Shown: posts 1 to 25 of 25. This is the beginning of the thread.
Posted by jerimycoplo on March 29, 2004, at 22:01:16
Hi. I was wondering what the specific theories or hypothesis of brain dysfunction (specifically neurotransmitter related) are in regard to ocd and anxiety.
I have OCD and social anxiety (probably generalized as well) and tic disorder.(not tourette however). Does anyone know what brain chemicals might be involved dysfunctionally in this type (or a similar type) of mental disorder.
Posted by ryan312 on March 29, 2004, at 22:49:40
In reply to Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jerimycoplo on March 29, 2004, at 22:01:16
I have OCD with tics also (among other things).
The OCD is thought to result from a serotonin imbalance while the tics and/or tourette's (if vocalizations were ever present) are thought to be dopamine related. Very odd that the two are often co-morbid, ocd and tics/tourette's, yet two different systems are involved, dopamine and serotonin.
Posted by snapper on March 30, 2004, at 0:07:32
In reply to Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jerimycoplo on March 29, 2004, at 22:01:16
longish!! Hi jc, man oh man this is the big mystery!!!
dude I feel so bad for you and others who are having these difficulties... I don't have the specific answers but I will tell you this - I know for fact that it is an OBSESSION In itself trying to figure it out... You are just like me , I am convinced (or at least I have convinced myself ) that this deal is primarily 'chemical' -- you are right it is chemical- but it just is'nt this chemical or that chemical ... I believe it is a really goofy dsyregulation of many chemicals....Here is a little theory>>> i'll try not to be to complicated about explaining this..but here goes...keep in mind just some self observed theory....ok? ---Seratonin is purportedley the calm , everything is just fine I am cool with it kind of deal - neurotransmitter and Dopamine is the the ultimate feel good I love life-pleasure,
I fit in, I feel good , and perhaps too good kind of neurotransmitter . it as well as serotonin are both inexplicably connected to produce feelings of happiness-sadness-pleasure-euphoria-sexual fellings-rage- anger-compulsions etc. I hope I am making some sense. I know it does not make sense that the chemical dopamine is what we need to feel happy , social, un-afraid, exuberant, and so forth and that ssri's are what they (Dr.'s) use to control or attempt to control symptoms af seriuos anxiety , panic and ,ocd (increase) in seratonin to help stop obsessions and compulsions. I know it just really seems screwed up. But heres the deal.... I first noticed my ocd at the age of eight-I was an outgoing litte guy full of life,loved everybody etc...pretty much life was good.!! Ok so as my life progresses and life stressors create some kind of influx of these chemicals I get very stressed ( for reasons I won't elaborate on here)I don't know what is happening and my body stops creating these 'feel good chemicals' cortisol (stress hormones) goes through the roof.... creates vicious cycle stress begats stress and so on thus depleting more feel good chemicals thus creating an over load of bad chemicals verse good chemicals...please try to hang in here with me and I am sorry to others if this is so long (if you are even reading it) back to when I was 8.. I had all kinds of worries and anxious feelings about stuff, stupid stuff in general, but very real and scary to me ( little kid ) I thought I was going to die , I thought I was not going to go to heaven because I did'nt pray to Jesus the right way or the correct way-- had all kinds of fears- it was really crappy - any how my folks sent me to a psychologist to see why I was such a worried little guy! they never really figured out why I had so many worries and fears but the psychologist created a deal where I made a little thing out of clay and called it my worry wart and when I began to needlessly worry or be fearful I would just say 'here to my worry wart' take my worries away and it seemed to allay my fears and worries that in itself was the compulsion that helped satisfy myself from worrying this period of my life seemed to pass...........jump forward several years..OCD and social anxiety can wax and wane -come and go-
if you will. Anyhow as I got older, I found out that self medicating with alcohol seemed to dampen my anxieties and fears of scrutiny by others-'works for a while until you start to have to drink more and more to control your anxiety and what not. Alcohol is a depressant but it also releases dopamine...the hey everything feels good and ok -I love life chemical. Too bad that it is not the cure!!
