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Posts from archive 20131025
- Re: dystonia or too much norepinephrine lazylizard 11/12/13
- Nardil @ 75 mgs damnthislife 10/25/13
- Re: Low testosterone level - medication-induced? » doxogenic boy Hugh 10/28/13
- Re: Do Antidepressants Work? babbler20 10/31/13
- Re: ECT-Advice Needed alchemy 10/26/13
- Re: Prozac...works? rockerchick46 11/3/13
- Re: Seroquel input rockerchick46 11/3/13
- Re: Abilify+ Antidepressants... babbler20 10/31/13
- Re: Smart phone app for people with bipolar rockerchick46 11/3/13
- Re: Will trade meds for a life rockerchick46 11/2/13
- Re: Is Nardil Still Effective babbler20 10/30/13
- Re: Putting substances in my mouth to feel better babbler20 10/31/13
- Re: Low dose naltrexone with SSRI for anhedonia sk85 10/30/13
- Re: saphris -no one rockerchick46 11/2/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants babbler20 10/30/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » babbler20 doxogenic boy 11/2/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » doxogenic boy larryhoover 11/2/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » larryhoover rockerchick46 11/3/13
- The above post was supposed to be by SLS, nm rockerchick46 11/3/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » larryhoover doxogenic boy 11/4/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » doxogenic boy larryhoover 11/4/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » larryhoover doxogenic boy 11/6/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » doxogenic boy larryhoover 11/9/13
- An LH essay above, in case anyone cares ;-) (nm) larryhoover 11/9/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants » larryhoover doxogenic boy 11/11/13
- Re: Irving Kirsch, placebos and antidepressants doxogenic boy 11/11/13
- Re: Parnate - raise or augment? » tensor ed_uk2010 10/28/13
- Re: Hi Willyee Pls Help rockerchick46 11/2/13
- Re: I'm running out of options rockerchick46 11/2/13
- Re: Anxiety Treatment Needed » Hugh Fiat500 10/26/13
- Re: Augmenting Luvox/SSRIs in general...I'm a newbie! » Rahilka former poster 10/29/13
- Re: Lamictal experiences please!! babbler20 10/31/13
- Re: ed_uk2010 - Not sarcastic. Sorry. » SLS ed_uk2010 10/28/13
- Re: Do antidepressants worsen your depression? » poser938 SLS 10/25/13
- Re: Weight gain / Geodon » Sheilac porkpiehat 10/29/13
- Re: akathisia on mirtazapine » doxogenic boy SLS 10/25/13
- Re: Psychostimulants .. suspected bipolar alchemy 10/25/13
- Re: minocycline on glutamate? » Jeroen doxogenic boy 10/26/13
- Re: Doxepin or what TCA for insomnia? » Christ_empowered Legm82 11/7/13
- Re: Wow, so many unanswered posts by newbies here » Dr. Bob Partlycloudy 10/25/13
- Re: Amantadine vs Memantine + Amantadine interactions? Jeroen 10/25/13
- Re: remeron sleep » sigismund gadchik 10/25/13
- Re: Anybody feeling ill treated by their pharmacy? » baseball55 Partlycloudy 10/25/13
- Re: Prazoain Combat Related PTSD--CAUTION b2chica 10/29/13
- Re: Quintiapine XR Mono or Lithium Add on to add's MDD » Fiat500 Phillipa 10/25/13
- Re: Stability..lucidity... » Christ_empowered doxogenic boy 10/26/13
- Re: divalproex blood tests » BygoneBeSpade doxogenic boy 10/26/13
- Is Wellbutrin (Bupropion) a glutamate releaser? ssplash 10/25/13
- a carousel of SGAs/atypicals? Snell 10/25/13
- Pain Med Nacynta + low dose SSRI Will it cause Ser Phillipa 10/25/13
- need help sleeping WITHOUT REMERON marcus1968 10/25/13
- Quick tip for urine retention/hesitation phinxeezaDr 10/25/13
- lithium and alcohol fukus 10/25/13
- How quickly modified 'switch' - Klonopin to Xanax? GypsySoul 10/25/13
- Parnate and Lyrica (for depression and anxiety) Peter Gibbons 10/26/13
- Pubmed Article Benzos and Melatonin gadchik 10/26/13
- unisom joef 10/26/13
- Buspar hypomania? Sheilac 10/26/13
- Constant munchies + meds... Sheilac 10/26/13
- Brintellix experiences? Fiat500 10/26/13
- viibryd-strong /weak joef 10/27/13
- Oxtellar XR anyone? Sheilac 10/27/13
- in psychhospitals they treat adults like children Jeroen 10/27/13
- When you're manic do you have rhymes in ur head Phil 10/27/13
- One Divine Hammer GavinoFelix 10/27/13
- Prozac Derealization But Improved OCD Exisessentialist 10/28/13
- Which Ssri to try Lamdage22 10/28/13
- is clorazepate absorption/metabolism funny? iforgotmypassword 10/28/13
- Did abruptly discontinuing ADs make you manic? doxogenic boy 10/28/13
- Lyme disease: root of my depression? former poster 10/28/13
