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Posted by Murphia on November 17, 2003, at 7:41:09
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by verygood on November 16, 2003, at 14:33:04
I would like to ask you your sources for this information, and also if you could cite the sources. As I am researcher, continuing research on topamax, I like to check sources. Thanks much!
> > > This is my first post here. I am taking 150 mg of topamax, split 50 at am and 100 at pm. So far it is doing a good job dealing with my issues of BP. Have been on it since the 15th of October and have to say that I have lost weight even though I wasn't really overweight to begin with. All of the other medicines I tried just didn't do that well with respect to my rapid cycling problem. This is a test. LOL.
> > > Anyway, with respect to the question posted above, I have been told...prolonged use of antiseizure medication interferes with the production of biotin, choline and PABA.
> > > Biotin deficiency syptoms can include fatigue, lack of appetite, dermititis, hair loss, anemia, nausea, depression and brittle nails.
> > > Choline is a neurotransmitter of the brain and a deficiency there can alter your alert status a bit causing you to become a somewhat stupid. DUH??? PABA plays an important role in determining skin health , hair pigmentation and health of the intestines.
> > > So...what I am doing is supplementing my diet with a dose of 2,500mcg of biotin, 500mg of PABA and 250mg of Choline once a day. In additon, I take 500mg of Magnesium for fatigue and maintenence of glucose function, coral calcium and ultra mega vitamins for woman. I know, it is a lot. But...what the heck. I didn't ask for a life of medication and if I have to swallow a few vitamins to keep the nasty side effects away, I guess I will. Hope it is the right combination. So far I haven't lost much hair at all, but it is still early. And my sentences are still complete. Sex is still good and...well need I say more?
> > > Thank you all for sharing your experiences.I have appreciated it.
> > > Yours in the fight against stigma,
> > > VeryGood
> > I'm glad you're doing so good. I'm doing very good on Topa too. I'm just pretty tired all the time..but it deffinitely beats how I was feeling before...Who told you all that info on prolonged use of anti-seizure meds? I find it very interesting and I would deffinitely consider taking those supplements but I just wanted to make sure it came from a credible offense to you..but you never know these days what to believe..thanks for the info
> Hi Chic,
> Thank you for your post. I am glad to hear Topamax is doing a good job for you as well.
> Please don't take what I posted previously to be construed as fact. It was as I said, what I had been told.
> Topamax for persons with bp was not it's intended use and yet I am trusting some unknown entity who decided it was alright for me to use it for that purpose and now I am trusting some people I have met professionally and publications to help me deal with the nasty side effects. LOL, It feels like being part of a research study.
> Please stay with me here, I have a lot to say today. :)
> I am Executive Director for an advocacy organization that works on behalf of people who are in recovery from psychiatric and co-occuring disabilities.
> In addition to our legislative advocacy work we have a 16 week college level course that graduates people to become advocates and a 6 month internship program following graduation.
> It is very exciting work.
> We have been instrumental in making significant change within the mental health system on behalf of people who have psychiatric disabilities but still have a lot of work to do.
> Realizing that a persons life encompasses the full spectrum of lifes color, when we educate we focus on the full measure of a persons well being, regardless of whether that person makes the choice to take or not take medication. After all choice is a fundamental right of every citizen and it should be no different for a person who has a psychiatric disability.
> Information is simply that, an offering of ideas and suggestions to help one maintain the quality of life they would like to have including such things as: safe affordable housing, a way to get around, a career and loving relationships to name a few.
> Medication side effects can sometimes rob us of that ability as much as the illness itself. For that reason our Doctors should always take the time to educate us about the side effects and help us to understand completely what we may be facing. Then they should allow us to make the decision as to whether we want to take that medication or not. If we choose the latter it would be incumbent upon them to work with us until we found a suitable option. A lot of doctors do not do that. Some just don't think we are capable of making that decision or just don't want to take the time. I know we are very capable of making that choice and in fact want very much to be involved in our own treatment plans.
> It is my opinion that this is why so many of us end up in medication hell. The doctor prescribes, doesn't educate, doesn't listen to our concerns....side effects cause our quality of life to decline...we stop taking it, recovery regresses, or we end up in the hospital, the doctor then adds more meds or trys new meds... and the horrible cycle starts again.
