Posted by karen_kay on April 9, 2008, at 18:07:22
if a poster changes their name, but say they had like (oh, i don't know, let's throw a number out there) 4,000 year block upcoming. when they change their posting name, announce it on admin, follow all proper procedures (i may need to knwo those, for future reference :), do they, in all accounts, start out with a clean slate, block and pbc-wise? or, does the block they had coming up, under their last name, come into effect the next time they 'get in trouble' (for lack of a better phrasing. i guess i coudl have said a spanking, but maybe that's inappropriate (did i spell that right?)?
so, what was i asking again.... oh yeah, hypothetically, if i were to change my name today, adn i did somethign uncivil (or is it discivil?), woudl i get a pbc? or a block i had coming to me, under my previous name...
man, i think i took too much klonopin today, because i can barely understand what i'm asking :)
thanks in advance,
kk (soon to change her name! oh, i'm jstu kiddin. jsut a question i'd never thought of before. then again, maybe i'll change my name :)