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Posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 15:21:22
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by bridgey1128 on October 18, 2004, at 15:03:18
> I decided to go up on my Topomax without my Dr's permission. He didn't say he wouldn't, I just don't have the time right now to make an appointment to go see him and to wait any longer, I just don't think I can stand myself. I have been in SUCH a bad mood lately. I know it's because I need to go up on my meds. When last I went to the Dr I was really depressed and I made the mistake of telling him the last time I was depressed I was suicidal. I think that made him uncomfortable and he said he didn't feel comfortable going up anymore until I went to a shrink. I DON'T HAVE THE FREAKING MONEY TO GO! I thought they were going to make me an appointment with the county shrink but they never called me to tell me when the appointment was. Oh well, they dropped the ball on that one. I don't want to go anyway. Once I figured out what my depression trigger was, I haven't been depressed. This anger I have had has stemmed from my mania. This is the other side of it. It turns to irritability when I need to go up. THANK GOD NO HALLUCINATIONS! I guess I am over that one. Made the mistake of telling him about that too. I guess I will keep all that pertinant info to myself from now on. I REALLY don't want to get the stupids!!! I had them at a low dose. I can't imagine getting them at a higher dosage and that scares me since I am going to audition for Into The Woods in Dec for a lead! I guess I will try 175mg and see where this takes me. So far I actually have felt better. A little less edgy this morning. This is a good sign. The tinglies have come back but I was expecting that. That is my usual side effect. I was starting to get the stupids again because I NEEDED to go up and I just felt retarded. I couldn't think of the most simple word. That is like a catch-22 because that is how I am sometimes when I am NOT on medication. Sheesh! I don't need that to be a withdrawl symptom!! It's strange, when I need to go up on medication, I start going through withdrawl. It's like my body is not giving me any other choice but to go up on my medication. I guess I will comply. I think my husband is about ready to divorce me. I have been all over his back with my teeth and claws beared for, I don't know how long. The tiniest thing drives me over the edge with rage and I am sick of it. I really think, screw it, I am going up whether or not I have the Dr's blessing at this point. THis is the point of no return. I can't go off this med at this point. I can only go up, because I know what the alternative is, and frankly, I DON'T LIKE IT!
Bridgey, go up at slow increments please... if it is the only alternative remember to increase slowly and increase first in the evenings...
no morning increases until you are finished increasing in the evenings otherwise you will feel nauseasted and simply awful... remember how awful I felt by increasing in the mornings...good luck
Posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 15:24:30
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by rainy on October 18, 2004, at 15:19:13
> I can read, Kat, thank goodness. I love to read--it's always been a form of escape for me. I think I wrote that I knew several adults who couldn't anymore because of meds they'd been on, or for unexplained reasons. "I used to read alot, but now I can't concentrate..." and so on. I do have trouble remembering stuff, especially facts or grammar, which makes learning a language really hard for me, or retelling a plot.
> What you are describing sounds a little like what I experienced when I first began
> topamax although no one ever diagnosed seizures-
> -just "horrendous" depresions, mood swings and
> a year ago July, bipolar II.
> This medication--disease process is so physical and mental and spiritual that I think it truly brings home the concept of the whole person spinning around and crashing into things. Your entire neuro system seems to be jumping up and down--I can't help but think that some of this bi polar disorder that I eat breakfast with is a function of the guillain-barre and subsequent autoimmune polyneuropathy I had 30 to 40 years ago.
> I'm not answering you clearly. I'll send this now and respond more appropriately later, after I've re-read your response--thanks alot for your description of your experience. I appreciate it.
> rainy
>Oh, When I cannot read it is because all the letters blur together, a reaction to the seizure.
Sometimes it lasts for a day and sometimes for several days and it drives me simply frantic...
