Psycho-Babble Medication Thread 13781

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Getting of Effexor too

Posted by KayC on February 4, 2003, at 11:07:56

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I've been on it for about 2 months (75mg). I'm getting off too because I too can't deal with the fatigue and the inconsistent feelings. No one day is the same (tiredness one day, headache the next, feeling blue the third, energetic in the morning, lethargic in the evening or vice versa etc...)

I posted a few weeks ago about how much better I felt and I do feel better. However I still need to be on an AD. I don't go to see my psychaitrist until 2/27 but I've had all I can take. On 1/29 I began taking a capsule every other day.

On the second day the withdrawal always hits. By 7:00 a.m. I am lightheaded and lethargic. I get really bad muscle pains in my back (upper and lower). I feel weird and disoriented. Every night is a crazy dream. Always being chased and running away.

Good luck to everyone on Effexor. I don't believe it's for me. I just can't deal. I just want to get off it. I worry about what it's doing to my nervous system and my brain. Since I've been on Effexor I only pee about twice a day. My skin is so dry and itchy, it's flaking off. I use Vaseline after I shower and by morning my skin is dry. But the thing that bothers me the most is my inability to focus. Mentally, I'm just not there on this drug (eye sight getting worse too). Just too many things. I wrote a list of all the adverse reactions I've had and a list of all the good things the drug has done for me. The adverse reaction list was 3x as long as the good. I'll keep posting. Good luck to those who persevere.


Re: withdrawal

Posted by carsan01 on February 4, 2003, at 11:15:07

In reply to Re: withdrawal » Maisy, posted by Lynnads on February 4, 2003, at 10:17:23

Hi Everyone,
I am on Effexor XR(it at least..i am coming off)to control Hotflashes from a shot called Lupron is day 2 trying to get off Effexor XR.....i feel like i need some sleep. As i sit here at work, all i can think about is my comfy bed at home! I did not have any side effects at all yesterday which was my first full day....woke up without any headaches, life seemed great. But today that's not the body hurts, concentration is very hard to keep, my head and eyes just can't seem to focus properly. I hope that it doesn't last long, but my heart tells me that's it's gonna last longer. I have to say though some of the emails that have been posted in the past are scary.....if i had known what i know now....i would never have started Effexor Xr....your mood definitely improves but the side effects can be terrible. I wish my doctor had gone over this medication thoroughly..i am mad at myself that i didn't ask the questions. Education can be a huge part of the problem!! Well hopefully i will feel better soon, i have too.
Have a wonderful day all :) Carsan


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Tina P on February 4, 2003, at 22:52:53

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

Anyone want to coment on the dry, itchy skin condition? Anyone experience acne from this drug? How about a comparison to Paxil? I'm in the transition period now from Paxil to Effexor, and The dry itchy skin has me losing sleep!


Re: withdrawal

Posted by DSA on February 4, 2003, at 22:58:27

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by maggie on April 13, 2000, at 14:32:34

Your observations, feelings of electricity or shocks during withdrawal, are very interesting. I'd noticed the same symptoms during withdrawal from a long-term and ultimately self-destructive attempt to self-medicate using dextromethorphan (dissociative, not recommended). I found that sudden lateral eye movements would accentuate the feelings; sudden head movements not as much.
At any rate, I'm brand new to Effexor, having survived the gauntlet of (primarily) SSRIs since 1994. Prozac @ 20MG was the first, and it worked incredibly well for about two years. I frankly couldn't believe that something so right could actually lose efficacy, but have found myself trying to fill the void left by its failure more desperately over the ensuing six years. Celexa, Buspar, Zoloft, Depakote, higher doses, self-medication -- nothing has worked.
Effexor is another attempt to find my way back to that pinnacle of my life, the first time since puberty I'd seen blue sky.
Thanks for contributing your experiences.


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Scot_lass2003 on February 5, 2003, at 0:18:24

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Tina P on February 4, 2003, at 22:52:53

> Anyone want to coment on the dry, itchy skin condition? Anyone experience acne from this drug? How about a comparison to Paxil? I'm in the transition period now from Paxil to Effexor, and The dry itchy skin has me losing sleep!

I also switched from Paxil to effexor, mostly because I couldn't sleep on Paxil. I have some acne and dryness so I just use lots of moisturiser. I also live in a very cold dry climate which doesn't help. However not great skin is better than no sleep!!!! Good luck.


Re: Alcohol???

