Posted by willyee on February 6, 2006, at 9:38:16
Hopefully im allowed to say this,to be 100 percent honest im not sure what im allowed to say really.
Anyway i see a lot of common situations happening that i wanted to comment on.
The trend i see is have a veteran,or semi-veteran,or the very least some one who although here a short time has contributed much to the group.
Then you have what not me,but the internet in general refer to as a "troll" which is a person who specificaly creates an identity,with no real interest in mind other than sparking flames and getting under peoples skin.
Now i understand we are adults and should regardless learn how to handle it when somone ruffles us with comments and the like,but the problem i see with this is in the long run who hurts from this??
The person is blocked and at the least people are denied valuable information for a week or so.In worst cases we even loose a person.The "troll" or maybe trouble maker i should use? Knows he is on a road to being blocked,his goal is to cause as much trouble until he does.
I dont know,i guess my bottom line is i dont think its doing any good for anyone when very general blocks are put forth for a word or two when if you step back and look at the entire picture you see very easly what happened.
To leave with an example,a memeber used a term that created an entire thread of people offended by the term.Of course in this thread a few were found who had trouble keeping there anger of the comment vague.They were blocked.
Now in a case like this,wouldent one think a moderater would step back,look at the enormous negative response the comment drew in,and address the person making the comment.How can we create a close faimly like enviorment here when we dont feel we have any support from our moderaters.
Last i think the block comment itself is cold,and vague.It almost feels like an automated response when you are blocked.Even in high school you were allowed to visit the dean and argue your case,here it just doesent seem that way.
Like i said i with all honesty no longer know if im being civil or not,and i have read the guidelines.All i know is a comment was made that i personaly found extremly offense,and i stated that,what in that case was i supposed to do,dont i have the right to be offended and speak my mind just as much as the person had the right to say what in my view was a extremly hurtful comment?
Either way i just hope the group doesent loose valuable people over these situations.Trouble makers are there to do exactly that,cause trouble,get people removed.Instead of robot like comments why arent are moderators acnowledging when there is a problem between a known veteran and a new commer.
I would think a person who invested time and energy and care by comming here to help should have that reputation known by moderators,but being blocked in a snap through a dispute with a new commer with no background here just doesent seem right.