Posted by violette on July 22, 2010, at 22:02:35
In reply to PB - The Internet Asylum, posted by ron1953 on July 22, 2010, at 19:36:22
In the video, Crystal says she'd understand editing out a blaring zit for a magazine photo...
...but carving her out from a size 10 to a size 2 takes away her autonomy..actually someone else took it away--the editor--who effectively carved out a piece of her 'self'...which changes the meaning of...and ultimately takes away her entire message....gone with her authenticity, her people can be left with deception..and continue drinking Kool Aid.
Sounds like she had a T like mine :)
This woman once had an eating disorder and sounds very passionate and sincere about what she's trying to say here...and turning her situation into a positive thing and then taking that good out of her past situation and passing it on to others...but having to stand up for herself-and stand her ground-to do so, as others-magazines/editors-would rather make Kool Aid to sustain the $ billion beauty business...where people spend $ billions striving for 'perfection', caught up in their own insecurities....
This new generation is the smartest yet. And I by no means am part of the new generation..but I do learn from it.
That crap might have worked in the 50s, but things are changing-for the better. :)
"Be the change you wish to see".
I never heard of her before, but Crystal is an inspiring woman. Be authentic-don't let people take away from your message...sometimes you have to be reasonably real..but be real....or what's the point of it all?