Posted by Deneb on July 2, 2007, at 14:51:08
I don't think your blocking formula is fair to people who had long blocks before the blocking formula.
I dunno how to fix it. I think Klavot's formula is on the right track of thinking.
Blocks are soooo long even after years of good behaviour. Makes you scary Dr. Bob. :-(
Scary Bob. :-(
Off Topic (lol I piggyback this on an admin message lol)
You like to talk about Babble? Or bugs? LOL I'm gonna see you again one day if you let me. I'm going to think of safe things to ask you. I know you don't answer any personal questions. I gotta think of stuff to talk about. Ooooh, I luv you Bob. I should finish my hat for you. Dr. Bob, I'm going to ask you for your autograph.
On topic:
Dr. Bob, I've been good right? I think if I post something uncivil I'll get a block of one week. I'm going to try never be uncivil again. How long have I been block free? I want to reward myself for being good.Dr. Bob, I think you should reward people for being block free for certain amounts of time, like if you're block free for 50 weeks, you can write them and say, "Good job!". Then every 50 weeks, you write "Good job Deneb" or something like that. LOL (Can't blame me for trying LOL)
Or maybe I can just reward myself with stuff.
On second thought, it's a stupid idea. There are probably lots of people who have been blocked once and have been good for a long time. You wouldn't want to waste your time saying, "Good Job" to all of them.
( do say, "Thanks" to people who announce name changes... Hmmmmm...)
Maybe people can request a, "Good Job" from you if they hit certain times of being civil. Like every 25 weeks? Hmmm...but then you might have people who request it multiple times, how will you keep track of this? Hmmm...I dunno. LOL
Maybe all this is stupid. Maybe no one else beside me wants a Good Job from you. LOL
Oh well.