The deal is that a large number if not all people
who have addictions like, drinking, gambling, using illicit drugs, smoking, sexual addictions etc seem to have too little Dopamine in their heads and the fact that you just gotta keep doing something or having that beer or placing another bet on the blackjack table or what ever it is, smoking etc. is in my opinion a depletion of dopamine thats why we remain repetitive in our thoughts and actions.. still with me? ok we don't know why the opiates make us feel so good and why people like us feel inhibited in social situations-the mere fact is that we just seem to freeze and that Pleasure chemical is just like it's underactive.. I am not a scientist but I am determined to find out why this is--like i said before some of it is chemical and some of it is psycho-social, such as ,were you shy as a kid or felt insecure about your looks or your body type etc. there are jsut soooo many factors that go into play with this thing... The obvious thing would be to say hey ,, lets get more dopamine, so we enjoy things and take more pleasure in things but it's just not that simple. I am not saying that everybody that has an issue wtih an addiction has social anxiety or OCD, however I would very much venture to say that a large majority of people out there that are self medicating with cigarettes, dope, weed, sex, gambling or what ever it may be, that they are all just trying to raise thier dopamine levels.
i am looking for answers for my depression and anxieties and my ocd and have realized that it can only be corrected to a certain degree with psychiatric drugs.. They cover up the symptoms in stead of treating the root cause... there are many different etioligies for dep. anxiety and ocd and every one experiences all of these SYMPTOMS to varying degrees and different intensities.. soooo I will try to quit babbling and give you some advice fwiw- I have discovered a website on the internet that was a rare find in my opinion... it is called I have contacted this very nice lady in the east coast and she told me that SHE USED TO (used to) have panic , anxiety, and ocd -so bad that she could'nt even leave her house for 6 monthsshe claims she is now symptom free after 8 or 9 years -- no her life is not perfect but she has most of her health back and certainly her mental health-she has told me that she has consulted with hunreds and possibly thousnads of people w/ocd and and that the key to correcting the ocd part of this whole bio-chemical mess was this: to nourish the myelin sheathing in the brain - I know this sounds really cookoo and way out but she is a naturopathic Dr. and is living proof that there are alternative treatments to the problems we face ...I am getting ready to start her protocol in a couple of weeks and she has told me that the results will definitley not be overnight but that those who follow the protocol she reccomends, become 80-85 symptom free and some become symptom free altogether of the effects of ocd and panic.She told me that if it was going to be effective to be effective that it would be a min of 2-3 months to see results and that I would need to continue the nutrient and herbal protocol for at least 9-12 months in order to rebuild my myelin sheathing I talked to this lady for over 21/2 hour the other night...very informed and very nice lady. this thread might get re-directed to alternative treatments board but thats ok . I know that a lot of people on this board are going to think I am nuts-but I am definitely NOT INTO QUACKERY AND WILL TRY WHAT EVER I CAN TO FEEL BETTER AND HEALTHY AGAIN. HER PROTOCOL DOES NOT CLAIM TO CURE DEPRESSION AND SEVERE ANXIETIES BUT I FIGURE ANYTHING THAT CAN HELP ME I WELCOME IT.. BECAUSE I AM MISERABLE AND SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED! jc or others, if you want the exact web site to check out her story I will be happy to pass it on since i have not begun the protocol I can't say weather it will help me or not but it sure cant hurt!! hey everyone thinks for letting me ramble and babble and i am sorry for the dis-jointed speach and possible repetition of my post but I think most of you can probably relate- when your ol brain is not working right it just is not working right... hope this post or parts of it give some people some hope! also I want everone to know that I am not trying to sell anything or help promote her stuff she readily admits that she is here to help people weather or not they buy products from her or not!! I BELIEVE SHE IS SINCERE-- AND I AM A SKEPTIC ALTHOUGH - AN OPTOMISTIC SKEPTIC -JUST SHOW ME PROOF THAT IT WILL WORK FOR ME AND I'LL THEN BELIEVE!!
my best to all my fellow sufferers
Posted by rod on March 30, 2004, at 3:23:20
In reply to Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jerimycoplo on March 29, 2004, at 22:01:16
I was reading at (search for some studies) that OCD is the opposite neurochemic dysfunction of AD(H)D. According to some papers, OCD brains have an overactive frontal lobe (Hyperglutamergic state), which seems to get corrected by SSRIs. So there is also Glutamate involved.