> It is a nightmare. LMAO!!! We need to start insisting on participation at all levels of our treatment planning, making sure our doctors listen to us and letting them know that only when we fully understand the options before us will we then make an educated choice. Remember this, Noah built the arc. He was an amatuer. Professionals, built the TITANIC.
> Anyway Chic, thank you for allowing me to blow off some steam. I feel much better. :)
> The information I offered in my post yesterday was quoted from the "Nutriton Almanac," fith edition. This information has also been taught to my advanced education classes over the years by a very good nutritionist pal of mine who referred me to this resource. When I was prescribed Topamax I subsequently tried to confirm what I had been hearing with some research through the internet and compared what I was hearing with the contraindications in the topamax studies.
> To make a very, very long story short....I am still not sure if all of this is going to make a difference in dealing with the nasty side effects of this medicine, but it is a start.
> Topamax does seem to be working for me so far but as I said, it is still very early. I have nothing but hope and without hope there is nothing.
> Sorry this post was so dang long. I am fired up today. One of my students died in four point restraint, after going in for a physical complaint. She had diabetes. All they focused on was her psychiatric disability. She was allergic to the antipsychotic injection they gave her which caused her death and now we are left to wonder why.
> Once again thank you all for the postings and take care.
> Yours in the fight for our rights,
> VeryGood
Posted by TexasChic on November 17, 2003, at 8:39:52
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by headcase on November 16, 2003, at 13:25:30
I'm on birth control and the Topamax is disrupting my cycle, so maybe it effects your cycle without the BC's in the same way. I have the dry mouth and the tingling too. The wooziness went away, but the annoying things that are lingering for me are tiredness and the short term memory loss. I was leaving work last week all ready to go to my therapist, I got in the car, drove straight home, and never gave it another thought until the next day (I guess that qualifies as 'short term'). I'm at 75 mg.
Posted by headachequeen on November 17, 2003, at 11:18:44
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by verygood on November 16, 2003, at 14:33:04
> > > One of my students died in four point restraint, after going in for a physical complaint. She had diabetes. All they focused on was her psychiatric disability. She was allergic to the antipsychotic injection they gave her which caused her death and now we are left to wonder why.
> Once again thank you all for the postings and take care.
> Yours in the fight for our rights,
> VeryGood
I am sorry.. sorry that you have to deal with the loss and frustration at the lack of sensitivity and understanding she met... and sorry that she met such a lack of care when she went into hospital for help...
why is it that the physical ailments are so overruled by the psychiatric ones?
and at the moment my sense of frustration for you in your grief and pain for your student and your loss is huge... our system takes the easy way out every matter the cost to its victims
Posted by TexasChic on November 17, 2003, at 13:03:03
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by TexasChic on November 17, 2003, at 8:39:52
This isn't really a reply to anything, it was something I was just wondering. I started Topamax and Lexapro at the same time. I'm beginning to think this was not such a bright idea. For one thing, I've read Topamax can cause depression, as well as anxiety, tingling in limbs, tiredness, and cognitive impairment; then I read Lexapro can cause anxiety, tiredness, tingling in limbs, confusion, ect. How am I supposed to know what is causing what S/E? Or what's working, and what's not?! It's crazy! I have no idea if the Lexapro is working for the depression, because the Topamax could be causing the depression I feel, and I have no idea if the Topamax or the Lexapro is causing the anxiety I feel. The Topamax is helping me curb my appetite during the day, but not helping my night binges, which is why I was prescribed it. Plus I have that interference with my BC's (described in previous posts), so I'm thinking of dropping it altogether. I go to see my doc today, so I'll see what she says.
Posted by helenag on November 18, 2003, at 15:16:10
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by TexasChic on November 17, 2003, at 13:03:03
Hi..Enjoy the topamax discussions. Been on it since May. Am on 250mg for mood stabilization and to help alcohol cravings. Also on 300mg Effexor XR, and low dose of seroquel. Question: have been feeling depressed. This came about after a spell of increased anxiety I blamed on increased hours and stress at work. Wasn't sleeping well, couldn't sit still very well and calmed myself by playing word games on the computer for hours at a time. Unfortunately, I also took myself to the bar a time or two and regret that immensely.