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 18, 2004, at 15:26:33
In reply to Re:laundry and fish » bridgey1128, posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 15:21:22
Well I really don't understand what that means Kat. I take 100mg at night and was taking 50mg in the morning since July 1st. So is that slowly enough? :) I think it's time to go up to 175mg. So should I take the extra 25mg in the morning or at night? I really don't understand how you explain that. I know why you should you it that way, but I don't know at what point you start spilling it over to the morning. I just started taking the extra 25mg in the morning, so I am taking 100mg at night and 75mg in the morning. Is this wrong? I have never had nausea with my Topomax, nor ever felt bad with it. Lemme know what you think. Thanks!
Posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 15:29:06
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by bridgey1128 on October 18, 2004, at 15:26:33
> Well I really don't understand what that means Kat. I take 100mg at night and was taking 50mg in the morning since July 1st. So is that slowly enough? :) I think it's time to go up to 175mg. So should I take the extra 25mg in the morning or at night? I really don't understand how you explain that. I know why you should you it that way, but I don't know at what point you start spilling it over to the morning. I just started taking the extra 25mg in the morning, so I am taking 100mg at night and 75mg in the morning. Is this wrong? I have never had nausea with my Topomax, nor ever felt bad with it. Lemme know what you think. Thanks!
>Okay, if you are taking more at night than in the morning it would make sense to start taking 25mg in the morning and increase until the two balance according to the info they gave me...
then if there needs to be another increase it would start in the evening...
make sense????
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 18, 2004, at 16:35:34
In reply to Re:laundry and fish » bridgey1128, posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 15:29:06
OK that's what I thought but I wasn't sure. If it increases past the nighttime dosage then I would need to increase THAT dosage. Like if I got up to 225mg I would take 125mg at night and 100mg in the morning to make sure the highest dosage is always at night, correct? I thought that is what you meant but I wasn't sure. I am taking the 100mg at night and now 75mg in the morning. I have an appointment with my Dr for next Monday. I don't plan on telling him I have started ahead of him. :P I just plan on telling him all has been well since my last appointment in August when I was so depressed. And he shouldn't have any worries about me going up since I know my triggers for the depression. He should be MORE worried about the withdrawl I have been having by NOT going up.
Posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 17:18:40
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by bridgey1128 on October 18, 2004, at 16:35:34
> OK that's what I thought but I wasn't sure. If it increases past the nighttime dosage then I would need to increase THAT dosage. Like if I got up to 225mg I would take 125mg at night and 100mg in the morning to make sure the highest dosage is always at night, correct? I thought that is what you meant but I wasn't sure. I am taking the 100mg at night and now 75mg in the morning. I have an appointment with my Dr for next Monday. I don't plan on telling him I have started ahead of him. :P I just plan on telling him all has been well since my last appointment in August when I was so depressed. And he shouldn't have any worries about me going up since I know my triggers for the depression. He should be MORE worried about the withdrawl I have been having by NOT going up.
Yes, any increase should always start in the evening or at bedtime then when the evening max is reached the morning increase should start... and guess who forgot that and started to do the increases at both times...
no wonder I have been feeling rather nauseated the past few days...
oh if only I would read what I write...
and read what I thinnk and what I have been told soo often...
when the night time dosage is at max THEN I shall start the morning increase....I KNOW THIS so why don't I DO THIS????
Posted by rainy on October 18, 2004, at 20:34:51
In reply to Re:laundry and fish » bridgey1128, posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 17:18:40
Iris, except for being unable to read, you sound like me most of the time. I'm sorry, I've forgotten, are you on medications? It's forgetting stuff that's terribly annoying and I'm casting about for things to blame it on. I don't think, that at 62, old age is one of them.Bridgey, I remember that awful, jagged irritation was a symtom of hypomania for me and that going up on topomax, usually by 25 mg increments was done so with great hostility. "You're so hostile!" my poor bloodied husband would remark, which is one of the reasons I don't want to go off Topamax now.
Having gone down on the wellbutrin in anticipation of provigil, I'm growling and hissing and mean and mostly defensive--awful. We've been married for 38 years and I don't understand why we're still married.