Posted by snapper on March 30, 2004, at 19:04:29
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken, posted by rod on March 30, 2004, at 3:23:20
Rod, that is very interesting about glutamate- and yes you're right about ssri's being effective for OCD but I think there are a lot of variants of how OCD manifests it self from person to person. I don't think it is just serotonin.... check this link out on depression bi-polar, anxiety, ocd, etc in re: to glutamates and aspartates etc being excito-toxins to the brain - it is a site by a guy named George Eby- and he has suffered from many of these disorders and refers to them as "hyper-emotionality" I know it is not going to be the case for everyone but this guy is smart and very well versed- he HAS done his homework!! I also know that many references to him and his site have been acknowleged here on PB before!
Posted by snapper on March 30, 2004, at 19:10:24
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken, posted by snapper on March 30, 2004, at 19:04:29
rod sorry, here is the best link to that site I mentioned--
Posted by jlbl2l on March 30, 2004, at 19:28:05
In reply to Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jerimycoplo on March 29, 2004, at 22:01:16
serotonin (the actual genetics of your 5HTP chain are shorter than normal people's according to the latest research) this is why SSRI's sometimes help) ,
GABA/DOPAMINE -> these two things think of them as a teeter-tauter , they need to be balanced in the right situations at the right time for perfect clarity.
Same goes with shchizophrenia.
Unfortunately, these all cause excess glutamate in the brain which causes demylelization in some cases like schizo or brain damage in SOME cases. like Glutamate, there is the glycine receptor that is needed to open to "re-learn" things. ahh i dont remember there was just a study but this drug, what was it called, d-cycloserine or something some tuberulosis drug helps people overcome there fears by opening this receptor 1/2 way to help "re learn" and overwrite the bad "sectors" of the brain like say, being afraid of heights or spiders etc. hey if you want more info just ask. im a walking neurochem book.
Posted by snapper on March 30, 2004, at 21:50:58
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jlbl2l on March 30, 2004, at 19:28:05
hey jbl, what you say makes sense, the mere reason I had to post such a long post to try and help explain to jc what was the chemical and possible biological underpinnings of what chemicals go wrong was this my brain circuits are obviously messed up ---[DEMYELINATION ! ] check out this web site this ND dr. really makes a lot of sense in being able to nourish the thin myelin
sheathing-thus the problem of poor synaptic and transmitter conduction between point a and point b. obviously this is not the case in all mental illness but again certainly makes sense! check it out and let me know what you think
Posted by jerimycoplo on March 31, 2004, at 1:42:45
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jlbl2l on March 30, 2004, at 19:28:05
JLBL21 can u tell me some more detail about the most up to date theories of ocd and anxiety? i have both. as in what is wrong with the hpa axis and all the stuff.
Posted by jlbl2l on March 31, 2004, at 10:22:05
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by snapper on March 30, 2004, at 21:50:58
DEMYELINATION is caused by some sort of unknown either virus/autoimmune disorder, genetic fragments or something similar to huntingins disease. i would check for them all. also lyme and lupus. stuff like this. obviously, also, MS. Treating the cause would work, if there is a treatment obviously. but if not then ->
the only REMEDY i know of to TREAT and PREVENT IT at the TIME that ACTUALLY WORKS and has been PROVEN to work in DOUBLE BLIND studies is EPA (PREFERABALY) THE ethyl ESTER) SO THAT IS -> OMEGA 3 EPA FISH OIL EPA ONLY HIGH DOSE Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoic Acid IF YOU CANT FIND THE ETHYL FORM ITS BECAUSE ITS IN CLINCAL TRIALS FOR THESE VERY DIEASES WE ARE TRYING TO CURE :) the normal form will work as well. but just take high purified doses,some places carry the ethyl form. one place is Thats where i get mine. Its the ethyl form. Check the clinical studies....they are actually in there for drug companies and stuff. (look on search engines!)... pretty crazy....! i highly rec, all of you take fish oil NOW every day. purified. this prevents the demethelization. until we find something else. or until you find what is causing the problem. its probably one of the diseases or genetic factors i mentioned above... so check for em if you can.