I wondered if the depression was from relapsing, so I pulled myself together and resumed AA meetings and the depression is still on my shoulders. Now it is occuring to me...depakote did the same thing to me..could the topamax be doing likewise??? I would hate to give the topamax up because it sure did stop the wide mood cycling that was going on prior to by being placed on.
I did call the pdoc and he mentioned going on lithium. Am not up for a medicine-go-round. Last time that occured, I got worse and worse and wound up hospitalized.
Am you all think it is wise to sit this out and wait to see a while if this passes??If it is the drugs, won't it keep up and then I'll know? If it's situational, wouldn't mood improve as I clean up my act and continue on with behaving myself?
It is difficult to be both bothered with mood disorders and substance abuse..they feed off eachother like parasites. They bring me down fast. I'm doing all I can to keep my canoe in the water. Help. Helen.
Posted by CaliGirl on November 18, 2003, at 15:44:16
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by TexasChic on November 17, 2003, at 13:03:03
> This isn't really a reply to anything, it was something I was just wondering. I started Topamax and Lexapro at the same time. I'm beginning to think this was not such a bright idea. For one thing, I've read Topamax can cause depression, as well as anxiety, tingling in limbs, tiredness, and cognitive impairment; then I read Lexapro can cause anxiety, tiredness, tingling in limbs, confusion, ect. How am I supposed to know what is causing what S/E? Or what's working, and what's not?! It's crazy! I have no idea if the Lexapro is working for the depression, because the Topamax could be causing the depression I feel, and I have no idea if the Topamax or the Lexapro is causing the anxiety I feel. The Topamax is helping me curb my appetite during the day, but not helping my night binges, which is why I was prescribed it. Plus I have that interference with my BC's (described in previous posts), so I'm thinking of dropping it altogether. I go to see my doc today, so I'll see what she says.
Hello. This is my first post. As I am starting to take Topamax tonight (25mg), I thought I would read up on it. I am currently taking 50mg Zoloft. My doctor is prescribing Topamax strictly for weight loss. As I am bulimic, I cannot take a few other meds, such as Wellbuterin. While some of the side effects scare me, I am willing to give Topamax a try. However, I am concerned about it's effect on my BC pills, Trilevelen. When you say it's interfering with your BC, what do you mean? Are you missing your period altogether, or is it just delayed? If so, for how long? I do not want to get pregnant while on this medication. What did your doctor advise you? Any additional insight you could give would be helpful. Thanks!
Posted by TexasChic on November 18, 2003, at 16:05:44
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by CaliGirl on November 18, 2003, at 15:44:16
I talked to my doc yesterday, and her first suggestion was stronger BC's. There is definitely a risk of getting pregnant if you don't do so. My problem is that I have terrible pain with my periods – at 15 years old I used to throw up for the entire first two days and sleep on the floor of the bathroom in a fetal position. That was many years ago though and I have since found relief by taking birth control continuously (skipping the placebo's) and never having a period. It has been a rough road finding the right BC that provides complete relief though, so instead of messing with that, I'm going off the Topamax and trying something else. But as for the pregnancy thing, stronger BC's may be the answer. I'm not sure on that though, so you better check with your doc. Hope this wasn't "too much information"!
Posted by Murphia on November 18, 2003, at 16:15:59
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by CaliGirl on November 18, 2003, at 15:44:16
Topamax interferes with estrogen type birth control. You should call you doc about either strong birth control or some type of back-up. Most people use a condom as a backup. Better to be safe than surprised. Murph
> > This isn't really a reply to anything, it was something I was just wondering. I started Topamax and Lexapro at the same time. I'm beginning to think this was not such a bright idea. For one thing, I've read Topamax can cause depression, as well as anxiety, tingling in limbs, tiredness, and cognitive impairment; then I read Lexapro can cause anxiety, tiredness, tingling in limbs, confusion, ect. How am I supposed to know what is causing what S/E? Or what's working, and what's not?! It's crazy! I have no idea if the Lexapro is working for the depression, because the Topamax could be causing the depression I feel, and I have no idea if the Topamax or the Lexapro is causing the anxiety I feel. The Topamax is helping me curb my appetite during the day, but not helping my night binges, which is why I was prescribed it. Plus I have that interference with my BC's (described in previous posts), so I'm thinking of dropping it altogether. I go to see my doc today, so I'll see what she says.
