Posted by Lou Pilder on July 21, 2007, at 15:08:21
Dr. Hsiung,
In accordance with your reminder procedure, I has requested clarification on July 11 concerning your posting of;
[...I don't consider it civil to post anything that could lead others to feel put down, including anti-Semitic statements. Still, I think that it is inevitable that particular posters sometimes won't feel supported by particular posts...].
My concerns here involve your TOS in relation to actions you take, your rationales, policy and such.
I had requested to know from you;
A. If I am one of the posters that you mean in the post by you here?
B. If we could have discussion concerning this?
C. If there is a post that accuses or puts down a member, could you consider that those could also feel not supported?
in this discussion, I posted that you posted;
[...Sometimes the goals of these boards conflict. One goal is of course that they be supportive. Another is that people feel free to post...>But being supportive takes precedent<. My approach to civility is, it doesn't matter if someone really believes something--or to some extent even if it is true--if it is uncivl, they shouldn't post it. (Robert Hsiung 7/22/02)
One of my concerns is that the post in question was not approved . Then the poster was allowed to change the post and prefaced the unapproved statement with {I believe}. You posted that that is good.
Another of my concerns here is if that statement in question was noe approved by you because they changed it to having a preface of {I believe}, then could not posters here then post other non-approved statements and have them prefaced with {I belive} and thearfore be approved by you? If so, I am unsure as to what are you wanting to mean by your post on 7/22/02.Could you clarify how a post that is not approved by you can become approved by you by prefacing it with {I believe}?
Here is a link to where I had made made some requests concerning this on July 11
Lou Pilder
poster:Lou Pilder