Posted by jlbl2l on March 31, 2004, at 10:34:07
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jerimycoplo on March 31, 2004, at 1:42:45
jerimycoplo ->
its interesting you ask this. only because i just remember learning that OCD is the opposite of ADD or something like that. meaning, it usually responds very well to SSRI's especilly zoloft but thats just off the top of ym head. id ned ot think more on that one... anyways.....
first, i am very well versed on anxiety. i already explained my most up to date thoery on the neurochemistry of it in my previous post, for more detail, i'd rather talk voice. it can get quite complicated. ive talked voice to a few members here actually already so... but really the LATEST research points to a defect (short chained) 5HTP (serotonin) gene or something to that effect so it doesnt attach quite correctly to certain receptor points. This is why SSRI's so help sometimes, but mostly not. However, Gaba is also involved majorly as is is inhibitory. It gets very complicated from here. Dopamine is involved as well. Dopamine is the final pleasure pathway. dopamine and gaba balance each other. its very hard to type this out because some of it is even over my head. its all still just theroies and research, but it really makes sense. is an excllent resource, but the best resource is xxx read it over and over and read every link and every medicine. eventually youll learn pharmacology and how the brain works. that one pain explains things fairly simply actually if your a newbie... you can clink links for specific studies on drugs and studies on them etc etc. if you want to get in persnal contact with me let me know my screename is the same as the one here jlbl2l (anyone can message me) ! (AIM)
Posted by rod on March 31, 2004, at 15:44:45
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken, posted by rod on March 30, 2004, at 3:23:20
> I was reading at (search for some studies) that OCD is the opposite neurochemic dysfunction of AD(H)D. According to some papers, OCD brains have an overactive frontal lobe (Hyperglutamergic state), which seems to get corrected by SSRIs. So there is also Glutamate involved.
>Just to back up my info, heres the link
"On the role of prefrontal cortex glutamate for the antithetical phenomenology of obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder."
1. The objective of the present study was to compare the phenomenology and pathophysiology of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder/deficits in attention, motor control and perception (ADHD/DAMP). 2. Through detailed studies of the literature on OCD and ADHD/DAMP, the phenomenology of these two conditions is compared, and possible underlying pathophysiological mechanisms involving interactions between glutamate, dopamine, serotonin and acetylcholine are discussed, with emphasis on OCD. The present paper also discusses possible mechanisms of action for current pharmacological treatments of OCD and ADHD, as well as possible future treatment strategies for these disorders. 3. OCD and ADHD/DAMP are common neuropsychiatric conditions which in many regards appear to be each other's antipodes with respect to clinical manifestations, associated personality traits and brain biochemistry, notably prefrontal cortical glutamate activity. Future pharmacological treatments of these disorders may involve manipulations with glutamate, dopamine D , serotonin 2A and nicotine receptors. 4. It appears that OCD is a hyperglutamatergic and ADHD a hypoglutamatergic condition, with prefrontal brain regions being especially affected.
Posted by snapper on March 31, 2004, at 18:35:59
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken, posted by rod on March 31, 2004, at 15:44:45
Rod , that all makes a hell of a lot of sense...I too have been "obsessed" so to speak with the bio-psychiatry .com site I found it over five yrs. ago and keep finding myself referring back to it quite often-it tells you pretty much everything you would want to know about mental illnesses , drugs that are supposed to do this or that and much , much , more!
At any rate after being obsessed with this website and thinking my Drs. did not know what they were doing and sometimes still don't think they do - lol; what do we do? Meds alone cant be the common final pathway into correcting these biological aberations!!! Hey, BTW did any of you check out the link I found, and reccomend that anyone with anxiety and or panic and OCD must at least read through to atleast get a more comprehensive - even If not a definitive solution to their mental woes? check it out and let me know what you think!! to the web site and read it over take the meylin sheath test and see if any of the "symptoms" relate to you- as I posted a day or two ago- I am going to implement her treatment protocol to see if I can get some relief!!see ya
Posted by jerimycoplo on March 31, 2004, at 21:22:42
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken, posted by rod on March 31, 2004, at 15:44:45
With all due respect...I can go along with some other mechanism responsible possibly for anxiety, ocd etc. that could cause demylinezation or whatver and the current studies with fish oils that might help...and i DO take epa's daily BUT
I am kinda skptical of the webpages being thrown around here as adresses. They build on a cutting edge hypothesis and some of the research being done and develop a treatment plan that is not based on much real scientifc study....
