Posted by Lou Pilder on August 3, 2008, at 11:05:10
In reply to correction to link, posted by Lou PIlder on July 6, 2008, at 9:12:15
> > > > > I am unsure as to why then some notifications of mine are outstanding and also some emails from me to you are outstanding.
> > > >
> > > > If there are notifications outstanding, we've missed them, sorry. Please notify us again.
> > > >
> > > > I know there are emails outstanding, and I'm sorry about that, too, but I'm no longer able to answer all my email.
> > > >
> > > > Bob
> > >
> > > Robert,
> > > You wrote,[...If there are notifications outstanding, we've missed them,sorry. Please notify us again...] and, [...I'm no longer able to answer all my email...].
> > > In your citation of what I wrote, it comes from a post that is about my request to you for a clearer understanding about your rationales, your policy, and your TOS in that you welcome feedback and that you do what in your thinking will be good for the community as a whole and that you want members to trust you on that and that you take responsibility for what you post here..
> > > In particular, but not limited to that I had requested for you to post here your criteria that you use to determine if or if not a statement could or could not lead one to feel accused or put down.(citation dlbindif-asem49) In your post that I responded to, you wrote that,[...I'd notify us..That way,..we'll be ready...].
> > > Your reply to me that you have missed any notifications that are outstanding and that I could send them again to you brings up to me the following want for clarification. If you could clarify the following, then I could have the opportunity to respond accordingly.
> > > A. The genearally accepted meanings of {missed} are various. Could you specify which of the meanings of {missed} you are wanting to mean in your statement to me?
> > > B. If you are keeping a count on me and others that send notifications as per your 3 request rule for posts by a particular member, then could not you and/or your deputies referr to that list, if there is one, to find any outstanding notifications? If not, could you post here why not? If there is no list, could you tell here how your rule is kept a record of the number of requests?
> > > C. If what you are wanting to mean here by {we've missed them} is that they were all deleted by all the deputies and yourself, since a confirmation is given to that the notification has been sent, could there be a way for you and or your deputies to contact Matt's script to have a record of the notifications?
> > > D. Has there not been posts by the administration here saying that notifications are discussed by the deputies? If so, if all the outstanding notifications of mine have been deleted by all the deputies and yourself, could there be some of the discussion remaining so that if you make a call to your deputies that they may find some record of the notifications?
> > > E. If all of the outstanding notifications have been deleted by you and all your deputies, if they have been deleted, could not that the time of the notification by me being known as to the reminders posted here by me for you and/or your deputies to respond in relation to your TOS to the outstanding notifications be some way for you and/or your deputies to examine posts before that time on your own that could be related to my notifications if you and/or your deputies at least read them innitially as the confirmation page says that they were sent? One of your deputies does write here that at least one of the notifiactions was seen and also that the deputy remembers it to be a notification from a post on the faith board
> > > F. Your reply to me here comes after what one of your deputies referrs to as {significant time} has elapsed after reminders are posted here concerning outstanding notifications. The generally accepted mesaning of [significant} is that the siginificant time lapse between the notification and your addressing of the post in question could have {influence} of cause {an effect}. Since there were reminders of even the reminders, could not that the post in question is at this time still unaddressed cause an effect or influence here? If so, and your TOS states that you do what in your thinking will be good for the community as a whole and to trust you about that, my reminder is to how could in your thinking leaving the notification unaddresed for a significant time be good for the community as a whole?
> > > G. You are requesting that I send them to you again. Do you not remember that I have written here that I consider to re send a notification to be an additional term or condition to me here as a member and I will not submit to any additional terms or conditions and that yout TOS states that notifications will either be replied to on the thread where the post in question is or that a babblemail or email will be sent to the member that sent the notification and that you take responsibility for what you write? If you remember me posting that here to you before, why are you asking me again here to resend a notification?
> > > (citations dscrm66 and 67)
> > > H. Have you not read here where I posted that I would be glad to re send the notification if:
> > > You and each of your deputies post here, individually, that you do not have the notifications and why you do not have them, and also now to include that you do not have a record of any discussion about them and that you will not take the time to look at the dates of the reminders and look at posts from that time and also that you have no memory of them. If each of your deputies and yourself could post such, then I will re send the notifisctions. Members here interested in those outstanding notifications could email if they like and make their own determination as to this situation.
> > > Lou Pilder
> > > (citation dlibindf-asem49)
> > >
> > > (citations dscrm66 and 67
> > >
> > >
> > > You have posted here to me,[...i'm no longer able to answer all my email...]
> > > The generally accepted meaning of {all} could be {every}. So as I read the grammatical structure of your statement here, it means to me that you could theoretically answer 999 emails out of 1000 emails to you. If there is some other way you want your statement to mean here, could you post that here?
> > > Lou Pilder
> >
> > Friends,
> > If you are a discusant or are considering to be a discussant in this thread, I am requesting that you click on the offerd link here to the first post of a thread where this has been discussed previously and look at the other posts in the thread. If you could, then I think that you could have a better understanding of the issues involved in this thread and be better able to respond accordingly if you are going to post in this thread.
> > There may be related issues in other threads that may be unbeknownst to you that involve that notifications of mine, as seen as reminders here, have a significant time lag from the confirmation of the sending of the notification and any response from the administration.
> > If you would like more infomation concerning this, you could email me if you like because there have been rules made here, and some are not in the FAQ, that I am unsure of as to how those rules are going to be applied in relation to posting links to historical paralles to the situation that exists here in relation to the notifications of mine being {missed}. I invite you to use the merriam-webster search for {missed},and if you are going to email me, please include a statement that you are over 21 years of age. The link that I would like for you to click on and look at the other posts in that thread is:
> >
> > Lou
> >
> > there is an underscore between my name and 1188
> Friends,
> The corrected link is:
> LouMr. Hsiung,
In accordance with your procedure to keep reminding you of outstanding requests, the above.
Lou Pilder
poster:Lou Pilder