Maybe that's where some of my loss of self control is coming from...medication imbalance. Mouth wise. So good luck Bridgey, and be your own best friend re doctors, I think.
I have to think awhile, Kat, about what I'd do if I couldn't read for awhile, like a day or two--five days is unimaginable. I'm a cat person so I don't have walks with four legged people as an option.
It wouldn't be fun.
Posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 21:51:21
In reply to Re:laundry and fish » headachequeen, posted by rainy on October 18, 2004, at 20:34:51
> I have to think awhile, Kat, about what I'd do if I couldn't read for awhile, like a day or two--five days is unimaginable. I'm a cat person so I don't have walks with four legged people as an option.
> It wouldn't be fun.
> rainyRainy, for me, reading is the greatest entertainment next to singing... ask Bridgey about that one <g> ... and next to my dogs...
at the moment I am forbidden to sing... ask Bridgey about how that is affecting my mood too sigh... as they correct a problem with my vocal cords, somehow it never rains but it pours around here...
My husband and I have been married almost 38 years and celebrated -- well I celebrated, we are not sure how he reacted to the event -- the fact that this summer past marked 40 years since we began dating for walking the four-legged critters, that is out for a while as my husband is afraid they might be at risk working with me while I am in this post ictic or whatever it is state...
note that he does not put my welfare first, but the dogs come at the head of the food chain LOLso the cats and I sit around and wonder when life will return to normal as they really thing the larger furry critters need to wear off the energy that is building up...
and I must admit that another problem is not being able to let off energy in writing. I can not bear to write when it is such a slow endeavour, takes an age to write a sentence when things are so slow. However I have learned that it is the epilepsy that is affecting my sight and not really a problem with my sight...
does that make sense? I do know what I mean and am no longer lying awake nights worrying that I am losing my sight... just my mind :)
I also learned that if taking Tegretol it is vital to have one's vision checked regularly by a specialist, not an optometrist...
so have booked the appointment...
sometimes we learn too much because then we worry too much???
Posted by Stressee on October 19, 2004, at 8:50:07
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by bridgey1128 on October 18, 2004, at 16:35:34
I am having a heck of a time with this computer today, my fingers just won't type correctly!! Anyway, Bridgey- I can't remember why you are taking topamax? I hope you don't mind my asking, I am trying to diagnose myself!! Kat, I should have know you are a writer, your posts are creative and a delight to read. I don't have a creative bone in my body, really. I have to ask my friends what to do when I want to decorate my house. I can't even pick out a color of paint. That's probably why I avoid it altogether. I have had some prints from Banff for two years, and not framed them yet. I can't decide on what type of frames I need. Pathetic huh? I'm going to take a leap and get them done this week!!!! -L
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 10:15:11
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by Stressee on October 19, 2004, at 8:50:07
I take it because I am bipolar type II. I just recently upped it yesterday because I had just about had enough of my own self, nevermind what my friends and family has thought of me! That and I have had absolutely no desire to do anything really. Housework, never a favorite anyway!, but I can at least DO it. I just have let my house go to pot because I just can't make myself do it. THat and I have gained about 5lbs back. That doesn't seem like much but when I have worked so hard so lose this 20lbs that I gained coming off the Effexor it's upsetting. And I still have about 90 more to go in my book. Day two of the upped dosage has me feeling even better so I can't say I have regretted upping it without my Dr's permission. I knew it was time anyway. I have felt so cruddy. Plus I have been bad and have been off my diet, so I know that is why I have been so tired. Carbs make me so loagie. Yeah I know I know! Carbs supposedly give you energy! WRONG!!! That isn't what they do to me. They wear me out and make me very tired. When I am on Atkins I feel so good. My body was never meant to burn carbs. I guess that is why I do so well on that diet. I