Posted by astrowill on February 5, 2003, at 1:32:48

In reply to Alcohol???, posted by jb07 on February 1, 2003, at 18:48:08

Effexor made me want to drink, smoke, and eat lots of candy. I started smoking in November, right around the time I changed my dose. It was as if I hated the way "normal" felt so I used cigarettes and alcohol to take a break from myself. Also I used to drive to the store at like 10:30 at night to get a bag of candy, which I would eat continuously until it was finished. It was almost scary. Last week I quit taking my Effexor altogether and, along with the awful withdrawal, I quit smoking. No longer do I want cigs and even when I have one it has no effect at all. That's how I ended up here.


effexor withdrawal/prozac

Posted by anais on February 5, 2003, at 17:34:13

In reply to Monthly Positive Update, posted by h20surfer1 on January 9, 2003, at 20:17:50

I've been tapering the effexor, it feels like I've had the flu sans nausea for weeks. Yesterday I slept 18 hours, to avoid constant migraines. Took my first 20mg prozac today, am hoping for a reprieve. Although paxil and prozac are related, and paxil didn't work, I'm hoping prozac will. Is anyone doing the same thing? How does prozac compare, and is there a message board for it? After reading these posts, reeling from 3 months of inadequate dosage (insurance ran out), I decided that this drug is just too dangerous for me. The whole "revving up" process seems to indicate how powerful and foreign this thing is for the human body. Oh well. I hope this prozac works. Please let me know if you had/are having positive experiences with prozac.


Re: Alcohol???

Posted by jb07 on February 5, 2003, at 18:58:04

In reply to Re: Alcohol???, posted by astrowill on February 5, 2003, at 1:32:48

I hear you.....alcohol has become an escape from the everyday numbness I fell on effexor. Inside I feel empty. I look forward to end of the day and having a few drinks. I take my pill @ night prior to bed....does any one think changing my dose to the morning might help in changing things up???

Help... this crazy cycle has to stop!!


Re: Alcohol???

Posted by Tina P on February 5, 2003, at 19:34:55

In reply to Re: Alcohol???, posted by jb07 on February 5, 2003, at 18:58:04

Hey,jb07, my doc told me that alcohol basically enhances the effect of the drug, so it's likely that you just need a larger dose. And of course, no alcohol. Good luck.


Re: Alcohol???

Posted by jb07 on February 5, 2003, at 19:39:02

In reply to Re: Alcohol???, posted by Tina P on February 5, 2003, at 19:34:55

Thank you tina, that makes total sense!! What about taking my pill early morning instead of bedtime???

I am so confused about this!!!


Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR?

Posted by Thorn on February 5, 2003, at 21:16:29

In reply to Re: Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by Cindy W on April 11, 2000, at 21:36:26

I was on serzone for @ 2 years before I saw a comercial on t.v relating the information including a class a law suit involving serzone.. my doctore put me on effexor @ ayear ago and I find it to be beneficial, I am still depressed but what do you expect a miracle? Effexor helps me get through the day providing a little gumption so to speak.. I have some initiative now and am much more productive,functioning with less emotional instability. I feel it is important to comment on the withdrawl affect of any and all seretonin level inhibitors-look out because it is not easy I gradually lowered my dose to 75 mg twice a week and just when I thought I could do it.. 3 days into it I was manic. Good Luck to all and remember You gotta do what you gotta do tomake it through.


Re: effexor withdrawal/prozac

Posted by DSA on February 5, 2003, at 22:39:05

In reply to effexor withdrawal/prozac, posted by anais on February 5, 2003, at 17:34:13

> <edit> The whole "revving up" process seems to indicate how powerful and foreign this thing is for the human body. Oh well. I hope this prozac works. Please let me know if you had/are having positive experiences with prozac. <

I'm traveling the opposite direction, going from Prozac 40MG to Effexor 150MG. I think you're right, Effexor seems to be a different beast, certainly different from what I've experienced before. Time will tell.
In response to your query, I wanted to say that, while it lasted, Prozac was a miracle worker for me. It was effective in my case for about two years, the best two of my life. Unfortunately, it or I seemed to lose the thread after two years, and I haven't found a suitable replacement since. I was drawn to Effexor based largely on their online advertising, which seemed to describe exactly what I'd experienced with Prozac (offering Effexor as a replacement, of course).
If Prozac is going to work for you, my wish is that you know it soon. (I'd say that you WILL know it very soon, but I've been amazed at the diverse reactions expressed on this site, and I've become reluctant to assert my own reactions other than as anecdotes -- I realize now that no one is affected in quite the same manner by these meds. So, the anecdote: I knew within hours of my first dose that Prozac held greater promise for my condition than anything I'd experienced before. It still took weeks to become fully effective, but the promise saw me through.)
I hope you meet success. I would simply caution that, if it works, you should still prepare for another transition in the indeterminate future. Best wishes.


a dangerous, dangerous drug

Posted by anais on February 6, 2003, at 0:19:36

In reply to Anyone had success on Effexor XR? , posted by jp on October 24, 1999, at 14:59:14

I'm in the midst of withdrawal and it is so horrid. I don't know what to do. I can't live this way. I switched over to prozac (today was day 1) and...nothing. All I can feel is flu, headaches, dark moods. Once in college I made the mistake of partying all night, doing many lines of speed, mixed with 1/2 bottle of vodka (I am a 120lb girl); I compare that detox to the one I am undergoing now. Except this is lasting longer...