> Hello. This is my first post. As I am starting to take Topamax tonight (25mg), I thought I would read up on it. I am currently taking 50mg Zoloft. My doctor is prescribing Topamax strictly for weight loss. As I am bulimic, I cannot take a few other meds, such as Wellbuterin. While some of the side effects scare me, I am willing to give Topamax a try. However, I am concerned about it's effect on my BC pills, Trilevelen. When you say it's interfering with your BC, what do you mean? Are you missing your period altogether, or is it just delayed? If so, for how long? I do not want to get pregnant while on this medication. What did your doctor advise you? Any additional insight you could give would be helpful. Thanks!
Posted by Murphia on November 18, 2003, at 16:22:11
In reply to re:topamax experiences, murphia, or anybody?, posted by helenag on November 18, 2003, at 15:16:10
One of the side effects of topa is depression. It's is great for mania, but not much good for depression and can even send a person into depression. That's why it is partially good for bipolar. If you swing a lot on the manic side, topamax will pretty much kill that. You either need an AD add-on, or another mood stabilizer. Lamictal is a mood stabilizer that is great with topa, becuase it doesn't do much for mania, but works pretty well on depression. Lamictal has to be titrated up very very slowly, as it has it's side effects also, one being the Stevens Johnson rash... and you would have to go off immediately. Topa by itself is not recommended as a mood stabilizer, but mainly as an add-on. It failed clinical trials at a MS. That's why your doc is talking about is a salt that has amazaing properties of halting both mania and depression, and is the first line of defense in mood stabilization. Sort of the tried-and-true war horse of stablization. Hope this helps some. Murph
> Hi..Enjoy the topamax discussions. Been on it since May. Am on 250mg for mood stabilization and to help alcohol cravings. Also on 300mg Effexor XR, and low dose of seroquel. Question: have been feeling depressed. This came about after a spell of increased anxiety I blamed on increased hours and stress at work. Wasn't sleeping well, couldn't sit still very well and calmed myself by playing word games on the computer for hours at a time. Unfortunately, I also took myself to the bar a time or two and regret that immensely.
> I wondered if the depression was from relapsing, so I pulled myself together and resumed AA meetings and the depression is still on my shoulders. Now it is occuring to me...depakote did the same thing to me..could the topamax be doing likewise??? I would hate to give the topamax up because it sure did stop the wide mood cycling that was going on prior to by being placed on.
> I did call the pdoc and he mentioned going on lithium. Am not up for a medicine-go-round. Last time that occured, I got worse and worse and wound up hospitalized.
> Am you all think it is wise to sit this out and wait to see a while if this passes??If it is the drugs, won't it keep up and then I'll know? If it's situational, wouldn't mood improve as I clean up my act and continue on with behaving myself?
> It is difficult to be both bothered with mood disorders and substance abuse..they feed off eachother like parasites. They bring me down fast. I'm doing all I can to keep my canoe in the water. Help. Helen.