have tried everything under the sun and that is the ONLY diet that has ever worked for me. I had the lady at the gym gripe at me about it didn't work and I said, "Oh really? Is that why I lost 90lbs on it the last time? And my cholesterol went down? And my energy went up?" SHe said it has something to do with cutting calories...uh when you pig out of bacon and eggs..that isn't exactly cutting calories!!! When I exercise, I just gain muscle. I don't lose fat! It's stupid. So, I do it the easy way. I just diet and the fat comes off and I already have a lot of muscle under it anyway. That's why I am so heavy and don't look it. I saw a commercial for that new reality show The Biggest Loser and there was a lady standing on the scale who weighed 220lbs. I was "Brian does she look heavier than I do?" and he said..."Yeah! By about 40lbs or more." I weigh 10lbs more than she does. I guess I am glad I have a healthy body image at this weight even though I am not HAPPY being this weight but I don't want to be thinking that I look GOOD in a tight shirt when I have fat hanging out all over like some of those chicks on Jerry SPringer.. hehe I don't want my kids taking me on some show saying..."MY momma wears tight clothes and embarrasses me!" I prefer to wear clothes that are fitting without showing TOO much. I have curves and I like to show them off. I think nothing is less flattering on a plus size woman than big bulky clothes that look like sacks. Unfortunately there are too many clothes out there that are shaped just like that. Makes it hard to find good shaped clothes that aren't too tight! Yay! Old Navy just put in a plus size line! Hmm I digress...such goes my mind....That's the curse of a creative mind I suppose...
Posted by Stressee on October 19, 2004, at 13:26:17
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 10:15:11
What are the symptoms of Bipolar II? Remember, muscle weighs more than fat, and carbs do put fat on some people. Most people, in fact. I know they do me and my daughter. My husband lost weight on Atkins and swears by it. I pust a post on the Physcology board and am wondering if I need some sort of a mood stabilizer, because I am so physco up and down on a daily basis. -L
Posted by iris2 on October 19, 2004, at 13:50:53
In reply to Re:dogs and Prozac » Stressee, posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 13:59:15
Just a thought. I was looking at VNS (Vagus Nerve Stimulation) for depression. You might want to take a look at this for seizures when you find out what is causing them.
Posted by iris2 on October 19, 2004, at 14:13:29
In reply to Re:laundry and fish » rainy, posted by headachequeen on October 18, 2004, at 14:28:41
This is Iris or Irene. I was the one that posted that I cannot read. Unless someone else did also.If the question was directed to me about what I meant by I cannot read it is because I cannot concentrate and focus on the material. If I read something I have trouble remembering it and so if I try to read a book I cannot remember enough of what I just read or read a day ago to continue reading it and have an understanding of what I am reading. I just do not concentrate because of my depression. I think part of the problem now is also fear that I will not be able to concentrate.
Who was it that has the years of anorexia and bulimia? I ask because I have had both. Bulimia for about 30 years.
I am lethargic all the time. I take ritalin and it helps some. I do not even get out of bed if I do not take the Ritalin. I tried Provigil but it made me so very nervous.
I have trouble doing anything. Laundry and the like only gets done when absolutely necessary and even then sometimes not. I have not vacuumed
my home in at least a month and I have a dog that sheds constantly. Then again I also have a difficult time doing anything that I might enjoy doing, something even that does not take much physical effort. I am thinking of trying Strattera for this instead of the Ritaliin.The weight thing is huge with me as I have had this eating disorder since I was 15 (now 45). My mother was alsays kind of obsessed with weight and body image. That is why I worry about you stresse and your daughter. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders though. At first you talked so much about your daughters weight and not much about her mood problems or even the binge eating that I worried there was an over emphasis on the body image suff which would not be good for her.
There are several boards for epileptics if you are interested. Just Google it. There is a board about VNS if anyone is interested.
