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Posted by bridgey1128 on December 16, 2003, at 10:16:40
In reply to Re: please be civil, posted by boonie on December 16, 2003, at 8:30:28
Are you blonde or strawberry blonde? I wonder if the fair skin gene carrys something as well and not just the redheaded gene. My bipolar is not as bad as the full blown manic depressive bipolar. My "mania" isn't to the point where I would go nuts and spend thousands of dollars I didn't have. I guess that is why it took me so long to realize I might be bipolar. You don't go to the Dr because you are hyper and happy. You go because you are sad and depressed. I thought it was just post partum depression. WRONG! Pregnancy may have triggered the depression but I think I have always been bipolar. I can switch from laughing to snapping someone's head off in a split second. I never thought I was bipolar because I was thiking about traditional manic depressive bipolar. That and since I am a redhead...well you know temper comes with that territory! I am blessed to have a MORE than understanding husband who has tolerated my strange mood swings for the past 9 1/2 years that we have been together. At least now he understands why. WOW! I ACTUALLY AM CRAZY! hehe j/k It feels that way sometimes. I am not in therapy, although I have seen the psych. twice just for evaluation. Insurance coverage just sucks when it comes to psychiatric care and mental health. I really think it's biased. But I am sure that is a totally different message board altogether!! I don't really feel like I need therapy. Maybe that is just denial but I really don't have the $ for it anyway. Not when there is a $1000 deductible! THen they only pay 50%...but I digress.
Posted by boonie on December 16, 2003, at 10:43:16
In reply to Re: please be civil, posted by bridgey1128 on December 16, 2003, at 10:16:40
My mom is a real redhead - My dad a platinum blonde. I do have really blonde hair, but the rest is pure redhead. :-) Your symptoms sound just like mine. Can I ask a personal question? How's PMS? Just asking cuz since I've been on meds, I have also had a hysterectomy. Before that - RUN - HIDE - Mom/Wife is PMS!!!! Cyclic, that's for sure. And, I could be very happy, then very snappy in an instant and cry because I burnt the toast. Some commercials for greeting cards would send me to the washroom bawling like a baby. Tired to the point of ill for, at least, 2 weeks prior. I still have my ovaries, so no need for any hormone replacement therapy, but what a difference in mood swings. I'm not suggesting the cure is a hysterectomy, eeeeekkkk, I'm just wondering if PMS wasn't one of my biggest contributing factors to diagnosis. I tried talking to my psychiatrist about this and he poo-pooed it.
Posted by bridgey1128 on December 16, 2003, at 11:21:54
In reply to Re: please be civil, posted by boonie on December 16, 2003, at 10:43:16
Hmmm maybe you need a woman psychiatrist. PMS has ALWAYS been an issue for me more than normal people. Yeah but the PMS may have been worse because of the bipolar. I am much too young to have a hysterectomy, 27 and planning on more kids, but maybe it does have something to do with it. I THINK that women suffer from mood disorders more than men. Or maybe we suffer in the same numbers but you know how men are! ;) Don't want to admit anything is wrong. My dad is like that. He takes Ativan (works well without weight gain least for me..then it stopped working) but doesn't take it regularly. I think he might be bipolar too, but HEAVEN FORBID he should admit something is wrong. I can't even talk to him about me being bipolar because he gets all defensive and mad about it's something I can just change. UH...if it were something I could just change then I would have done it a LONG TIME AGO!!!Whereas, since having kids, my periods have been lighter and less PMS hasn't gotten any better. I think sometimes that men Drs just aren't as sensitive to women's issues as women Drs. I don't think any Dr should just dismiss your feelings. They may give you a valid reason why they don't agree, not just pooh pooh it. That would make me feel like I didn't want to see them again if they didn't think my opinions were worth anything. Anyway, I have to go now! If you want to chat, live time, I am on AOL as Bridgey1128 and on yahoo chat as the same. I am very open so it isn't likely you would offend me by asking me something personal. cya :)
Posted by jtevers on December 16, 2003, at 16:04:27
In reply to Re: neuroleptics... weight sleep and mood? » jtevers, posted by blondegirl47 on December 14, 2003, at 13:06:08
> I too have had a slowing of weight loss on the atkins diet...I have found that I have to watch how much cream cheese and also how much low carb candy I eat. Although I can eat more calories and lose on Atkins, I still have to be watch the amount of calories I take in, especially if I am not exercising. Hope things get better for you. I don't have any experience with the medication you are taking, but I thought I would put my two cents in on the Atkins thing :) Hope it helps
> Blondegirlblondegirl,
it was really kind of you to offer your insight... i hope you get this appreciative message.
