Posted by Cam W. on October 20, 2001, at 4:13:50
In reply to Re: Me thinks Sal is *still* with us., posted by JahL on October 17, 2001, at 0:46:02
Jah - Apparently Sal (aka ADgirl) is above the law on this board. The original messages he posted under this moniker were erased, but that hasn't stopped him.
The posts are unmistakeably Sal's, right down to the mistakes (see ADgirl's post under "Lamictal's Mechanism of Action" regarding his saying that Lamictal not causing cognitive dulling).
Do you suppose that Sal's not following the rules is linked to his religious beliefs? I doubt it, because christians are supposed to be truthful.
- Cam
P.S. Others, including myself, have been temporarily restricted from posting on this board, but most of us have respected the the restriction like adults.
poster:Cam W.