i would save my money and maybe just take some fishoils until further studies take place.
yes, many "kooks" are well spoken, know their stuff, and mostly are dedicated and believe in what they preach. that alone howver should not be the thing that convinces you about the validity of their ideas...unless you just have alot of money and don't mind taking chances on someting with negligible possiblitites of success...jc
Posted by snapper on March 31, 2004, at 22:52:01
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken, posted by jerimycoplo on March 31, 2004, at 21:22:42
> With all due respect...I can go along with some other mechanism responsible possibly for anxiety, ocd etc. that could cause demylinezation or whatver and the current studies with fish oils that might help...and i DO take epa's daily BUT
> I am kinda skptical of the webpages being thrown around here as adresses. They build on a cutting edge hypothesis and some of the research being done and develop a treatment plan that is not based on much real scientifc study....
> i would save my money and maybe just take some fishoils until further studies take place.
> yes, many "kooks" are well spoken, know their stuff, and mostly are dedicated and believe in what they preach. that alone howver should not be the thing that convinces you about the validity of their ideas...unless you just have alot of money and don't mind taking chances on someting with negligible possiblitites of success...
> jc
Hi jc, you are right there are kooks everywhere!!
the mere fact that you and I are skeptical are reasonable and fine-but also know this I am trying to find answers to some of my problems and in my doing so perhaps I can help others - I know I can't save the world-I can only attempt to save my self. We tend
to think that the allopathic medical community has all the answers to our medical problems and that is a total falacy. I origionally responded to your post because I had compassion and felt for your struggles because I too struggle with OCD and anxiety and severe chronic depression. It has literally cost me my business, my independence, my peace of mind, my self esteem and has put me right square into the very system that I don't want to be a part of -- Social Security Disability and a severely diminished quality of life ! Not to mention the fact that I have been "forced to live" with my semi-retired parents at the age of 37.(which I am definitely thankful for) Putting it bluntly it SUCKS.So in response to your statement of having lots of money I don't but you know what? I am still searching for answers because after many years of struggling to find the answers to the problems with my brain, I have definitively realized that we have to take serious responsibility for our selves getting well. I have taken over 50 different medications in the last 14 years and hardly anyone of them has made me any more near well, or normal. the mere fact that you suggest that you would not or probably not waste your time on anything that would produce negligble results, is to me preponderous-20 to 30 years ago or less they did'nt even think OCD was very treatable ! Hey you know what I am sorry if I am responding to your post in a hostile manner or if it appears that way.I just am convinced that short of irreversible brain damage (which I do not have) I tend to pursue almost practically any half way sane proposal on regaining my mental health. The website is not just a website I threw out there to give you or anyone else false hopes. In fact the mere fact that you and I and many others are skeptical is a very real component of Depression anxiety and Especially OCD- "the DISEASE OF DOUGHT) (sp) . When we are are depressed - anxiety ridden and obsessive we tend to be negative and see life as negative and the glass as "half - empty " instead of half full!! In fact even though I am doughtful that this ND Dr.has any real answers to some of my brain dysfuntion-I am at least willing to try it. Money is a factor right now but in the very short future I have serious reasons to beleive that my Familys' resources will allow me to at least try her protocol. If you are suffering enough from your mental woes to be on this board, then obviously you are looking for answers to which previous meds and or other therapies are NOT working or proving to be effective. Again I am sorry If I am coming across to you or anyone else who reads this as hostile or hutful or uncivil! That is NOT MY INTENTION!! - I am sorry but this Is just how I feel. So basically what I am trying to figure out is What can be corrected in my goofed up neural circuits-via the cause-the root. Not just simple reasons like I was born with it. Or pre-disposed to it etc. hey, but let me ask you this. Have you even checked out the website i posted?