Posted by Sara Jo on November 18, 2003, at 22:52:56
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by TexasChic on November 17, 2003, at 13:03:03
I will share with you my experience-perhaps it will help. I'll try to make it short and sweet. I also started topo and lexa at the same time. The side effects were as follows: tingling in my fingers and toes(would come and go-mostly in the am), decreased cognitive astuteness, mild aphasia, fatigue, depression, change of taste for carbinated beverages, decreased sexual drive. My MD is one that works "with" his patiensts. The tingling was gone in 2-3 months, I still have some decreased cognitive astuteness (however, it can be argued that it's simply a lack of the manic phase which I must admit I miss), aphasia was gone in 2 weeks, fatigue was mostly gone, depression was gone, taste changes passed in 4-5 months or I got used to the differences I really can't tell anymore. Sexual side effects were still a problem (mostly for my hubbie). The Dr. put me on Welbutrin. All additional side effects went away from the topo. Hyperness (like having too much caffeine) was an initial side effect of the welbutrin however subsided in less than 3 wks. I started having hair loss. My regular doc told me it was the welbutrin so I went off the med for about 3 wks. Big mistake--#1 it wasn't the welbutrin causing the hair loss #2 I couldn't control my temper and was heading in a downward spiral fast. (I actually didn't know hair loss was a side effect of topo 'til your posting.) I was having large clumps fall out in the shower, on the pillow in the AM, on my brush, bathroom floor, etc. Now, my hair is growing back and my hair isn't falling out as much. My hair doesn't look thin or unhealthy (never did so don't freak out)--I don't have bald spots. You can see especially around my hair line where the hair is growing back. If I knew hair loss was a side effect of topo I probably wouldn't have started it--kinda shallow that way. However, it's not bad and benefits far outway the downside. Anyway, I have been on meds for bipolar for 11 months. I take 75mg of topo a day (2 before bed, 1 with breakfast), 30mg lexapro, and 150mg of wellbutrin. I'm off the emotional roller coaster from hell thanks to these meds. My family is stable. I've lost 75 lbs.
> This isn't really a reply to anything, it was something I was just wondering. I started Topamax and Lexapro at the same time. I'm beginning to think this was not such a bright idea. For one thing, I've read Topamax can cause depression, as well as anxiety, tingling in limbs, tiredness, and cognitive impairment; then I read Lexapro can cause anxiety, tiredness, tingling in limbs, confusion, ect. How am I supposed to know what is causing what S/E? Or what's working, and what's not?! It's crazy! I have no idea if the Lexapro is working for the depression, because the Topamax could be causing the depression I feel, and I have no idea if the Topamax or the Lexapro is causing the anxiety I feel. The Topamax is helping me curb my appetite during the day, but not helping my night binges, which is why I was prescribed it. Plus I have that interference with my BC's (described in previous posts), so I'm thinking of dropping it altogether. I go to see my doc today, so I'll see what she says.
Posted by Nervz on November 19, 2003, at 9:53:11
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by Sara Jo on November 18, 2003, at 22:52:56
Hi! One quick question.... did you experience any weight loss?
Posted by TexasChic on November 19, 2003, at 11:07:18
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by TexasChic on November 18, 2003, at 16:05:44
My doc switched me to Zonegran (for my binge eating) because of the problems I was having with the Topamax – mainly the interference with birth control, cognitive problems, and tiredness. From what I can tell, its about the same thing as Topamax except its not supposed to have those particular side effects. I'll let yall know how it works out
Posted by SLS on November 19, 2003, at 11:36:05
In reply to Re: Topamax to Zonegran, posted by TexasChic on November 19, 2003, at 11:07:18
> My doc switched me to Zonegran (for my binge eating) because of the problems I was having with the Topamax – mainly the interference with birth control, cognitive problems, and tiredness. From what I can tell, its about the same thing as Topamax except its not supposed to have those particular side effects. I'll let yall know how it works out
Hi.I tried Zonegran for a few weeks to treat bipolar depression, but my doctor took me off of it when I began experiencing intense itching. I found that Zonegran reduced my appetite, so hopefully it will treat you the same way.
Good luck with it!
- Scott
Posted by TexasChic on November 19, 2003, at 15:45:27
In reply to Re: Topamax to Zonegran, posted by SLS on November 19, 2003, at 11:36:05
Thanks! I haven't had any problem yet with any medication and itching. I take Zyrtec every night because I suffer from itching all the time with out it. Day in and day out! (I have alot of weird things wrong with me.) Maybe its protecting me from that particular reaction (?). Anyway, I'm hoping the Zonegran will work as a mood stabilizer too and maybe help with some of my OCD problems. I just haven't seen any help from the Lexapro in that area, or in my anxiety either for that matter. I'm at 20 mg on Lexapro, an upgrade from 10mg over the last 2 or 3 weeks. I've been on it about 9 weeks total. Its been hard to tell the which bad s/e have been from the Topamax, and which from the Lexapro, so I'm still willing to give it much more time before I even think of giving up on it. I knew when I decided to try some new meds I was in for a roller coaster ride, so I'm trying to just hang on and ride it out now.