i have been plateaued for some time and am now attempting a trial with an anti-epileptic med. topamax sometimes used "off-label" as a mood stabilizer which has weight reducing properties!!! although there are also some very harrowing side effects, too ... wish me luck.
thanks again and good luck.
Posted by jtevers on December 16, 2003, at 16:10:27
In reply to Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet?, posted by katia on December 14, 2003, at 15:29:19
> JTEVERS-- I know you've done the diet. What were the first few days like? Did you experience this sort of thing? For me it's gotten worse since I started the diet, but I was feeling a bit of this last Monday (I was hungover - pre Atkin's Diet - now no more alcohol). I've also found on Lamictal, that hangovers are NO FUN. It's awful. I don't think I'll over indulge again simply from that. It's like someone takes my brain and hides it from me and i develop disassociation feelings and anxiety. Anyone else have a tough time drinking on Lamicta? (I know I shouldn't be drinking at all, but I have to be honest about my experiences).
> Anyone have insights, comments???
> thanks.
> Katia
i have been on the Atkins Diet for almost 6 months...initially i felt only slight nausea, in my stomache not in my head, and a more moderate amount of fatigue until my body acclamated.
Posted by bridgey1128 on December 16, 2003, at 16:22:37
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet?, posted by jtevers on December 16, 2003, at 16:10:27
It's withdrawl from carbs. Then your body starts burning fat for fuel instead of carbs. Only diet that has ever worked for me!
Posted by Angie J on December 16, 2003, at 23:06:57
In reply to Re: topamax, posted by krissi on May 25, 2001, at 10:10:25
I am on Lithium,(600mg) Seroquel,(50mg) Topomax 100mg, and Desryl and Imovane for sleep, and gained 80 lbs on prednisone for asthma and Rheumatoid Arithritis(also on Methotrexate). Lost 30 lbs twice on topomax, but gained it back both times, severe overeating disorder. I tried a new drug Enbrel for the RA, but had a severe reaction which my psychiatrist figured was caused by the Topomax. We are reducing Topomax to 25 mg over 3 weeks, but I need the drug because it STOPPED my severe migraines. I read at a bipolar site on the web somewhere that Bipolar Affective Disorder causes, or AFFECTS the brain with migraines, which is why so many bipolar people have migraines. Also, leg cramps, the only thing that works for me is 350 mg of iron with 5 mg of folic acid per day. I need to get my RA under control to stop the depression I sink into when I see my body eroding before my eyes, to say nothing of the pain. All these major diseases is too much. Anyone experience sexual difficulties with Topomax?
Posted by moosehaps on December 17, 2003, at 1:56:26
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness?, posted by katia on December 16, 2003, at 5:12:16
> > Don't stress it chick. No harm done. I understand completely. I found a definition for hypomania.
> >> Sorry you are going through this and sorry Katia that you are having a hard time. I know what it's like to be constantly pissed off and want to cry at any and everything!
> HI Bridgey-
> You have no idea how much this means to me now. I've had one of those days where everyone was mean to me! And it just got worse from when I reacted to you. AFter that I went to my therapist and cried, ranted and RAVED for 50mins. She even wanted to have me call my pdoc to put me on Lithium or somethiing! I worked tonight and it's just been one thing after another. And I so appreciated your support here. I can't explain what is happening to me....I'm losing it completely and spiraling out of reality. At one point tonight I thought - ok, well nothing left but suicide. And then I thought - "chuck the ATkins diet and have a glass of wine if it means something that will save you from yourself". And the combo with the resignation that I would end it and then the fact that I had something else (the glass of wine)(and I'm not even a big drinker) or not even that glass of wine. just the thought and plan (but no action ) of suicide helps me to actually live more? does that make sense to anyone? Once I decide I'd had enough and started planning a suicide, then suddenly things got's odd. Mixed states are when suicides happen the most. it's awful. it's like you're in that backwash of water going back out to sea. you have no idea where to take stand - I feel like a wild animal has gotten loose and is banging up against the insides of my mind - I feel out of control with emotion and I'm scared.
