Posted by Lou Pilder on March 12, 2008, at 10:57:58
In reply to Re: Administrative Abandonment, posted by rskontos on March 12, 2008, at 10:24:05
> Well, I guess the one good thing from all of this is , is it has cured me from the need of needing Babble and other internet websites. I peruse them but don't feel I can muster up the energy to post anymore. My voice doesn't seem to want to be voiced anymore. I am not sure anyone wants or needs to hear it. My voices have turned internal and are vamping up the heat anyway. I believe my internal fight is underway and I will not let Bob be a party to it to use in his research. And believe me Bob the party is only getting started. This are a lot more demons in my head itching to get out but you will not get them to use in your lab rat experiment. And now you mad them downright mad, actually pissed but I will not let them out to vent. We will just take our party elsewhere, in our head, and hopefully therapy. Although, you have made that hard too now. All this has made us want to just go get in bed, pull up the covers and hide from one and all. But then I guess that is ammo for your d*mn papers too huh. Adios Mr. Bob. I hope you are happy because I sure the heck am not.
> rsk
> PS and if you are using the pain and suffering posts here as fayeroe suggests then you are more sick and twisted then I thought and that makes me feel even more yuck and I now must tell my p-doc about all of this because I really want to go inside and hide where it is all safe and let someone else drive the wheel for a while.
You wrote,[ voice doesn't want to...I am not sure...have turned internal...fight is under way...will not let...more demons...mad(e) them downright mad...made that hard...hide from...feel..more yuk...inside and hide...].
From the grammatical structure of your post above, I would like for members here to attempt to help remedy this situation that you describe here. I could use links and past posts from here but there have been new rules made here about a year ago that I am unsure as to what links that I can post here or what posts from this forum that have been allowed to stand that I can post here which I think could be of help here in this situation. Perhaps others could post here, and when I could need to post a link, I could email it to someone that you could have them forward to you, if that could be possible, if you do not want to email to me.
poster:Lou Pilder