Posted by Nickengland on January 9, 2006, at 11:16:09
In reply to I welcome my block Dr Bob if you choose to., posted by Nickengland on January 9, 2006, at 7:55:21
Hello Doctor Bob,
Suicide was a criminal offense in Canada, up until 1974 when it de-criminalized.
However, counseling or assisting suicide continued to be an offence, under Section 241 of the Code.
In brief:
Every one who..
(a) counsels a person to commit suicide, or
(b) aids or abets a person to commit suicide whether suicide ensues or not, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years.In this message, there is an accusation that members here have posted "things" on the board to which then suggest - "What do I have to do to prove that I'm not kidding?" with regards to (from what I can see) related to suicide.
I can't stand it. I can't stand it.
I'm afraid I'm going to do something stupid tomorrow because of some of the things I've been reading on the boards.
What do I have to do to prove that I'm not kidding?
There are also numourous posts within the archive which show evidence, (including photograhpic evidence) of a means for suicide. There have been posts along the nature of, rope has been baught, medication has been purchased, and questions relating of how to prevent/assist with tablets to prevent/cause suicide.
My gut feeling tells me, that because this has being going on for quite sometime - there is a case that the poster, has (in their own words) described an obsession with yourself and the site in general.
I also feel that in order for the safety of the poster and for the general mental health of other members, bearing in mind this is a mental health site...
Something is not quite right here, morally, perhaps legally with regards to the nature of these posts - and the responses to other members.
I have full repsect for your website, and for your rules as I do for laws of society in general, but as in society, even with the laws that protect us and people as a whole - these sometimes need to be amended because of people slipping through the net and causing harm to themselves and others - i'm not suggesting this here, but if its possible in real life communities then i'm sure its possible in online ones too.
In an extream example -
Where Canada stands
The Criminal Code of Canada outlaws suicide assistance, with penalties of up to 14 years in prison – but opponents have recently challenged the law's constitutionality in court.
In the most famous case, Sue Rodriguez – a 42-year-old B.C. woman who suffered from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig's disease – asked the Supreme Court of Canada in the early 1990s to be allowed to kill herself with a doctor's help.
She argued that the ban on assisted suicide violated the Constitution, by curbing her rights of personal liberty and autonomy guaranteed in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
The court rejected her argument in 1993, ruling 5-4 that society's obligation to preserve life and protect the vulnerable outweighed her rights.
However, several judges suggested Canada's laws might need to be changed to protect people like Rodriguez, who committed suicide in 1994 with the help of an anonymous doctor.
Its my personal belief, that the FAQ's and rules on suicide, may need to be up-dated here to protect Deneb and the other posters here to help keep the website civil and to promote a feeling that is positive torwards the mental health, and life, of the members here.
With great respect.