Re: withdrawal duration

Posted by John Doe on February 6, 2003, at 1:48:17

In reply to Re: withdrawal, posted by khead on February 4, 2003, at 9:21:16

I am now going on my 2nd day without Effexor XR. I had been on 75 mg, then I went to 37.5 for a week and as soon as I dropped my dosage I began experiencing all of the horrible withdrawal effects that have been posted. How long have the withdrawal effects lasted for most people before they finally go away? I am considering going back on the drug just to mitigate the withdrawal.


Re: Alcohol???

Posted by astrowill on February 6, 2003, at 5:12:47

In reply to Re: Alcohol???, posted by jb07 on February 5, 2003, at 19:39:02

I used to take 150mg and then I switched to 75mg twice a day. Ask your doc.


Re: Alcohol???

Posted by Tina P on February 6, 2003, at 8:46:20

In reply to Re: Alcohol???, posted by Tina P on February 5, 2003, at 19:34:55

Well, to be honest, I just recently switched to Effexor XL from Paxil, so my knowledge about the drug is still somewhat limited. I'm not too sure about how the dosage affects people according to the time of day it is taken. However, you may have something there. I'd ask my doctor if I were you. It just may help you a great deal!


Re: effexor withdrawal/prozac

Posted by Tina P on February 6, 2003, at 8:50:59

In reply to Re: effexor withdrawal/prozac, posted by DSA on February 5, 2003, at 22:39:05

Just keep in mind we are all on these drugs for depression when you consider the nature of our comments!


Re: getting a little worried here.... » tlang

Posted by kimm on February 6, 2003, at 23:49:08

In reply to getting a little worried here...., posted by tlang on January 29, 2003, at 22:58:53

> I truly hope the messages posted here only a small percentage of the people on Effexor. I start my first dose tomorrow and am almost terrified before I even take it.
not everyone has bad effects on this. I loved it, but it made me feel sleepy all day and sweat a lot. I switched to wellbutrin and am doing well. did your dr. start you out on a small dose? have you taken it yet? i felt that it helped turn off the noise. is this the first drug your trying? sometimes you have to try more than one to get the best results. just don't give up before you give it a chance.


Re: a dangerous, dangerous drug

Posted by DSA on February 7, 2003, at 0:18:19

In reply to a dangerous, dangerous drug, posted by anais on February 6, 2003, at 0:19:36

This may be meager help, but are you using augmentation therapies? (If you've already posted about this, my apologies.) The info passed on in the thread including is hopeful, specifically, the journal article at
Folate (methylfolate, aka folic acid) has shown some promise, at dosages over 500mcg/day, in conjunction with fluoxetine. Folic acid is readily available in most health food stores or supermarket health sections, and it's not too expensive. Men seem to be less responsive to this as an adjunct. However, folic acid is on the 'Suggested' augmentation list (as opposed to 'Clear', 'Anecdotal' or 'Disputed' lists).
SAMe (S-Adenosyl-Methionine) is generally available in the same locations as folic acid, but is much more expensive. It also has been tested in conjunction with fluoxetine (Prozac), although it is on the 'Anecdotal' rather than 'Suggested' list at this point.
Omega-3 fatty acids are mentioned, but no clear strategy is proposed. My personal inclination is to go with the supplements as, in this case particularly, there's little harm in trying. (You'd be hard pressed to 'overdo it'.) Omega-3 in the form of fish oil capsules can be found at reasonable prices if you shop around. Salmon and similar fish in the diet is also an option. 8^)
NADH (B-nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) has shown promise, but is expensive and isn't yet easy to find in some locations.
Please believe me, I'm not belittling your suffering. I remember very clearly what it was like for me, in my case with BuSpar. In the throes, it's difficult to do anything for yourself to mitigate the suffering. Hopefully you can find your way to the key elements you need to get on through to the other side.


Re: getting a little worried here....