> I don't know what to do. And all I know for this board is I"m glad no one else was mean to me today. all I seek is support.
> katia
>SLURP!!(((katia)))SLURP!! (how mooses show their support). Hope you are feeling better soon.
Posted by Dr. Bob on December 17, 2003, at 8:24:31
In reply to Re: please be civil, posted by boonie on December 16, 2003, at 8:30:28
Posted by katia on December 17, 2003, at 11:08:17
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? » katia, posted by moosehaps on December 17, 2003, at 1:56:26
thanks Moose - is that true? That's how they show their support?
yeah, I need it.
Posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 14:16:33
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness?, posted by boonie on December 16, 2003, at 6:57:23
> Kat, I'm just wondering, cuz I think I might remember this, and I will look for my stuff. Is hypomanic, bi-polar II, the same as cyclothymic? Perhaps? Cyclothymic is where you're not as manic and not as depressed as full bi-polar. You don't swing out of control when manic (still functioning) and you don't get so depressed you can't get out of bed (still functioning, just don't really feel like it). There's also a link for cyclothymic - ARGH!!!! I recently moved, cleared my hard drive in the process (by mistake), but I will see if I can find it and I will get back to you. It's just tickling my brain and I remember seeing bi-polar II and cyclothymic mentioned in the same write up.
>I haven't an earthly... all I know is that none of these people seem to want to explain anything...
I am supposedly an extremely intelligent individual, highly creative and all that stuff... but nothing they say tells me anything.
This psychotherapist has been so helpful over the past year and a bit ... then on Monday he seemed to join the parade...
as I told him that I have no wish to get out of bed, all I seem to want to do is cry and for no reason, he is telling me that I don't seem to him to be depressed because a person who is depressed could not describe her situation so clearly....
for heaven sake! I am a writer... a photographer... a journalist... I see things and investigate things and either write about them to make them clear enough for other people to see what I write or capture things on film... and when I lose that then I have nothing else left...
I am a singer, trained for years and when I hit rock bottom with this thing whatever it is and apparently 'it' is not depression, then I cannot sing... and that makes the depression that isn't worse...
I cry because it is Tuesday... I cry because someone walks past me on the street... or because someone speaks to me on the street... or because the peanut butter is the wrong brand or because my hair won't behave itself or for a million reasons that make no sense...
maybe I am not depressed... maybe I am simply having the world's worst temper tantrum...I can relate so totally to something Katia said,
'I feel like a wild animal has gotten loose and is banging up against the insides of my mind - I feel out of control with emotion and I'm scared.'
It is as if she were wandering around in my mind and was able to put my feelings into words... and I can empathise all too well with the feelings and fears with which she lives ...
I want to have control of my life... of me...
and I don't know where to go to find that control.for so long I thought I was in control again and it felt so good. I was in control of the epilepsy thanks to the Tegretol which I hate and fear but respect and the Topomax which I respect and fear a little and finally seemed to be in control of my mental state whatever it was... the depression I did not have according to the psychiatrist who said I was hypomanic depressive... he needs to label everyone to keep his ego growing I guess but has no time to explain anything...
and that is one of the major things about this board, the help and support that exists here...
never thought I would be here screaming and begging for this help, but have found so much help in learning to live with Topomax that I figure the next step is finding out how to live with the rest of it...
So many of you seem to be using Topomax to find a balance for other issues, including emotional ones...
I am in total fear of a return to the hospital and even a few days is too long... no, it is not the stigma, real or imagined that I fear, it is the need. I want to be in control of my own life, my own destiny as the poet says...
Does Topomax actually help for emotional and mental ups and downs? come to think of it, if it is supposed to, then why is it not doing so would be a good question...I do not want to go back onto effexor and zyprexa and or any of the others... zombieland has no appeal for me... and basically that is where they left me ...
and I really do not want to go back... either to the emotional state or to the meds or to the hospital... it was a wonderful time out, a time of tranquility and a place where no one had any expectations, no judgement, and so on but aside from that, a place I would rather not be...