Posted by kka on November 19, 2003, at 18:24:47
In reply to Re: Topamax to Zonegran, posted by TexasChic on November 19, 2003, at 11:07:18
Please keep me posted, I have been on Topamax 75 mgs for over a month now - Along with Wellbutrin. I haven't lost a pound, I was hoping it would help with binge/over - eating as I have gained 20 pounds in the last couple of years on AD's. I will keep giving Topamax a try. I was taking Effexor and before that Lexapro, I have decided none of the AD's help with weight except Prozac in the first 6 months. Then the weight slowly creeps up. Since I am off the regular AD's I am thinking of going back on Prozac for 6 months just for the weight loss and then going off after the 6 months. I haven't been on Prozac since July so maybe it would give my the same results it did when I first started it three years ago. I swear Prozac was the best until it "pooped out" I am convinced ALL of the AD's cause weight gain.
Anyway, keep my posted on the Zonegran
My doc switched me to Zonegran (for my binge eating) because of the problems I was having with the Topamax – mainly the interference with birth control, cognitive problems, and tiredness. From what I can tell, its about the same thing as Topamax except its not supposed to have those particular side effects. I'll let yall know how it works out
Posted by mags on November 19, 2003, at 18:55:15
In reply to Re: Topamax to Zonegran, posted by kka on November 19, 2003, at 18:24:47
Hi all, Wow, I haven't been on this board for a looong time, so many new names and a few still familiar....
Anyone currently on this combo? I see my Psy doc Friday. I am currently taking 50 MG of Topamax ( titrated from 12.5 mg up per week) and have survived all the S/E's after 6 weeks......I seem to be doing much better with rapid cycling but had one real bad day were I was so bad I had to call the suicide hot line. I was on Lamictal before and it worked wonders, especially for my depression, but eventually petered out. I was thinking of trying it again as an addon to the Topo and was wondering if anyone else has had success with this combo or would welcome any opinions on this.
For those asking about S/e's I had tingling in arms, hand and face especially around my mouth when I ate!It was very annoying and I also would get my right hand to cramp up and the thumb and forefinger would touch together like a duckbill and I could NOT open it on it's own. I would have to pry it open with my other hand! Pretty scary but that has stopped and I do get very strange side effects from every drug...I haven't noticed any confusion or searching for words but then between the depresions, ECT's and all the drugs I don't think I am that swift anyway ;o)
Posted by CaliGirl on November 19, 2003, at 21:33:01
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by TexasChic on November 18, 2003, at 16:05:44
Nope. Not too much info. Thanks for sharing. I've had such good luck with my BC that we'll probably just use a condom. So far, I'm just very tired. Will keep you updated.
Posted by headachequeen on November 20, 2003, at 14:27:51
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences? » TexasChic, posted by CaliGirl on November 19, 2003, at 21:33:01
I worry about side effects no end... but as I have a severe problem with asthma and cannot forget the blood pressure problem that has plagued me since I was a teenager, then there are other medications and their side effects to consider too.. and some of them have the same side effects... nausea and eye problems (I love it when they list unspecified eye problems among the side effects... arrgghhh)
However, during the past three weeks, I have had to share the bathroom and shower facilities with three other people, and that means mirror, basin and other hair and make-up facilities... I have a thing... oh, I suppose this will be another issue to discuss with the psychologist... about hair in the basin. I cannot stand washing my hair or doing my hair or putting on make-up or brushing my teeth or whatever, when there is hair in the basin or in the basket in the drain... and I wonder why others cannot clean the little basket thing-y out when they leave the bathroom ... but I have noticed of late that when I clean out the thing before I start to put on make-up and do my hair that there is NO red hair... and I am the only red head on the place... every other colour known to mankind, nature and scientists is represented on the premises, but mine is the only red hair... and there is no red hair in the drain to be cleaned out and very little red hair in the shower or basin ... no more than normally... so I think that the biotin and vitamins are doing their work... not only that but the past few days, while I am tired at night, I am not drowsy during the day... so something is working here...
and that is taking into considerating the reality that several of these medications have side effects that include drowsiness -- not just the topomax...
so, mes cheres amis, if we put our heads together and learn from our shared knowledge and experience, we can manage these side effects and control the problems we are trying to overcome...
even when one med is known to cause weight gain says she groaning to herself....
the course itself is finished and I am packed up and ready to leave... spending time with friends in the area... leaving for home on Monday...
planning to sleep the whole time I am travelling ... and then getting ready to come back for the next course...
