Posted by so on June 13, 2005, at 9:39:15
I notice that a "deputy" administrator has posted on this page an unusual request, as coming from a deputy, that someone comply with terms of service regarding a request by another member that they limit interaction with that member.
I also notice that the primary administrator has made no appearance on this board for about two days, with the exception of suggesting tee-shirt designs for those who attended an in-person party. And during that time, a rather strong discussion has occured here, which for the most part has remained dignified despite starkly different views on core issues regarding the merits of this service.
However, during that time a particular poster has written that anyone who does not dissagree with current U.S. policies regarding appropriation of resources to fight a particularly lethal syndrome, but which is not one of the leading causes of death among the aggregated U.S. population, is liable for a "sick joke."
And I have asserted, contrary to the claim that anyone so asserting is liable for a "sick joke," that current budgetary appropriations are made in good faith by duly elected officials.
Therefore I request of whatever persons are assigned or granted the role of deputy administrator that they review statements on this board in which those advocating a particular policy are said to be perpetrating "sick joke" and that the deputy or deputies respond according to expectations described in the terms of service for this site, particularly regarding interactions with myself in which these terms were used.