Does this stuff really help???kat
Posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 14:22:12
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet?, posted by jtevers on December 16, 2003, at 16:10:27
> i have been on the Atkins Diet for almost 6 months...initially i felt only slight nausea, in my stomache not in my head, and a more moderate amount of fatigue until my body acclamated.
If there is nausea associated with Topomax your physician can prescribe Serc and that will help deal with it... you need take it only as needed...
my doctor prescribed it for me to deal with the nausea associated with the Tegretol and it really helped... I still have it on hand as the Tegretol continues to cause nausea on occasion although I guess I should be fair and admit that it might be the Topomax and/or both of them but the symptoms, nausea accompanied by severe stomach pain are always the same as those that came with the Tegretol before I ever knew about Topomax
Posted by jtevers on December 17, 2003, at 14:49:26
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet? » jtevers, posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 14:22:12
> If there is nausea associated with Topomax your physician can prescribe Serc and that will help deal with it... you need take it only as needed...
> my doctor prescribed it for me to deal with the nausea associated with the Tegretol and it really helped... I still have it on hand as the Tegretol continues to cause nausea on occasion although I guess I should be fair and admit that it might be the Topomax and/or both of them but the symptoms, nausea accompanied by severe stomach pain are always the same as those that came with the Tegretol before I ever knew about Topomax
> katkat,
i must ask you to repeat the name of your remedy for nausea, i have never heard of anything closely resembling the name "serc." is this a remedy for the type of nausea that strikes your head (something i experienced while trying geodon...a heavy and dizzy, nauseous feeling) or that strikes your stomache?
Posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 14:59:05
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet? » headachequeen, posted by jtevers on December 17, 2003, at 14:49:26
> kat,
> i must ask you to repeat the name of your remedy for nausea, i have never heard of anything closely resembling the name "serc." is this a remedy for the type of nausea that strikes your head (something i experienced while trying geodon...a heavy and dizzy, nauseous feeling) or that strikes your stomache?
SERC is the short name and underneath it is written BETAHISTINE DIHYDROCHLORIDE
My GP prescribed 8mg tablets to be taken twice a day for nausea and they work really well...Tegretol caused incredible nausea along with abdominal pain ... and I believe it still does...
at least if it is Topomax or a combination of the two meds, there is no change in the symptoms from the side effect
Posted by katia on December 17, 2003, at 15:02:09
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? » boonie, posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 14:16:33
Hi Kat,
A good book to read to clear up some confusion about all these diagnoses is "Why Your Depression Isn't Getting Better". It goes into the bipolar spectrum disorders.
Posted by bridgey1128 on December 17, 2003, at 15:06:58
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet? » jtevers, posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 14:22:12
Girl you definitely sound some kind of depressed to me. Why would you be SO sad if you weren't depressed? Topamax is used for bipolar II which is a rapid cycling bipolar. In other go from happy to irritable and back again fairly quickly as compared to Manic Depressive (bipolar I I do believe) which is the traditional one. Periods of mania in which you feel SO good you are like a superman(or woman!)..go out, spend money you don't have and I don't mean one pair of shoes..I mean hundreds or thousands...feelings of grandeur or that you can do anything and everything. The depression is deep and disparing and can last a long time. I am bipolar II and I can switch from laughing one minute to biting someone's head off the next. I am currently TRYING to get my Dr to give me Topamax because I just cannot gain anymore weight.Effexor was HORRID! And the withdrawl for me was so bad I almost went back on it to keep from feeling so bad. I took Zyprexa for 3 days...gained 5lbs..had a major breakdown (it also made me feel like a zombie)and proceeded to call my Dr Monday morning and say..."Ok ready to try the topamax". He didn't want to try that first because he said it was not a "first line" drug. I feel like saying..."I TOLD YOU SO!!" I am a redhead and we have just WEIRD problems medically. We are just in a category all our own. *sigh* If the Dr you have now won't help you or explain anything, I suggest you find one that will. Being that sad is not just being sad! I suggest also that you go online and search for "bipolar spectrum". I am also a singer and I was sick for a month and a half and couldn't sing.(With bronchitis not because of any meds) and I know how depressing it is to not be able to do the one thing you know you are good at. You feel like a total failure. Whether or not the things that are making you depressed are real or imagined is just not relevant. It's real and depressing to you and any Dr that would not address the real problem, which is the depression, shouldn't be practicing.Some people just don't understand that it's not something we can HELP. You can't just MAKE yourself feel better! If it was that easy what would we need all these meds for??? I think the topamax is used for controlling the mania in bipolar. I am not sure if it helps the depression. Ativan worked well for me. Maybe you can ask about that. Hope this helps!
Posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 15:28:03
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet?, posted by bridgey1128 on December 17, 2003, at 15:06:58
I just cannot gain anymore weight.Effexor was HORRID! And the withdrawl for me was so bad I almost went back on it to keep from feeling so bad. I took Zyprexa for 3 days...gained 5lbs..had a major breakdown (it also made me feel like a zombie)and proceeded to call my Dr Monday morning and say..."Ok ready to try the topamax". He didn't want to try that first because he said it was not a "first line" drug. I feel like saying..."I TOLD YOU SO!!" I am a redhead and we have just WEIRD problems medically. We are just in a category all our own. *sigh* If the Dr you have now won't help you or explain anything, I suggest you find one that will. Being that sad is not just being sad! I suggest also that you go online and search for "bipolar spectrum". I am also a singer and I was sick for a month and a half and couldn't sing.(With bronchitis not because of any meds) and I know how depressing it is to not be able to do the one thing you know you are good at. You feel like a total failure. Whether or not the things that are making you depressed are real or imagined is just not relevant. It's real and depressing to you and any Dr that would not address the real problem, which is the depression, shouldn't be practicing.Some people just don't understand that it's not something we can HELP. You can't just MAKE yourself feel better! If it was that easy what would we need all these meds for??? I think the topamax is used for controlling the mania in bipolar. I am not sure if it helps the depression. Ativan worked well for me. Maybe you can ask about that. Hope this helps!
>Another Redhead !!! We are indeed in a class of our own!!! a WORLD of our own...
Effexor and Zyprexa and Imovane were the drugs I was on when my doctor was trying to deal with what he believed was depression and it kept escalating until a psychiatrist he consulted admitted me and increased the zyprexa and the effexor...
the head of the service at the hospital took me on his caseload because I had such odd symptoms.. guess that was a redhead thing too???
and he increased the zyprexa further... now I know how the voodoo people managed to get the zombies, they invented zyprexa.
After I was released I was still on the high doses of everything but they said I was not depressed, just suffering from personality disorder... go figure... and this hypomanicdepressive bit... and let us not forget the confusion that went with it.
The psychiatrist said that neither he nor any other psychiatrist could help me and said it in such a tone of voice that made me feel as if I were so beyond help that I should jump off the planet, then handed me prescriptions for the increase in dosages and sent me on my way... told me I could go home in two days...
as long as I were hooked up with a psychologist that is...right now failure is the key word in my life. I feel as if I have failed at everything I have set out to do and these doctors don't seem to understand that, other than my GP who is trying his darnedest to help.
I am going to ask him about the Ativan... when he is back in the office in January sigh...My psychologist said something odd on Monday,he told me that what I need to do is live straight... and that will help me ...
and if that doesn't work, then ask my GP to prescribe anti-depressants... then he made an appointment for me in late January...
oh, he said that if things build up and I think I am really depressed and unable to cope, to call him and he will fit me in before then...
I felt like telling him not to bother and to give my 22 Jan appointment to someone he thought really needed it...
I still feel like telling him that... it would make me feel better to tell him off...
if he doesn't think I really feel as down as I do, then why waste his time and mine?
see, I am in the midst of the world's biggest temper tantrum... but somehow there has to be a way to deal with this and make it stop ...
I cannot go on running away from myself because I am not having any luck; I keep catching up to me...