I see the neurologist 26 November... the orthopaedist who is going to scream and yell at me 24 November... my regular physician 24 November... and my psychologist 24 November too...we have a lot to talk about he and I... it will be a rugged session, all the issues that have arisen from this past three weeks, and having to walk away from something I have really enjoyed: the challenge, the struggle, the demands I was not sure I could meet, the mental challenge... and having to leave my dogs here as I cannot afford to keep flying them back and forth... a choice I had to make...
they will receive excellent care here... and I would not have made that decision otherwise but it will be so hard to go home without them.. the reason for the appointment immediately after I get home...
my doctor and I are going to discuss side effects so I go better armed to talk with the neurologist... although I do not think I want to give up the Topomax but I want more info on Tegretol!!! and having read an ad on one of the inhalers I am on, I want more info on it!!!!!!! there must be a safer product... this forum has given me the confidence and the background to ask for something else having discovered ads in magazines and on tv that warn of really frightening ads about it...
I have lost no more weight... but I do not crave sweets at all... and do not like pop... opened a can of iced tea, a beverage of choice from the past, five days ago and had to throw it out this morning as I was packing up my things and preparing to leave... chocolate, something I used to love, used to crave on sight if not on mention is of no interest and there is a can of cashews unopened on the desk beside me...
something has changed for the better...
Posted by TexasChic on November 20, 2003, at 16:11:49
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences?, posted by headachequeen on November 20, 2003, at 14:27:51
I hate other people's hair in the shower too. Gross! In fact, I hate sharing a bathroom at all. I have to scrub the shower sometimes before I can use it after my Mom because of the black hairs and soap scum – ewwww!) Buy I guess we can't have our own custom bathroom to carry around everywhere, now can we? So we just deal as best we can.
I know the roller coaster ride of going from one med with one set of s/e's to another is just about the crappiest thing on earth, and feels literally never ending, but it does help to talk to others in the same position. At least maybe we can go into these things a little more informed and with a just a little bit more of a grip on our sanity. At Ieast that's what I'm going for. Good luck at your appointments.
Posted by LBcats on November 20, 2003, at 20:56:20
In reply to Re: Topamax Experiences? headachequeen, posted by TexasChic on November 20, 2003, at 16:11:49
I am an alcoholic and I took topomax for my bi-polar disorder for 8 months. During that time, I never craved alcohol. However, the cognitive side effects of the topomax were too much for me. I was in school at the time and I also had a full time job in a very high position so I couldn't handle the topomax side effects. I lost 20 lbs and I loved that but I had to have my brain back, so I stopped the topomax and my doc started me on depakote. Since then, I started my binge drinking again and I just feel totally out of control (in terms of my drinking) However I feel totally normal otherwise. I mean I feel good (a little depressed when I drink too much) and I don't feel doped up like I did with topomax but I don't get the motivation to go to AA or to ask for help regarding my alcoholism. Anybody out there know of anything else (drug) that works like topomax but not as dopey.
Posted by kka on November 20, 2003, at 22:49:57
In reply to topomax and alcohol, posted by LBcats on November 20, 2003, at 20:56:20
You might want to check into an anti-depressant. Some of them have been given to people with alcoholics in hopes to help curb their drinking problems, also it may sometimes help their underlying depressive or anxiety problems which may tend to make them drink. Prozac is one of them and some others I can't recall, but their are a few others as well used off-label for these purposes. Do a search and see what else comes up.Good Luck!
BTW- what mgs were you taking to curb the drinking. My husband is on Topamax for headaches and weight loss and I am glad to know it can help with alcohol cravings, which I feel may be a problem with him from time to time.
