Posted by Deputy 10derHeart on September 22, 2008, at 14:29:16
In reply to Re: use of offensive words, posted by Toph on September 21, 2008, at 11:56:47
> I don't know ron as you evidently do based on the above assumption that he *chose* to violate the rules,I don't know ron. I think of posters as "choosing" how to post, given the civility guidelines here, as an acknowledgment they have free will in this i.e., just because the guidelines aren't followed, doesn't mean they don't know them. It sometimes means they do, and are expressing themselves by the choice not to abide by them. I suppose my view (or assumption, as you say) is strengthened when there are recent PBCs, without any questions posed about what is and isn't okay to post,
>>but I would have assumed that maybe he did not know that vulgar words contained in text would not be auto-asterixed or that vulger words in someone else's speech would be ascribed to the poster.
That could be. As well as the specific language restriction, the FAQ asks posters to be sensitive to the feelings of others, but people could interpret that differently, or think there are certain exceptions. He can Babblemail one of us or email Dr. Bob if that's the case, and we can reconsider the action.
> I wouldn't presume to know what I or others think, thank you.
I'm sorry, Toph. I didn't mean to sound that way. I may have misconstrued what you were saying in your first post about confirming the poster's assertion by banishing him. More the "banishing" part than the confirming part, as I'm not sure what ron was asserting. I don't see blocks as banishment, at least not until we move toward the (extremely rare) year long ones (which I am ambivalent about anyway). For instance, a poster isn't kept from reading posts, reading Babblemails or coming to chat during a block. And when the block is over, they can continue posting.
I also thought I remembered you expressing your opinion about the blocking system here in the past, and that you and I see it differently. Not to start a new discussion (beat a deal horse, maybe? :-) ) but I thought I remembered you oppose blocks completely?
My memory could be way off - if so, I apologize. But that was my thought process in "presuming" you (and others who disagree with blocks) and I attach different meaning to them.
poster:Deputy 10derHeart