- Trimipramine or Doxepin? Legm82 10/28/13
- did meds that not work alone ever work as augment? g_g_g_unit 10/29/13
- Sedation on Latuda? porkpiehat 10/29/13
- new antidepressant mechanism ihatedrugs 10/29/13
- Urgent help: do you think this is a reasonable com chinaboy 10/29/13
- can topamax stabilize one's mood? chinaboy 10/29/13
- Stopped taking Savella former poster 10/30/13
- Abilify For Anxiety babbler20 10/30/13
- OCD after Bipolar treatment? Sheilac 10/31/13
- effexor marcus1968 10/31/13
- New Antidepressants babbler20 10/31/13
- parnate augmentation....anyone? cadett 10/31/13
- Top l00 Med Prescribed Through Sept Phillipa 10/31/13
- Best Antidepressant-This Website babbler20 10/31/13
- Histamine - low dose Lamictal? Sheilac 11/1/13
- i am scared don't know what to do Jeroen 11/1/13
- remeron as main ad marcus1968 11/1/13
- tranxene jpa 11/1/13
- Mood Stablizer bk2va32 11/1/13
- Who is at Most Risk of Bipolar Disorder Phillipa 11/1/13
- Desperate Cry -Meds and prolonged Grief SLS et al Jay_Original1 11/2/13
- Chemical Craziness then Latuda Ruby2 11/2/13
- Yay! and Hello! rockerchick46 11/2/13
- trimipramine vs remeron jpa 11/2/13
- Abilify and sneaky weight gain rockerchick46 11/2/13
- Tardive Dyskensia lazylizard 11/2/13
- Imipramine Withdrawal babbler20 11/2/13
- Is benzo cross tollerance inevitable? linkadge 11/2/13
- Are SSRI (Zoloft) superior to high dose 5htp? Lamdage22 11/3/13
- Hey doc, you fking jerk Phil 11/3/13
- Nardil Experiences babbler20 11/3/13
- finally some good news everyone! Jeroen 11/4/13
- Seroquel Zombie rockerchick46 11/4/13
- Seroquel Dosages rockerchick46 11/4/13
- Hey Phil! Where do you get Zyprexa 11/5/13
- withdrawing from years ativan use but start xanax Jeroen 11/5/13
- PAXIL still relevant??? marcus1968 11/5/13
- Bipolar clinical trial now recruiting Hugh 11/5/13
- headaches,trouble sleeping and reading on Lamictal porkpiehat 11/5/13
- What Will Occurr Do you Feel With New proposals? Phillipa 11/5/13
- Carbohydrate craving w, MAOi gpznos 11/6/13
- tegretol joef 11/6/13
- Article: Psychiatric Fallacies SLS 11/6/13
- remeron is an antidepressant linkadge 11/6/13
- Tyramine reaction? but how?? jono_in_adelaide 11/7/13
- Antidepressants that are ok with schizophrenia? Lamdage22 11/7/13
- Seroquel and Anxiety rockerchick46 11/7/13
- coreg joef 11/7/13
- addiction history and after effects rjlockhart37 11/7/13
- Parnate + Reboxetine experiences anyone? Frequentfryer 11/7/13
- Ssri akathisia/nervousness (zoloft) Does it pass? Lamdage22 11/8/13
- remeron experiences PLEASE.... marcus1968 11/8/13
- luvox experience PLEASE!!! marcus1968 11/8/13
- Brain fail--can't write--can't spell. Phil 11/8/13
- effexor cadett 11/8/13
- Russian meds for anxiety jpa 11/8/13
- pdoc response time rockerchick46 11/9/13
- help ssri's!!! marcus1968 11/9/13
- Severe mental illness Christ_empowered 11/9/13
- 7.5 mg remeron marcus1968 11/10/13
- Internet pharmacy jpa 11/10/13
- Are you right-brained or left brained? - Test SLS 11/11/13
- prozac still being used???? marcus1968 11/11/13
- nefazodone info please lazylizard 11/11/13
- trying medciation and having a differnt reaction lazylizard 11/11/13
- vorioxatine joef 11/11/13
- Fractures + Trileptal?! Sheilac 11/12/13
- Marplan or Nardil for severe lifelong depession stargazer2 11/12/13
- Tradive dyskensia-please help lazylizard 11/12/13
- stablon in canada jpa 11/12/13
- remeron sleep marcus1968 11/12/13
- 2013 meds rjlockhart37 11/12/13
- New Nardil possibilities Cee 11/13/13
- weight gain on mirtazapine sebastian flyte 11/13/13
- switched to Geodon from Abilify...experiences? ihatedrugs 11/13/13
- morning grog/fog/ due to benzos or sleep meds marcus1968 11/13/13
- Akathisia question. SLS 11/14/13
- Bones are fine/ severe fluid retention? Sheilac 11/14/13
- Seroquel restlessness and heart pounding fiat500 11/14/13
- switching MAOIs phinxeezaDr 11/14/13
- Abili-Quel? Christ_empowered 11/14/13
- any non-horror stories of coming off klonopin? johnLA 11/14/13
- What's wrong with me? ihatedrugs 11/14/13
- rTMS worked for me Zatar 11/14/13
- learning from scratch rjlockhart37 11/14/13
- Akathisia remedies PLEASE psychobot5000 11/14/13
- havent had Nuvigil in 3 weeks rjlockhart37 11/14/13
- Could buspirone help my depression? Lamdage22 11/15/13
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Babbletime: Sun Mar 9 17:28:33 CDT 2025
Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
URL: http://www.dr-bob.org/babble
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