Posted by Lou Pilder on March 8, 2012, at 12:05:57
In reply to Lou's response-gtnokikzehygenstmdrnszasz, posted by Lou Pilder on March 7, 2012, at 18:13:05
> > > Knowing that conversing with Lou is futile, I just want to say as a passing former poster that Szasz and Breggin are important antagonists to psychotherapy and the unchallenged commercial selling of psychotropic medication. Breggin reminds me of a certain poster who obsesses about pharmaceutical complications with repeated doomsday hyperbole. Most of us are concerned about the side effects of our medication and their long-term use. So we are attentive to the warnings and bad experiences of others. We tire of those with misleading strident agendas, however. We don't ban airplanes, automobiles, swimming pools and medications because they occationally contribute to deaths. We weigh the benefits with the risks while companies strive to make each better and safer in a competitive market. If lithium had been pulled off the market 40 years ago because some users developed kidney problems or thyroid issues, I would not now be anticipating retirement with a comfortable pension and savings, rather I would likely be living in a mental health halfway house if I were even alive. Similarly, my daughter was incapacited by chronic depression a couple years ago. Now she is about to complete her masters in nursing as she finishes her clinicals on the cardiac unit at Children's hospital - all possible because of carefully monitored Wellbutrin use. I'm glad you're here Lou. But I'm also glad that mostly you're wrong.
> >
> > Friends,
> > It is written above.
> > Now one of my bedrock principles when I enter to post here is to leave anecdotal experiances at the door and let the data speak for itself. I like to provide rigorous scientific reports drawn from statistics that are on record and allow doctors and experts in their field speak to the forum here. I tend to lean to the understanding that anecdotal experiances could be classified in somewhat like {hearsay}, or biased or incomplete or other criteria that makes me lean to discard anecdotal experiances, although they could be true, but that is difficult sometimes to verify. I give a higher priority to an expert's report that has had the opportunity for peer rebuttal or acceptance.
> > Then there is the aspect of if I am here to get people to stop their drug(s). It is my deep dedication here to provide support and education so that people can overcome depression and addiction. The education that I could provide here is based on a very in-depth study of psychotropic drugs along with the study of {nerve agents} and the chemistry of death. A lot of this educational material I am prohibited from posting here due to the prohibitions made to me by Mr. Hsiung.
> > Now I consider two ways to overcome addiction and depression. One is by {human achievement} and the other by {divine accomplishment}. I am not aginst people taking drugs in an atttempt to overcome addiction and depression. But I say to you, that it is generally accepted that about 42,000 people died last year from psychotropic drugs, so they failed in their attempt to overcome. And as we go forward the accumulation of deaths from psychotropic drugs could be in the millions, as the number of deaths could be exponential due to that more people could be taking more of these drugs, and some give the ratio of 100 to 1 of reported deaths to actual deaths, for some deaths by these drugs could go unreported as death from the drug as some do not want to have an expert determine what caused the death,such as a heart attack. and then there are those that have already died from these drugs to be included in the total.
> > So it really doesn't bother me when one tells their experiance of using a drug here that they give credit to. Human achievement is a great accomplishment. But it can be hard and one can fail. I am here to reach the lost, those that can not achieve on their own. Those that have tried and failed. Those that have come to a Great Gulf and to them they feel that they are going to fall over the cliff to their death and are calling out,"What must I do to be saved?"
> > Lou
> >
> Friends,
> If you are interested in this discussion, I am requesting that you view the following video.
> Lou
> To view this video:
> A. Pull up Google
> B. Type in:
> [youtube, Dr Thomas Szasz on Psychiatry]Friends,
Here is a video that I am requesting ffor interested members to view. The page that comes up has in the second pargraph the use of the {42,000} people that died from psychotropic drugs last year. Then there is also the video there.
To see this page and video:
A. Pull up Google
B. Type in:
[Top documentary films, the untold story of psychotropic drugging]
usually first
poster:Lou Pilder