to my old stomping grounds. had some good times here once.
Good people.
So take care everyone, be good to each other.
Build up, bring in goodness! Try to not add more pain :(
We just want to feel ok don't we? Well so do most people. So lets feel ok by doing good.
Just be kind, be real(within bounds!), and plant flowers, not trample them.
And to those who inject humour! Kudos to you! as there is so much joy and fun, and reliefe in shared hunour :)
Best wishes to all.
I still think bout you guys, miss ya.