Posted by iris2 on October 19, 2004, at 14:29:41
In reply to Re:laundry and fish » headachequeen, posted by rainy on October 18, 2004, at 20:34:51
Curious how we are alike. Perhaps it makes me feel not so alone:)
Current Meds:
Ritalin sr 20 to 100mg as needed
Oxyxontin about 40mg a day or more as needed for pain or depression
Klonopin .5mg to 1mg as needed- I almsot never take it
Perphenazine 2 to 4mg as needed- I almost never take it
Valium- 5 to 10mg as needed- take sometimes usually for physical complaints - I use it for my bladder spasms and my neck muscle spasms
Amisupride- about 50mg day started takeing about two months ago
I am still very depressed and cannot work and do not fuction much. I am looking into trying Mirapex, Strattera and Cumbalta.
Posted by iris2 on October 19, 2004, at 14:38:36
In reply to Re:laundry and fish, posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 10:15:11
Do you have enough Topomax now that you increased the dose without your doc so that you will not run out? I figure you already thought of that but i just wanted to make sure. I would not want you to run out. I have lied to doctors in the past after increasing dosages and told them I lost the meds to get more.
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 15:31:25
In reply to Re:laundry and fish » rainy, posted by iris2 on October 19, 2004, at 14:29:41
Irene,why would you take Strattera for depression? Are you ADHD? I have read that when one has been on a stimulant drug that the brain has already been wired for a stimulant and therefore the Straterra is useless. We found that out the hard way with our son. We might have well been giving him water for his ADHD. It was so useless. We tried it in conjunction with adderall with Dr's advice but that really defeats the purpose of taking a non stimulant. He takes Concerta now, which is a long lasting Ritalin. Why do you have pain? Just out of curiosity, have you ever been to a good chiropractor? They can do wonders for things that Dr's and drugs cannot touch!! I found that out with my back and my neck. And since your spine and neck control so many of your other body functions, including bladder and kidney function, you may just want to try to find a good recommended chiropractor. Most insurance companies will pay for them now. Just a thought. L..Some symptoms of bipolar II are, but not limited to, extreme irritability, excessive talkativeness (foot in mouth syndrome), I find that I have had that problem. It's like I couldn't stop talking. It was a compulsion. Even though I knew I might be getting on people's nerves, I was SOOO wired and hyper because I was around other people, I couldn't stop talking. Bipolar II isn't like manic depression, which is bipolar I. You don't have feelings of grandeur, where you feel indestrucible. I have, however, gone out and spent money I don't really have, although it hasn't been excessive like one would do in bipolar I. Not hundreds of dollars at a time or staying gone for days at a time and not sleeping. Depression has hit me REALLY hard at times though. Suicidal, worthlessness. Not wanting to get out of bed, but I had to make myself because I have two kids. Anger. I get really angry when I am depressed. I become violent to myself. I used to be a "cutter". I was never that bad compared to some people though. I get irrational and I am prone to anxiety attacks. Those are just a few examples. I guess individual people react in different ways but similarly. Bipolar II is more depression than "hypomania". It's not a full blown mania like in bipolar I. That is why is takes us so long to be diagnosed. Why do you go to the Dr because you feel so good? Go to some websites online and take some tests. There are plenty out there that can give you an idea. No, I don't have to lie to my Dr about it. I have refills on my meds. I just go and refill it when I need it. When I need a new refill from my Dr I just call them and tell them I need them to call the pharmacy. Hope this helps!
Posted by rainy on October 19, 2004, at 16:35:12
In reply to Topomax and bipolar II, posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 15:31:25
Bridgey, may I add a different interpretation to foot in mouth disease? Mine is the kind that comes with loss of judgement. Like in what might be called a confirmation class (13 fourteen year olds, all of us Unitarian Universalists, if that means anything--very liberal). I used the term "poop-head" to illustrate what not to call some one in a put down. (Sorry, Dr. Bob.) I further allowed myself to be suckered into a two minute discussion of a sex act before I stopped it (I used to be a medical social worker in a family planning clinic)and further, told five of the worst behaving students that I wanted them to shut up. All of this while my husband, the minister, had left me alone while he went to get pizzas because the parent who was supposed to bring them didn't.
