Posted by FaithT on January 25, 2005, at 7:22:21
Dear Dr. Bob~
By taking your advice to another poster and myself, to solve a problem on Psychobabble, I started a new thread entitled, "A Positive Effexor XR Experience", as this was your advice to give balance to the board, by sharing good experiences on the medicine.
As I stated, I originally replied to "Anyone Had Success on Effexor Xr?" However, all of my posts and any positive post made are continually debated by Dancingstar. I respectfully ask why this is being allowed, as I see it has been an ongoing problem. I shouldn't have to debate the fact that did not have a bad experience on the drug.
Currently, Dancingstar has found the new thread, and is giving advice to a poster named Aaron, who is on Effexor. She has advised him that his problem may just be due to a broken heart, and that he may not need to be on the med. at all...That the people that really need to be on Effexor are those that need to forget about there lives.
Unless, Dancingstar is a medical professional, then what right does she have to make such an assumption? I find it offensive and demeaning personally. I also think that it is inappropriate, that she is giving out constant, unsolicited, negative advice,in just about each and every thread on Psychobable in regard to Effexor.
I have kindly asked that Dancingstar not post to me personally,yet she has. I have started a new thread, a positive one as you suggested, but she has found her way there as well. Therefore, I respectfully ask that you intervene.
Sioncerely, Faith~