So much of what you said is helpful and solid...
now to find a doctor who is as helpful and solid...
thanks hugely
Posted by bridgey1128 on December 17, 2003, at 20:39:15
In reply to headachequeen » bridgey1128, posted by headachequeen on December 17, 2003, at 15:28:03
Kat if you want to talk one on one just to have someone who knows what you are going through...I am on yahoo chat as bridgey1128 and the same on AIM. Feel free to msg me! I can't cure you but I can listen and sympathize! :)
Posted by mags on December 17, 2003, at 22:04:55
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet?, posted by bridgey1128 on December 17, 2003, at 15:06:58
Hi all, Just something I thought I should point out...Ativan is NOT an antidepresant but rather a depressant used to calm people down help with sleep etc. This would NOT be a good med to try and help with your depression....anxiety yes, depression no.....
Posted by bridgey1128 on December 18, 2003, at 9:40:30
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet?, posted by mags on December 17, 2003, at 22:04:55
Thanks Maggie! I didn't think it was a depressant but yes it's for anti anxiety. I thought she said she had been ancy and anxious as well as symptoms of depression. DIdn't mean to mislead! Sorry!
Posted by mags on December 18, 2003, at 17:46:49
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? Atkins Diet?, posted by bridgey1128 on December 18, 2003, at 9:40:30
> Thanks Maggie! I didn't think it was a depressant but yes it's for anti anxiety. I thought she said she had been ancy and anxious as well as symptoms of depression. DIdn't mean to mislead! Sorry!
>No probs Bridgey...just thought I'd point that out....Ativan has helped many depressed people, me included, as long as they know what it is helped me many times get thru some anxious times and sleepless nights ;o)
Posted by bridgey1128 on December 23, 2003, at 11:40:28
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness? » headachequeen, posted by katia on December 17, 2003, at 15:02:09
Ok I just started the Topomax and so far so good. My Dr has be on 25mg for the first week and then 50 for the second. I dunno if he will raise me up more after that or not. The PA I went to (I have been sick as a dog with everything BUT the flu)said that weight loss starts with the 150mg and up dosage. Anyone have weight loss with a lesser dosage? Just curious!
Posted by boonie on December 23, 2003, at 12:26:30
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness?, posted by bridgey1128 on December 23, 2003, at 11:40:28
I lost 30ish lbs in about 3 months (too fast) while taking 50 mgs of topomax. But, I did stop taking valproic acid and start taking topomax. I gained unwanted weight with the valproic acid - I don't know if it would have come off without the topomax. ?????
> Ok I just started the Topomax and so far so good. My Dr has be on 25mg for the first week and then 50 for the second. I dunno if he will raise me up more after that or not. The PA I went to (I have been sick as a dog with everything BUT the flu)said that weight loss starts with the 150mg and up dosage. Anyone have weight loss with a lesser dosage? Just curious!
> Thanks!
Posted by bridgey1128 on December 23, 2003, at 13:09:54
In reply to Lamictal and dizziness?, posted by boonie on December 23, 2003, at 12:26:30
Shoot! I'd love to lose 30lbs in 3 months!! I am taking so many vitamins I doubt it would matter much!Actually if I went back on the Atkins diet I could do it in a month and a half probably. Right now I am sick as a dog so I am not going to attempt it. That and I just got cast as Bloody Mary in our Community Theatre production of South Pacific. Just thought I thought throw that in! That has been a great mental boost lemme tell ya.
Posted by boonie on December 23, 2003, at 13:21:20
In reply to Re: Lamictal and dizziness?, posted by bridgey1128 on December 23, 2003, at 13:09:54
I completely lost my appetite, so make sure you stick with the vitamins. I had to make a protien shake every day and I had to make myself drink it. I started doing some weird, dizzy stuff cuz I would literally forget to eat, that's why the protien shake. But, the weight just fell off - So did my pants. ;-) Congrats on the Bloody Mary part!!!!!
> Shoot! I'd love to lose 30lbs in 3 months!! I am taking so many vitamins I doubt it would matter much!Actually if I went back on the Atkins diet I could do it in a month and a half probably. Right now I am sick as a dog so I am not going to attempt it. That and I just got cast as Bloody Mary in our Community Theatre production of South Pacific. Just thought I thought throw that in! That has been a great mental boost lemme tell ya.
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