I lost my so called clear thinking when he left me alone with the hungry, already unruly kids. I simply could not restore order. I blame the almost immediate return to adolescence on my part on the Topamax, as well as my personality.
Would it have happened if I hadn't been on meds? Would I have obsessed about it for two weeks if I weren't "stabilized" in the depressed stage of bipolar II?
I say things that are inappropriate and don't even realize I've done so until later, although I realized these guys right away. That's a little different than the runaway talking that Bridgey writes about. Maybe they're both a function of the disorder and have nothing to do with the medication?
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 17:18:18
In reply to Re: Topomax and bipolar II, posted by rainy on October 19, 2004, at 16:35:12
Topomax should actually HELP control those...not CAUSE those. I have never heard of it causing those symptoms. If it does, then it's not the drug for you. There are so many others out there for bipolar II. That doesn't sound like stablization. That sounds like meds not working at all. That's just a classic example of bipolar II, flat out, without medication. I don't think it was the Topomax, I just don't think it was working for you.
Posted by iris2 on October 19, 2004, at 17:33:28
In reply to Topomax and bipolar II, posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 15:31:25
I get bladder pain from a disease I have called interstitial cystitis. It does sound an awful lot like me this BP2. I never heard about it. I talk constantly but I thought most of it was from the ritalin. Not always sure. I have all the symptoms you describe. I thought about the Strattera to take instead of the ritalin for symptoms of depression that are like ADD. Consentration and fatigue. The same reasons I take the Ritalin. I also already see achiropractor every week for my neck. It has startd to help. Thanks for the information.
Posted by rainy on October 19, 2004, at 20:07:36
In reply to Re: Topomax and bipolar II, posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 17:18:18
Yow. I felt awful on lamictal, plus my hair came out in handfuls. What else is there?
I think I've mentioned that Topamax is useful in keeping an old, old eating disorder at bay, so I'm unwilling to go off even if it messes with my mind--I think. I'm tired of fighting.
Posted by merry on October 19, 2004, at 20:23:38
In reply to Re: Topomax and bipolar II, posted by bridgey1128 on October 19, 2004, at 17:18:18
I have bipolar II with rapid cycling and I understand about the talking too fast and inappropriate subjects that jump out of my mouth and the angry outburst and (insatiable sex drive). My ex-husband used to call it the jeckel and hyde syndrome, because the other me is so quiet and sweet,hee hee. Topomax seems to be keeping me calmer these days. I was on 200mg for a long while and then I had a rare manic phase. I usually am mostly depressed and sometimes alittle hypo but rarely manic. (It was kind of fun, but scary too) so my pdoc is increasing my topomax to 400mg. I'm a little nervous about going so high on the dose.
Posted by merry on October 19, 2004, at 20:38:11
In reply to Re: Topomax and bipolar II » bridgey1128, posted by rainy on October 19, 2004, at 20:07:36
I'm sorry I just came in here, I'm new and my name is merry. My pdoc has increased my dose of topomax. I was on 200mg. 100mg morn. 100mg nite. Now he wants me to go to 400mg. Starting 150 morn 150 nite 2wks then 200 morn and 200 nite after that. I started on Fri. and I am sick as a dog. I can't eat. Everything smells bad. I feel anxiety, I can't sleep, I have vivid dreams almost nightmares, I get hotflashes...(Maybe I'm old enough for those now, 36yrs?) I don't know. I feel confused and irritable. HOw long is all this supposed to last? I don't remember feeling this way the first time I started taking topomax. My pdoc isn't very helpful and I am looking for a new one so I hope that maybe someone can give me some advice. thanx. merry
Posted by Stressee on October 20, 2004, at 7:59:59
In reply to Re: Topomax and bipolar II, posted by merry on October 19, 2004, at 20:38:11