Posted by supersleepy on February 7, 2003, at 8:24:52

In reply to getting a little worried here...., posted by tlang on January 29, 2003, at 22:58:53

Dear Pannette--I was put on Effexor while I was experiencing panic attacks and generalized anxiety, on top of a long history of mild to moderate depression. I knew NOTHING about the drug, but I was too quivery a mess to ask or demur. It has been amazingly helpful. I experienced some unpleasant side-effects at 37.5/day for about 4 or 5 days (but the panic symptoms subsided in about 48 hours!). These included serious dry mouth, profound sleepiness about 1/2 hour after dosing, a little dizziness. These were all gone completely in about a week, and did not come back when I ramped up to 75/day. That was about six months ago. I've stayed at the same dose, and have felt mostly fine. My friends and family think it's done me a world of good, and I know I have a much more positive outlook than I've had in years. Recently, the sleepiness has returned, but it is general throughout the day, and I've been having some weird-ass dreams. I knew nothing about the difficulties of going off the drug, until I started reading this message board. Still, I think it's been extremely worthwhile, and I can only hope that I won't have too much trouble when and if I decide to discontinue.

It's not for everyone, to be sure, but if it works for you, you'll really appreciate it.


Re: getting a little worried here....

Posted by Tina P on February 7, 2003, at 11:38:47

In reply to Re: getting a little worried here.... » tlang, posted by kimm on February 6, 2003, at 23:49:08

If it is any consolation, I've been on Paxil, and had great success but gained a lot of weight. Then I tried Welbutrin and the headaches and dizziness were unbearable. Within ten days I was vomiting! But the Effexor hasn't caused me any major problems. I just started a few weeks ago, and there is a mild dizziness that comes and goes, but it's certainly bearable. I'd trade it any day for the misery I was in before medication.


Re: getting a little worried here....

Posted by Lynnads on February 7, 2003, at 13:11:35

In reply to Re: getting a little worried here...., posted by Tina P on February 7, 2003, at 11:38:47

Effexor, from what I have experienced IS a great AD. I had tried many different AD's before this one, and they worked for a little bit, but then nothing. Within days of being on Effexor, I was feeling better mentally than I had for a long time. A few weeks ago, I decided to get off of Effexor and try one more thing before I committed to staying on Effexor. My doctor had me taper down off the drug and that is when the hell started.
Effexor is a wonderful drug but withdrawal from it isn't. I wouldn't advise people to be afraid of the actual drug, it does help a lot. It's the getting off of it they should be concerned about. Withdrawal effects can reeeeeeally be a doozy.


Effexor Withdrawal Highly Overrated

Posted by juanantoniod on February 8, 2003, at 22:11:31

In reply to Re: getting a little worried here.... (nm), posted by Tina P on February 8, 2003, at 15:24:42

I took Effexor for a while until it stopped working. Like a previous poster, I would accept the side effects for the benefit without question. Withdrawal occurs (mostly) when it is stopped abruptly. When ramped down slowly, there should be no problem.



Re: Effexor vs Prozac

Posted by keroppi on February 9, 2003, at 23:00:16

In reply to Re: Effexor vs Prozac » LynnPerley, posted by Mariec on January 23, 2003, at 14:27:53

> Thanks for the input. Prozac is just not working I am more aggitated now and more aggressive. Do not want anyone around or to touch me! My friend is on Effexor and said I should try it.

Hmmm...interesting how all these ADs affect everybody so differently. I've been on effexor for 3 months (worked up to 225 mg) and I've decided to go off because right away I had really bad constipation and I've had it everyday for 3 months now. I also had heart palpitations and an irregular heartbeat. So I'm going to go back on Prozac, which worked amazingly for my anxiety. It was the best I'd ever felt. I felt pretty good on paxil too, but it also gave me constipation and it wasn't as effective as prozac for me.


Re: Effexor vs Prozac/constipation

Posted by supersleepy on February 10, 2003, at 8:03:47

In reply to Re: Effexor vs Prozac, posted by keroppi on February 9, 2003, at 23:00:16

Re: Keroppi's post about constipation on Effexor--I, too, was plagued by this problem for about three months. I dealth with it the best I could with lots of prunes and other high fiber delights. But, here I am at about the 7 month mark, and those symptoms have subsided, without any particular diet. I'm finding that as my body is exposed to this drug over time, the side-effects do not remain constant. Terrible constipation for a few months, now not a problem. Pretty alert at first, and recently very sleepy. I also wonder how much I'm inclined to attribute every physical symptom to the drug--and I'm definitely more hyper-aware of what my body is up to. Anyway, don't assume that constipation--or any other symptoms, for that matter--is a permanent side-effect of the drug.

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