Posted by Mair on August 29, 2001, at 21:43:17
In reply to SalArmy4me Present 4 Duty: Servant, citizenSOLDIER, posted by SalArmy4me on August 29, 2001, at 18:39:20
> What's the point of all this. I haven't heard anyone suggest that you haven't been helpful, but please note, that from my check anyway, the posts which triggered all of those thank yous contained no mention of your religious ardor. You might want to consider that it can be a real turn off for some people and may have the unfortunate effect of discouraging some from asking for your assistance or causing some to give less credence to what you say. If you want to engage in religious discourse with particular posters that's fine, but I do think you're hurting yourself when all of the attention is directed to the secondary messages of your posts.
I'm beyond curious about the fact that from my observation anyway, you rarely if ever respond directly to any criticism. You do not defend yourself. I read these threads where complaints are made about your proseletyzing or your tendency to refer people to other sites or to quote lengthy sections of technical reports and by and large, you are the absent party. It's like all of these discussions occur about you as if you weren't around. It would be nice to hear you respond to some of this stuff directly. Otherwise it just seems like you're hiding behind the veneer of your religion so you don't really need to engage. What Gives??