If you or anyone can remember, how did you feel on 200 mg per day? M is taking it, and is on 75mg am and 50 pm until later then she goes up 25mg in the pm. I did it backwards, I know!! She says she has had ringing in her ears for around 24 hrs. Is that normal? No other side-effects except the tingling. No decrease in appetite, but I think it is starting to help the binging. She says it is, but who know with a 16 yr. old. I can tell you I'm like a Jykle and Hyde, and I don't have Bipolar II that I know of. I am going to ask to be switched off my wellbutrin, because I don't think it works all that well. As for eating, everyone, it seems lately that if I see it, I'm going to eat it. I started trying to eat "healthfully" yesterday, and I hate it. UG!!! I work at a fitness center and I came to the conclusion that I should practice what I preach. Right? Keep telling me that PLEASE. -L
Posted by bridgey1128 on October 20, 2004, at 8:55:38
In reply to Re: Topomax and bipolar II » bridgey1128, posted by iris2 on October 19, 2004, at 17:33:28
Merry, that is a pretty name, btw, you are having the problems you are having due to the stupidity of your Dr. You should NEVER EVER EVER go up on Topomax that quickly!!!! EVER!! It should ONLY be gone up in SMALL 25mg increments every 2-3 weeks and you should ONLY go up to the next dosage after YOU and ONLY you feel that the side effects have worn off. Everything you have said, the anxiety, sweating, etc..this is NOT good and not something that should be a normal side effect if a Dr knew what he was doing and you were going up slowly on the drug. Tingling, and the bad taste I have heard a lot but the anxiety is a bad one. Loss of eyesight is another one that I had. Dr's DON'T KNOW EVERYTHING! Trust your own body, and your body is saying...STOP STOP STOP!!!! BACK OFF!!! The vivid dreams? I had hallucinations! But mine was because I needed to go UP on my meds and I hadn't for 2 months. I am telling you, DON'T listen to your Dr. INSIST that he let you go by what your body is saying. This is a fairly new drug and Dr's HATE to admit they don't know everything. We only give advice based on all our experiences combined and that experience is....GO UP VERY SLOWLY. MErry, do yourself a favor, and stay at the dosage where you are until you feel these side effects dissapate. You may even want to back off the dosage to the next down. He wrecklessly upped you full steam ahead and I can't stand that! It's like some Dr's have no clue about the side effects, or don't care. 400mg isn't too much. I have been doing well at 150mg for about 2 months and then suddenly I started breaking into my hypomania again. Extreme irritability and all.. I knew it was time to go up again. So once again, it's time to go up. And I will go up in 25mg increments. You always start with the highest dose in the evenings. That is also why you feel crappy.
Largest dose in the evening and the smallest in the morning. When the dosage evens out, like 100mg night and 100mg morning, when you have to up it again, you start adding to the night time dosage, because it can make you nauseous taking a higher amount in the morning. I hope this has been helpful and please stay with us! We always enjoy new people!
Posted by rainy on October 20, 2004, at 16:06:49
In reply to Re: Topomax and bipolar II, posted by Stressee on October 20, 2004, at 7:59:59
> If you or anyone can remember, how did you feel on 200 mg per day? M is taking it, and is on 75mg am and 50 pm until later then she goes up 25mg in the pm. I did it backwards, I know!! She says she has had ringing in her ears for around 24 hrs. Is that normal? No other side-effects except the tingling. No decrease in appetite, but I think it is starting to help the binging. She says it is, but who know with a 16 yr. old. I can tell you I'm like a Jykle and Hyde, and I don't have Bipolar II that I know of. I am going to ask to be switched off my wellbutrin, because I don't think it works all that well. As for eating, everyone, it seems lately that if I see it, I'm going to eat it. I started trying to eat "healthfully" yesterday, and I hate it. UG!!! I work at a fitness center and I came to the conclusion that I should practice what I preach. Right? Keep telling me that PLEASE. -L
i felt crabby, and every time I went up 25 mgs I felt crabbier. There was a whole lot of other stuff going on in my life though, like moving and not liking our new house or the swampy weather. But I have noticed that with each titration up there's a period of irritability.
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