I am an alcoholic and I took topomax for my bi-polar disorder for 8 months. During that time, I never craved alcohol. However, the cognitive side effects of the topomax were too much for me. I was in school at the time and I also had a full time job in a very high position so I couldn't handle the topomax side effects. I lost 20 lbs and I loved that but I had to have my brain back, so I stopped the topomax and my doc started me on depakote. Since then, I started my binge drinking again and I just feel totally out of control (in terms of my drinking) However I feel totally normal otherwise. I mean I feel good (a little depressed when I drink too much) and I don't feel doped up like I did with topomax but I don't get the motivation to go to AA or to ask for help regarding my alcoholism. Anybody out there know of anything else (drug) that works like topomax but not as dopey.
> LB
Posted by LBcats on November 21, 2003, at 22:09:46
In reply to Re: topomax and alcohol, posted by kka on November 20, 2003, at 22:49:57
Thanks for the information on trying other AD's for alcoholism. I was on 300 mg of topomax for the person who was asking about the mg. of what I was on. That was way too much but it sure kept my alcohol cravings in check. For me, to drink is to die, so I'm really wanting to find a medication that works like topomax, without the side effects. I took prozac for awhile but it stopped working for me. I guess it takes motivation and the desire to go to AA and once and for all quit drinking. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
It seemed like topomax was the wonder drug for me but I found I didn't have a brain when I took it.
Posted by kka on November 21, 2003, at 23:06:16
In reply to Re: topomax and alcohol, posted by LBcats on November 21, 2003, at 22:09:46
I am sorry you have to struggle through with alcohol, it can really hurt and affect you. I know it is hard. There is a med called anabuse (sp)? It doesn't help with the cravings but makes it impossible to swallow alcohol without getting sick. I know they give it to people in rehab while there are trying to stop drinking. But I know you are really looking to stop the on- going urge or craving to drink. I know this is out there but Ever thought about hypnosis or
acupuncture. Best of Luck to you!
Thanks for the information on trying other AD's for alcoholism. I was on 300 mg of topomax for the person who was asking about the mg. of what I was on. That was way too much but it sure kept my alcohol cravings in check. For me, to drink is to die, so I'm really wanting to find a medication that works like topomax, without the side effects. I took prozac for awhile but it stopped working for me. I guess it takes motivation and the desire to go to AA and once and for all quit drinking. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
> It seemed like topomax was the wonder drug for me but I found I didn't have a brain when I took it.
> LB
Posted by mags on November 21, 2003, at 23:30:10
In reply to Re: topomax and alcohol, posted by kka on November 21, 2003, at 23:06:16
Saw my doc today re Topomax...I was concerned 'cause it seems to be affecting me like a roller coaster, my moods are all over the place...I seem to be rapid cycling...sort is hard to explain...Some days....I think this med is great..I feel super...and then crash...crying spells..and a great dark cloud..and then ...again I feel better again..dips and dives....
lo and doc said this is a GOOD sign.....he says that means it is starting to work...he may have to add an AD to keep the depression at bay but he wants to wait and see. He says many find it works as both mood stabilizer and mood brightener or I may need something for now slow and easy titrate up to 75 mg and see him in a he upped my thyroid med which may help my depression....he likes to keep my TSH level real low 1.1
good luck all with your Topomax
Posted by Cybele on November 22, 2003, at 10:32:39
In reply to Re: topomax and alcohol, posted by LBcats on November 21, 2003, at 22:09:46
> Thanks for the information on trying other AD's for alcoholism. I was on 300 mg of topomax for the person who was asking about the mg. of what I was on. That was way too much but it sure kept my alcohol cravings in check. For me, to drink is to die, so I'm really wanting to find a medication that works like topomax, without the side effects. I took prozac for awhile but it stopped working for me. I guess it takes motivation and the desire to go to AA and once and for all quit drinking. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
> It seemed like topomax was the wonder drug for me but I found I didn't have a brain when I took it.
> LBFWIW. I believe that the first month or so being on Wellbutrin helps with any sort of addiction: smoking, food, drinking. After the "side effect" peiod goes away, that benefit lessens.
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Dr. Bob is Robert Hsiung, MD,
Script revised: February 4, 2008
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