Posted by kiddo on July 31, 2001, at 23:00:53
I don't know if anyone has seen this or not, however, when I tried to search it, I didn't find anything with the reference to this post. (7/20/01)
Conduct Unbecoming?
Dr. Hsiung apparently just found my original mention of his article and tactics in online research of his own support group. Notice how he turns the issue around into questioning my "unprofessional behavior," as though my conduct (for calling into question the way he conducted his research) is inappropriate. Interesting dynamics, that! (And, as usual, on the membership list of ISMHO, he suggests that people go onto one of his forums to discuss the issue further, knowing full well that I will not participate in such a forum because of his "unrestricted use" clause on any participant's words and ideas.)
(Posted at 12:39:39 PM EDT.) Discuss this...This really pisses me off.... He acts so damned pompous, questions your conduct then has the b***s to post a reference to it himself? I would think that if he was so concerned about it, he would take it up in private... the horse's mouth so to speak. (sorry, I'm a hick at heart)
Quote from Grohol on 7/5/01
"I was going to write a letter to his IRB and his department chair about this whole incident. Then I thought better of it when he resigned from ISMHO, since it was apparent from the discussion on the members-only list (that most people don't have access to) that the membership thought his behaviors (and even more telling, his unrepetent attitude toward the whole incident) were questionable. I'm certainly reconsidering that decision now with this new information."
I don't expect Dr. Bob to reply to this, but can someone tell me his actions are any better, I mean at least there is a privacy and copyright link... people aren't forced to post here....Just like case studies.... Most doctor's don't get their patients permission for that either, not that I've ever seen documented.....