If you have not thats your right but if you really want answers and or possible solutions to what might be effective then I challange you to check it out in thourogh detail --- It is certainly not like this lady is asking for membership dues and proposing that we all should join her special little Hocus-Pocus herbs and nutrition program. She also is certainly not calling me or e-mailing me and begging me to give her business. Yes she has a website to promote wellness and make a profit but I also believe, from what she told me after speaking to her personally for 21/2 hours - and comparing my symptoms to her symptoms etc. that It would definitely be a viable option. jc, if what you and I and others are or have tried ion the past did not work then would'nt that be proof that there just might be some solutions other than drugs!! I do agree with fish oil but even that most is not a fine science and many would comsider that a dubious route to any semblance of normalcy- and lastly think about this...Who would have thought that approxamately 40 to 50 years ago a guy named John Cade would discover that LITHIUM an Naturally occuring mineral/element would be the thing that would help soooo many people -once thought to be raving crazy lunatics (bi-polar) would be a substance that has undoughtedly been a road to mental stability and better fucntionality in terms of quality of life- for literally millions of people. All I am saying is this. I just am not willing to rule anything out that might be a possible key to fit that lock" I want my sanity and peace of mind back -don't you!! Good Luck
p.s -she is trying to validate proof that her protocol is valid - she just does'nt have the billion dollar bankroll that these MEGA-PHARMACUETICAL COMPANIES HAVE, IN WHICH TO SUPPOSEDLY TRY TO FIGURE THINGS OUT!!!
Posted by Dr. Bob on April 1, 2004, at 6:32:38
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jlbl2l on March 31, 2004, at 10:34:07
> the best resource is xxx
Maybe so, but they also link to ways to import into the US prescription medication without a prescription, so I'd rather they not be linked to here:
Posted by sgoose on April 1, 2004, at 12:48:28
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken, posted by snapper on March 31, 2004, at 22:52:01
<snip>I too struggle with OCD and anxiety and severe chronic depression. It has literally cost me my business, my independence, my peace of mind, my self esteem and has put me right square into the very system that I don't want to be a part of -- Social Security Disability and a severely diminished quality of life ! Not to mention the fact that I have been "forced to live" with my semi-retired parents at the age of 37.(which I am definitely thankful for) Putting it bluntly it SUCKS.So in response to your statement of having lots of money I don't but you know what? I am still searching for answers because after many years of struggling to find the answers to the problems with my brain, I have definitively realized that we have to take serious responsibility for our selves getting well. I have taken over 50 different medications in the last 14 years and hardly anyone of them has made me any more near well, or normal.<end snip>Snapper, I have been following this thread, as it applies to what I am dealing with. In specific I am in just about the same EXACT situation you are in except for that I am only 23. I feel as though I have a lot to learn from people like you who have gone further down the road I am on. I started treatment at age 17 after battling since my earliest memories. I'd like to chat more with you and will keep up with this thread.
Posted by katia on April 4, 2004, at 0:08:31
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. Snapper, posted by sgoose on April 1, 2004, at 12:48:28
You can't be sgoose, I AM! Where did you come up w/ this name?
Posted by snapper on April 4, 2004, at 1:14:30
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. Snapper » sgoose, posted by katia on April 4, 2004, at 0:08:31
sorry dbl or triple post!!
Posted by jdgjdg on April 5, 2004, at 22:01:06
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jlbl2l on March 30, 2004, at 19:28:05
I once heard OCD explained like this: The brain has a "doorman". The doorman's job is to stop the bad people(thoughts)from getting in or staying in the building. The "doorman" is off sick a lot when someone has OCD. LOL
Posted by snapper on April 5, 2004, at 22:57:04
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jdgjdg on April 5, 2004, at 22:01:06
Hey jdg, thats a pretty funny analogy, I wonder if the doorman has OCD TOO!!
Posted by jdgjdg on April 5, 2004, at 23:36:42
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by snapper on April 5, 2004, at 22:57:04
LOL, he probably does. Jenn
Posted by katia on April 5, 2004, at 23:43:30
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jdgjdg on April 5, 2004, at 23:36:42
This is very funny because whenever I had terrible thoughts about ten years ago, i made up an image of a little man running thru' my brain and walloping kicking that bad thought out thru' my ear. And it helps! i guess it's my version of the doorman.
Posted by jerimycoplo on April 6, 2004, at 14:44:41
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken? » jdgjdg, posted by katia on April 5, 2004, at 23:43:30
What about them lakers? hahaha...j/k
isen't it funny when these posts totally stray away from the initial topic :)
Posted by Dr. Bob on April 6, 2004, at 19:39:59
In reply to Re: Biochemistry of OCD and anxiety. What's broken?, posted by jerimycoplo on April 6, 2004, at 14:44:41
This is the end of the thread.
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